Meltdown Festival

(* London Contempary Orchestra)

London, United Kingdom

Jun 16, 2023

Set 1

Ekki múkk
Von (live)

Set 2

Untitled #1 – Vaka
Untitled #3 – Samskeyti
All alright
Untitled #5 – Álafoss
Sé lest


28 Comments on “Meltdown Festival”

  • Neil


    Nights like this can only be improved by meeting good people, that happened, all is well.

  • Graham Wain


    Absolutely stunning ❤️

  • Jules


    Mind blowing show, I can’t even imagine the amount of work/rehearsal involved for creating something so amazing. Sigur Ros on symphonic steroids!!
    Great to hear new tracks as well, it’s been so long.
    And I finally got to see Starálfur live, I can die happy now.
    Thank you for one of the best gig I’ve ever attended / best music I’ve ever heard

  • Livi Rojas


    They’re out of this world, the music they’ve created transform everything into beauty. Will always be my favourite music band, amazing and most beautiful music.

  • Elaine


    So touching almost cried
    Brings a glimpse of hope when the lights sparkle
    Thank you sigur ros

  • Dave


    I have to be honest, I had a bad experience. I left during the intermezzo and didn’t return because I couldn’t enjoy the show. I tried so hard to leave myself open to the possibility of enjoying it, but I couldn’t.
    I’m so sad to say this about one of my favourite bands, especially having been to their amazing gigs a number of times previously.
    The layout of the stage was just wrong. I was sitting in the second row (B34-35) and could not see a single thing, because Sigur Ros were completely covered by the orchestra. Putting the orchestra behind Sigur Ros on stage would have helped a lot. As it stands, I could not see the show at all and none of the magic of the music before me could reach me at all. I didn’t feel a single thing, which is so gutting. They played my favourite song too, Dauðalogn — never seen it live before, and such a disappointment to have it so close and yet so out of view and reach. Jónsi also made a few mistakes singing, which made his performance feel unfocused too. I think if I’d been able to view the show, I’d have enjoyed it so much more and my experience wouldn’t have been negative. I think the people around the whole area where I was couldn’t see anything either, given the location and angle of view. For me, Kjartan was out of view, George’s face could be seen twice only, and Jónsi was always covered by a violinist from where I was sitting, so I didn’t get to see him. When you plan a show like this and sell tickets for all seats , you must ensure your show is well-visible from all seats, full stop. This did not happen, which is down to poor planning and organisation, and it really ruined my experience completely. I never thought I’d make such comments about a Sigur Ros gig. Such a shame!

  • Matt


    An hour before going in I found out my sister had given birth to a beautiful boy. Feeling the music wash over me in such an incredible venue, mixed with the emotions of my new nephew, tears came to eyes. What a show. What a band. See you at the Wasing Estate.

  • Alex


    Mind blowing

  • Georgia


    A breath-takingly beautiful orchestral performance by Sigur Rós with the London Contemporary Orchestra at the Southbank Centre MeltdownFestival, on the day of the release of their new album ‘Átta’. They happened to play all my favourites and it was the best performance over seen by them yet! It was perfect

  • Barry


    Just wonderful from beginning to end. Hearing Avalon, Von, Ekki Mukk amongst the new material was just incredible. A night I will not forget

  • Aidan1306


    Dave, so sorry to read this. My son and I were sat next to you and we wondered why you left at the interval. It’s such a shame because you missed a fantastic second half including two songs from the new album – Skel is an instant swirling classic. I was also delighted the band played Dauologn as I was one of those who had requested it on the Heimr Community. We’ve been to see the band several times including standing in front of Jonsi at the Fly by Nite fan rehearsal, so when we realised that our views were restricted last night, we just embraced the fact that it was going to be different. We loved watching the orchestra strings getting into it. My son reckons he saw a male cellist crying during Staralfur. I don’t know what you were expecting with an orchestra – it couldn’t have been Brennisteinn or Popplagio booming out, could it? Personally I found the experience music wise great. Incidentally I was able to see Jonsi and Georg (not always Georg though), but no Kjartan. I may have to book tickets for Wasing now to see him again!

