i-days festival

Monza, Italy

Jul 9, 2016


89 Comments on “i-days festival”

  • Marco


    One of the greatest band in the world. A concert made of water, ice, fire and lava.

  • Maurizio e grazia


    …it Was incredible… words can’t explain… thanks

  • Greta


    Like nothing else in the universe.

  • Daniel Sul


    A really worth and somehow alien psychedelic life changing experience. Amazing guys, thank you so much.

  • effe


    words can’t explain what they actually do on that stage.
    wonderful and veeeery deep.

  • Alessandro Pacileo


    …the my third concert after Milano 2008 arena civica and Lucca 2013 piazza napoleone…they always special…

  • THEO


    Amazing concert….thank you for your performance

  • Simone


    It was an incredible and invaluable night! TAKK.

  • Igor


    Great show, sound and incredibile visuals. Probably just too much volume on the subwoofers (I was in Monza, about 50 meters from the stage, central) that contributed to masking other elements. Hope to see you again

  • Emma e Giuseppe


    Fantastic performance!!! Awesome music!!! We’ve really enjoyed!!! You’re great guys!!!!

  • Serena


    The new single is gorgeous, the stage is amazing and I love the setlist of this tour. I think you did better in Montreux, but maybe it was just that the acoustic was way better there. Kveikur was my favourite song in Monza, very powerful. I love you guys, come back soon!

  • Andrea Scortegagna


    Yesterday in Monza was amazing. I have traveled something like 6 hours and got to sleep at 6 am only to listen to your music, and it was goddamn worth it. I have been to huge gigs lately, (Radiohead, Muse..) but I had never experienced such a scenographic concert. You have proven to me that it is not necessary the energy and the adrenaline that other bands have when you’ve so much to offer in intensity and emotions. For your music and what you are, thank you very much, Sigur Rós.

  • Roberta


    È difficile descrivere le emozioni che si provano durante i vostri concerti, è pura magia. Magia formata da un mix di musica,luci e scenografie. Quando vi guardo e vi ascolto il tempo sembra fermarsi. Siete meravigliosi e spero di rivedervi presto. Takk ?

  • Giulka


    I spent 70% of the concert layed down on the grass with the eyes closed and i did the best travel ever. I’m still think why all the other people did not do it.

  • Giulia


    I spent 50% of the concert layed down on the grass with the eyes closed and i did the best travel ever. I’m still think why all the other people did not do it.

  • Arnaud Varin


    It was my fifth Sigur Ros concert. The 3 boys were very good as usual but I really missed guitars (Kjartan?). Does the band plans to replace Kjartan in a near future? If not, I’m not sure I’ll attend another concert soon.

  • Rossana


    Like a dream, every time i see you *.*

  • Francesco e virginia


    Concerto meravoglioso, è sempre un piacere sentirvi dal vivo.
    E poi… Che scaletta fantastica!!!! una magia dal primo all’ultimo pezzo.

  • Francesco


    Nonostante la location non certo adatta per un concerto dei Sigur Ros (secondo me servirebbe un luogo più raccolto per questo tipo di musica) e nonostante il caldo, la band islandese riesce a portare il pubblico in una dimensione fatata, facendoci immergere in un suono delicato e quasi sospeso nel tempo. Ottima la resa sonora, la scaletta ben bilanciata e ugualmente divisa tra nuove composizioni e vecchi classici, la band sembra divertirsi e da il meglio di sé.
    Non un concerto ma una vera e propria “esperienza” in una dimensione parallela.
    La speranza è poter vedere di nuovo i Sigur Ros in una location molto più adatta a loro.

  • Chiara


    Every time it’s amazing guys! Thank You so much!

  • Silvia



  • Carol


    Sigur Rós’ music it’s not like any other kind of music, it’s deep, touching and enthralling. Listen to them yesterday was a unique experience, beyond words, because that is their music: beyond words beyond life itself. Hope to see you again

  • Beppe


    che comunque che è stato colorato.la musica.che fai i suono con la chitarra che cè bello.bravo.mi piace.

  • Carol


    Sigur Rós’ music it’s not like any other kind of music, it’s deep, touching and enthralling. Listen to them yesterday was a unique experience, beyond words, because that is their music: beyond words and beyond life itself. Hope to see you again

  • marco


    outstanding visuals, great passion and playing! jons’s voice out of this world

  • laura


    A dreamy night with you guys. Awesome feelings and good vibrations. I Was There, but your sound brought me everywhere I want. A very special concert.

  • Eleonora


    An amazing concert that filled me with rapture and awe. Your music is so fascinating and elemental. I also loved the lights and colours you used on stage, mesmerising!

  • Giovanni


    Your live music is pure magic. You’re pure magic.

  • Natalia Maria Gonzalez Lujan


    I was really impressed of your presentation and performance.
    I felt so many emotions that I can’t express in words.
    It was an amazing visual and senatorial experience.
    You guys are and will be my favorite music group and will do anything for you as fan.
    Thank you for give us such a fabulous, magic and unique experience.
    I hope I can see you again, and hope it will be front row.
    I love you Sigur Ros.

  • Francesco


    Firenze, 11 o 12 anni fa. Parigi, 10 anni fa. Monza, ieri.
    La prima volta ero con un amico, Luca, ma, accanto a noi, a un certo punto è arrivato Lucio Dalla. Ieri ero con mio figlio.
    Il tempo passa, le persone crescono, muoiono e nascono. La meraviglia e lo stupore restano. Ieri sera è stato bellissimo, meraviglioso, come sempre. Come quando mi hanno prestato il cd di Agaetis Byrjun e, per la prima volta, mi avete raccontato un mondo. Il vostro mondo, che è diventato anche il mio di mondo. Un mondo fatto di silenzi, di litanie, di picchi di foga, di quiete come nel grembo materno. Di natura che ci avvolge senza sopraffarci.
    Ieri come 11 o 12 anni fa, grazie Jónsi, Georg, Orri (e grazie anche Kjartan)

  • Linda


    Semplicemente incantevole.

  • Lorenzo


    Bella scenografia, anche se per me inferiore rispetto ad altre vostre. La musica era ben suonata e cantata molto bene ma era eccessivamente scarna rispetto al solito, probabilmente a causa del fatto che c’erano solamente i tre membri senza il supporto di alcun session man. I brani mi sono sembrati più ripetitivi e mrno distinguibili gli uni dagli altri. Gli innesti elettronici non li ho trovati riusciti , soprattutto nei pezzi vecchi. Complessivamente sono rimasto un po’ deluso.

  • martina


    Takk, Sigur Rós! Siete una parte fondamentale della mia vita e vedervi, sentirvi per la prima volta live è stato il coronamento di un sogno. Vi devo tutto, grazie per le emozioni che mi fate provare, per le lacrime, per tutte le volte che mi avete aiutata a superare degli ostacoli. Infinitamente takk.

  • Leg


    Questo è stato il mio settimo concerto dei Sigur Ros, ed è la prima volta che me ne vado prima della fine del concerto.
    Quando ho letto che sarebbero stati solo in 3 sul palco, pensavo ad una versione minimale delle loro canzoni, invece il tentativo di rifarle quasi come in passato con l’uso di molte basi, ha tolto tutta la poesia, il pathos, le emozioni che sapevano suscitare.
    Pessima scelta.

  • ambra


    Sigur io vi adoro!vi prego venite a suonare anche nel centro Italia,magari al Lucca summer festival cosi posso venire a vedervi anche io!please please please please please???????

  • Gabriele


    Mi piacerebbe saper scrivere una recensione che renda a parole il piacevole peso dell’emozione che ho provato ieri sera, ma purtroppo non ci riesco.
    Mi fermo a ringraziarvi e ad abbracciarvi uno per uno.

  • Lorenzo


    Takk. Immensi.

  • Alessandra


    Very deep and intense concert and amazing light show and live performance. Maybe adding to the setlist a couple of songs with a faster rhythm would make it even more enjoyable.

  • Bruno


    Ciao ragazzi fi sequo da 15 anni ho tutti i vostri cd e vi ho visto 4 volte dal vivo. Sinceramente penso che dopo Valrari siate vistosamente peggiorati ma vi amo per le emozioni che mi avete dato takk

  • Massimo Corradi


    The choice to be only three without the Amina and the brass offers a show different from the others that I appreciated a lot, because the abilities of Jonsi, Georg and Orri are more expressed supported by the extraordinary images. The only regret is that with this setting I miss more Kjartan…The sign “Takk” on the big screen represented a very good ending.