  • Luisa


    Mesmerising, captivating & absolutely ethereal.
    You don’t go to see Sigur Ros, you go to experience them. I always leave feeling grounded and like my soul has been cleansed.

    Takk, Sigur Ros!

  • Mark Lo


    Sublime and heartbreaking music at its best.
    The orchestra were superb and the setting and production design provided a wonderful setting for their music.
    At the tender age of 60 I’ve seen a lot of concerts. This will go down as one of my all time favourites.
    Thank you.

  • James


    Sorry to throw in a negative when so many have been positive, but I was rather disappointed with last night’s show.

    I’ve twice before seen Sigur Ros play and, both times, it was utterly beguiling. There’s something amazing about watching a rock band play with the sensibilities and discipline of a classical orchestra. Among many things, their control of dynamics and meter serve to bring out the wonderful overtones in their sound – always beautiful, often sublime, sometimes transcendent. Unfortuntately, there’s hardly anything interesting about listening to a classial orchestra play with the sensibilities of a rock band (see Aurora Orchestra for an extraordinary exception to this rule). Last night, I’m afraid all I heard was what might have been a band I like being drowned out by an orchestra on autopilot, with limited dynamic and flat rhythm. And all of the band’s seductive harmonies swamped by plodding strings.

    It started promisingly enough but, for me, it had all got rather ‘samey’ by the end of the first half and, if anything, the more ‘upbeat’ second half had even less energy. I have to agree with another commentator on here that the staging didn’t help much with the band being as lost visually as they were aurally. Even so, I was looking forward to seeing how the orchestrata would add to the thrilling crescendo of Popplagið. I doubt I’m the only one who was disappointed that this tradition was omitted.

    I’m glad I’m in the minority here – most of the crowd seemed to enjoy it. And, it has to be said, it’s one of the politest and most respectful audiences I’ve been among at the RFH. Of course, I’d still go and see them again but I might wait until they’re playing as a band.

  • Simon


    What can I say, incredible. This was my 12th Sigur Rós concert overall, and now my favourite. Von is my favourite piece of music ever, and to hear it live was literally the stuff of dreams, I hope they do more of this kind of thing in the future. Thank you Jónsi, Georg, Kjartan, and all in the orchestra

  • Fabian Yeo


    This was my 4th time seeing them live. Each time has been completely different. I’ve seen them with a string quartet and also with just the main band members playing a raw stripped back heavier set. This was another fantastic experience of their music in a different format.
    Hearing Starálfur, Untitled #1, Untitled #3 and Hoppípolla with a full orchestra including the brass section was just wonderful. Magical.

  • Lisa


    I saw the band in November in Glasgow, it was perfection, last night was a different experience but equally wonderful, it was nice to listen to a different set and the orchestra added a different dimension loved the new songs.

  • Natalie


    It was my 6th show of Sigur Rós. Each concert had a different playlist, different venue, yesterday I had seating place for the first time quite far from the stage, usually I was standing in first rows.
    The sound was just perfect, it couldn’t be better. Magical atmosphere, beautiful arrangements, unexpected compositions in the setlist. Big gratitude

  • Abigail India


    The only negative thing I can say about the show was that my partner didn’t propose during Ekki Mukk.

    Absolutely breathtaking. I haven’t seen so many people crying in a room since group therapy.

  • Basil


    Dedicated fan, loved their new album, seen them in an amazing show before, I am about to see them in Athens in a magical open theater below the Parthenon. But looking at the setlist I am kind of worried that it is going to be a little “flat”. Maybe they should include 2-3 more dynamic songs enveloped with the orchestral touch in their setlist, to break the monotony. Hopefully they’ll prove me wrong. Otherwise it will be magical…

  • Thomas


    A show I can tick off my bucket list

    Incredibly beautiful night. I never thought I’d get chance to hear songs like Dauðalogn or Varðeldur live, or the full, glorious orchestral version of Samskeytí. Songs that have been a great source of comfort and peace to me over the years when I needed them.