  • Alessandro Capecchi


    Mai visto niente del genere. Siete immensi. Non una caduta di tono, non un momento in cui l’emozione viene meno. Vedervi è stata un’esperienza meravigliosa e complessa da descrivere a parole. Capacità di creare l’atmosfera fuori dal comune. Scaletta perfetta e scenografia da occhi aperti.

  • Pietro


    A truly great concert. Very emotional. Festival was fantastic. I cried when you played Vaka.

  • Gianluca


    Concerto fantastico, tutti e tre bravissimi, hanno reinterpretato (se questo è il termine corretto) le loro canzoni per creare uno spettacolo incredibile di suoni, colori e immagini.



    Location fantastica! Palco ed effetti video pazzeschi! Il nostro primo concerto dei sigur ros! La cosa bella è che per coinvolgerti completamente basta la loro musica, nient’altro! Alla prossima sigur rós!

  • Brenno


    Fantastic, sinply fantastic. I hope to see you again in Italy.

  • Michel David Bovo


    Takk Sigur Ros! Siete entrati nella mia vita con “Glosoli” e mi avete riempito il cuore con “Untitled 1” e con tutto il disco “( )”…. col film “Heima” mi avete fatto innamorare dell’Islanda… la vostra musica mi emoziona sempre, e i vostri concerti mi emozionano ancora di più! Ieri sera è stato bellissimo!!!! Grazie di tutto questo!!!! Grazie della vostra musica!!!

  • Giuseppe Di Francesco


    Prima volta per me! Esperienza davvero emozionante, Takk!!
    Spero di rivedervi presto, e magari con l’orchestra come ai vecchi tempi! Questo non vuol dire, comunque, che non ho apprezzato la formazione a tre: un’esperienza ugualmente fantastica, e anche le visual molto azzeccate! Bravi!

  • Luciana



  • Denise


    First time for me, it was great!!! Takk!

  • Miriam


    You are always amazing. I love you but I think your music is better in another kind of place. A Theatre or a forum. I hope you’ll come back sono in Italy. Takk

  • Gianluca


    It is a fantastica performance, esperienze, magic. It’s a journey with all the senses, it’s not a dream it’s ” reverie”..

  • Marta


    Beautiful experience..takk ??

  • Marta


    Beautiful experience..takk (heart)

  • Federico


    Thanks for allowing me to experience heart warming and moving moments with my most important person in the world. Incredible performance.

  • Valentina


    Si spengono le luci.
    Le immagini proiettate sono sogni distorti, nuvole in fuga e schiuma di birra, e i Sigur Rós sono diafani incantatori d’anime.

    La platea tutta tace, sospesa.

    So già che le parole non basteranno a raccontare ciò che sento, che dovrò inventarne di nuove.
    Scriverò le mie emozioni in volenska?

    Lo spazio è una grotta.
    È il fondo del mare.
    È un rubino visto da dentro.

    Voliamo nella colonna d’acqua.
    Il tempo si dilata e si contrae, il tempo non è più.
    La mente abdica e il cuore dilaga in spazi di solito preclusi.

    Il palco è un bosco fitto di lucciole, e un muro di suoni ci investe senza pietà: eco tribali, la chitarra suonata con l’archetto, la voce d’argento e di diamante di Jonsi.
    Nel cuore un buco e il vento che ci soffia attraverso.
    Le pupille si allagano.
    Il brivido è corale.
    Nessuno fiata. Nessuno è qui.

    Poco prima del finale torniamo a terra e riprendiamo fiato.
    Ma come scogli a pelo d’acqua, subito una nuova onda ci sommerge: inizia Popplagið e, con tre note e un gesto, i Sigur Rós riacchiappano i fili di noi poveri burattini.
    È un crescendo estatico, dondoliamo avanti e indietro come matti, come in trance, e quando il tripudio di suoni raggiunge l’apice e ci abbandona, restiamo tutti sgomenti, senza fili e senza forza.

    Sedotti e abbandonati.

    Tornate presto, l’astinenza è già pesante.

  • Chiara


    Mesmerized. my soulmate and I, in that space called Neverwhere, where your music reverberates in every breath, every thought, every heartbeat. Grazie

  • Giulia


    I’ve spent 5 years waiting for you. Finally I can say “I WAS THERE”. It was totally mesmerizing, stunning, awesome, mystic. I felt like I was out of time and space, but also You made me feel like I was the tiniest creature in this world.
    Thank you.

  • Lorenzo


    Grazie a voi esseri straordinari; grazie per far vibrare nelle persone quelle intime corde che difficilmente vengono toccate. Vi abbraccio, forte.

  • Miriam


    Your show was one of the best experience in my life, you gave me chills and it was pure magic, from first to last second.
    I hope you will come back to Italy, takk ?

  • AndRea


    It was my fifth time since 2012 and despite bass sound problems, E-bow made me cry again!
    takk and… ciao!

  • Serena


    When I saw “takk” on the screen at the end of the best thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life, I thought that the one who should’ve said THANKS was me to YOU. This was my first time and I can’t stop thinking about yesterday, it’s like your music has took a part of me forever! And even if I try to describe how it felt, I recognize that probably words are not enough. The fact I like the most about your music is that penetrates and touches you in the soul, like an universal voice of existence, felt as old as life itself. I felt and I feel invincible, fragile, infinite, empathic, desperate, all my body and soul converged into spirit, made me feel ETERNAL. This music is poetry, is real art! Thank you so, so, so, so, so much because “In this lake of souls, I lose all fear”. I’m gonna cry again over this melancholy feelings that replaced all the emotions after the end. I love you, from the bottom of my soul!

  • Leonardo


    that’s the only thing i have to say

  • Roberta


    I really loved you, the songs u played and the way i plaied. But i didn t like the audio during the concert. Unfortunately we weren t able to listen to 3 or 4 songs because of acustic problems especially when the bass was played.

    Love you Roberta

  • Rossella


    Come back soon,Italy already misses you

  • ALEX


    800 Km round-trip effort but I’m re-energized
    TAKK my favourite group

  • Matteo


    Incredible sound experience.
    I think that listen a live in you origin land could be one of the most amazing experience in someone’s life and actually it’s one of my wildest dreams.
    Come back soon as you can. Takk

  • Se


    È la quarta volta che vi vedo, un consiglio: rimettete un tastierista e gli archi. In 3 perdete troppo a livello di suono.

  • Paolo


    it was my fourth time in 7 years and.. well, I don’t know, it is the first time that I feel a little disappointed. I had the feeling that you have memorized this setlist (you have recorded enough albums to change setlists during the tour) and you have played it not by heart. It’s only my (and my friends) feeling. But I feel that something is missing from the magic atmosphere of previous shows. It was like you were colder than ever (even for Icelanders). At least, I finally lived Ny Batteri and it was a gem, along with Hafsol.

  • Andrea cicchetti


    I’ve been waiting this very moment nearly 3 years and yesterday has been something magic that noone could possibly imagine…such a relief was to see you all up there literally couple of meters far from me instead of being into an i pod going to sleep. Such a relief was to finally cry and smile and I couldn’t feel a part of my body not even my nose at some point. You guys are magic, your music is magic, you guys are a part of a connection that I won’t be able to destroy in this life. Said so thanks , this is it see you in Iceland hopefully as soon as possible. Takk

  • Vittorio


    “We are simply gonna change music forever, and the way people think about music. And don’t think we can’t do it, we will.” You did it. You’re just the best thing ever happened to this planet, and you have proved that infinite times, just like you did in Monza two days ago: stunning music, stunning visuals, stunning experience as always. Takk for everything.

  • pierluca


    You were only three and you did a powerful gig. Love you guys, come back soon

  • Mr.Pino


    Sigur Ros…Mi perdo negli spazi oscuri della mia anima, dove la luce sembra non essere mai esistita. Da lì non puoi tornare, li sei solo davanti a te stesso e solo tu potrai giudicarti.Il tempo non scorre e il respiro non è percepito.
    La corazza di ghiaccio resiste ma dentro il fuoco brucia, ad ogni nota ancora di più..
    Grazie Sigur Ros

  • Elisa


    I try to write in english, sorry for Any errors..i was in Monza last night for see your show..I never listen your music, but i think you have a new fan right now. It one of the best concert see in my life, all of the people around me were kidnapped by the sound of your wonderful music and this is important … My mind was brought to another planet..its incredible. Thank you for everything..thank you for the incredible experience..a presto!!!