    I’ve been lucky enough to see SR perform a few times before but not like this. That amazing venue, the stunning set up, the talent of the orchestra and that pure, blissful sound. To suggest it was an emotional 2 hours for me would be an understatement. Thank you Sigur Rós

  • My fourth sigur ros experience, and wow, where to begin?

    I knew I had to attend this gig, after seeing them in Brixton November last year for the 3rd time, I knew this orchestral experience would be a night to remember and was it ever? I had no idea what I was going to be wearing, I ended up wearing my nighty and dressing gown, tied round my waist, it is on trend to wear satin slips in public these days, I just went one better thats all! And no one cared, in fact I got compliments several times from all genders, anyways enough about me, let’s talk about the gig!

    I arrived fairly early, hotel was round the corner, good old premier inn! The staff at the Southbank Centre venue are AMAZING!!! So lovely, so sweet, very helpful and patient, and the venue itself is more than adequate I feel. I was sat in row KK, had a great view, and it sounded absolutely stunning where I was sat, could hear everything.

    I never expected to hear Von live, so hearing those strings heralding Vons gorgeous intro, I let out such a loud gasp of pure joy and astonishment, I am sure half the auditorium heard me, but wow, Von??? Thank you very much! And hearing Andvari yet again after hearing it in Brixton, well, I had tears streaming down my face during von and pretty much through Andvari too, as well as Ekki Mukk, Samskeyti and Atta (8, possibly my fav song on the album), but Skel and Ylur are already instant favourites now, certainly after the performance we were treated to!

    All Alright was also performed, and I cannot even recall that happening so… wtf??? how did I miss that? I will admit, it’s not my fav song of theirs, in fact it’s close to the bottom of the list, but I honestly cannot recall any of this song!

    However, the other songs, all set in my memory, just like Brixton was and still is, in fact this night trumps all the others, yes I am a sucker for an orchestra, and Sigur Ros’s music is perfectly suited to strings and horns and everything else a real orchestra has, so I was in my element all night long. 10pm soon arrived though, in fact it was over by 10pm, but what an incredible performance, in fact what an incredible two days I had in London by myself, such an adventure, but the gig, thats what it was all about, and it was so worth all the trouble I went through to get there in the first place!— ️‍Robyn Alexandra Starr️‍ (@FIibbertygibbet) June 16, 2023

  • Jonny Hewitt


    Only just realised there was a place to leave a review for the Meltdown performance, I thought up until two days before I’d missed out on a ticket and was resigned to that, then by chance I was looking just at the right time and got one of the returned tickets! Thankfully I’d booked travel to go to the listening party anyway. Jonsi’s reaction to the cheers from what was a totally silent respectful audience at the first few notes of Staraflur, hearing new songs that I’m waiting until the physical album is released to actually enjoy it at home, Sé Lest was pure magic…and for a performance not to end on Untitled 8 was a lovely twist. As for the very slight hiccups, everything was clearly organic, you’ve got the 41 piece orchestra and the band all performing totally live without a backing track, ‘mistakes’ are what makes it errrr real!

    Takk…to whoever originally had seat G7, trust me it was thoroughly appreciated

  • Jonny Hewitt


    Aidan1306, you say your son thought he saw a cellist crying, I didn’t see that moment but I did see the violinist on the right of the picture under your comment with her eyes closed, utterly taking in the vocals of Jonsi during a moment where she and the others around her had a break in the beautiful sound making

  • Brian


    The people complaining they couldn’t see the band, you know this band is all about the music? You’re not going to see Avatar or Harry Styles?!?!?

    You booked tickets as close to the stage as you thought that’s what its all about and to hear you left half way through, well you are proper mugs! What an amazing gig that made me freeze and nearly cry. One of if not the best gigs of my life

  • Freddie


    This was an evening of such haunting beauty. Without question, the most compelling evening I have spent this year. I would love it if the band were to release a video of this so I could relive the experience again.

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