  • @emmedimarco


    Love you. Forever and ever. From the First concert in Rolling Stone everybody sit down. Now everybody is in love. Buy i know you will not loose your crazy dreaming sensation. My little alien will grow up with you. Miss Hoppipolla. See you news time. Ciao. #idays

  • Laura


    It was my fourth time with you, but (I hate it to say) this time I didn’t connect with you at all…maybe it was the awful location, maybe the absence of the strings, maybe the smell of sausages that annoyed me all along, maybe some acustic problem, or maybe I was just missing my newborn daughter…it felt to me like you were there to do your duty, of course a very good duty, but not the sort of metaphysical experience I felt in Lucca or Verona. If I have to have you playing at my wedding, I want you at you best :)

  • Andrew `Yarwood` Hall


    What a special evening and so great to hear the new songs and see the new stage. My first time was at Jodrell Bank and Monza more than measured up. So great, happy, happy, happy. Many thanks for a wonderful birthday concert, 42 now, a child still, with good friends and excellent music. Grazie.

  • Marco


    It was truly one of the most mesmerising and heartfelt concerts I have ever been to. Takk you so much for the passion and the soul-touching music you give us everytime. On a more Technical level, i think that Your music requires one or two more People to play, that should enough to improve texture and richness of harmonies. Anyway, thanl you so much. Hope to see you soon in Italy!



    That was a real great show. Very professional, very tight sound, very intent, no dull moments. The drumming at his best, the voice a never ending mermaid chant, the light show amazing. 3 messengers of northern emotions: the ice meets the fire! Love you guys!

  • Lorenza


    I’ve spent an amazing night with you, your music is like an hypnotic moment; all the people were looking and listening your voice, your melody and forgot the rest of the life.

  • nicola


    Boooom, Blubb, Bonk, Drin, Flash, Flam, Grrrr, Gasp!, Hawn, K-blang, Mmmmm, Ooooh, Ought, Pooom, Urc, Ulp!, Voooum, Wooouumh, Wuaaaah, Yip yippee, Yuuu!, Zummm… Che spettacolo!

  • Diary


    Siete terapeutici…la vostra musica allevia le mie sofferenze..
    Vorrei chiedervi un grande favore…la mia terra,la Puglia è stata colpita da un terribile incidente ferroviario ieri…27morti e 50 feriti gravi…
    Da noi il sole splende,le cicale friniscono, gli ulivi profumano ma la terra è sporca di sangue…il vento porta dolore…
    Potreste comporre una melodia che porti sollievo ai tanti feriti,ai parenti delle vittime e ai soccorritori che lavorano ininterrottamente da ieri?.grazie

  • Roby


    Il mio primo vostro live… suggestivi!
    Ascolto…chiudo gli occhi… e piacevolmente mi perdo…. immensi!

  • Athena


    — Let them fly, eagles are faster then light — let become the dark, nights reveal serene feelings — let be there, here, you are and will be always idyllic — UNIVERSAL LOVE / ONE TRIBE / UNIQUE HUMANITY —

  • Patrizia


    You are…. the music from the heart of the temple of the Universe ********* takk

  • giuliana


    Amazing what you can do with just 3 Instruments. However I have been missing the violins in Staralfur

  • KLO


    ONCE AGAIN TAKK Goggi, Jónsi and Orri!

  • Ellis


    i saw so many live shows in my life… but yours is kinda unique. from the first song till the last one the only thing I could do was just listen and be amazed by your music through my ears. thanks a lot for all…. i hope till the end to hear Illgresi, heysatan and others more introspective songs but i hope u will do it in the next time. Takk from Italy.

  • Claudio


    It was my 4th SR concert after Reykjavik (Klambratun) 2006, Verona 2012 and Ferrara in 2014, very different experience. Loved especially ný batterí, óveður better live as studio recording. Magic as usual despite problems with the audio (bass were awful). Look forward to seeing you again soon! Takk fyrir að koma!

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