Brixton Academy

London, United Kingdom

Mar 7, 2013


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photos by nigel d nudds photography


29 Comments on “Brixton Academy”

  • Nico


    Po Po Po Po Po Po Po ………….THANK YOU VERY MUCH

  • es


    amazing. thank you!

  • Jason


    7 March in Brixton. Epic, beautiful, soaring, heart-rending. Oh and that version of Fljótavík. Incredible. Festival was gorgeous. I sobbed. Many men did. The best lighting I’ve ever seen. New tracks are wonderful.

  • John


    Wolverhampton was wonderful, Brixton was beautiful.


    One more night to look forward to….

  • Kevino


    I have seen SR live many times but the current show is definitely the best yet. Amazing light show, crystal clear sound and the fantastic backing band (SR live without strings never really does it for me). Great setlist: Varud was beautiful, Festival a nice surprise and Popplagid as spectacular and stunning as ever. Finally, will I ever be able to hear Svefn-g-englar performed live without shedding a tear? Thanks again guys, here’s to the next time!

  • Adrian


    What a wonderful night…thanks to all the band! Fljotavik was truly incredible…and the lighting and whole production was just amazing…

    No wonder the band got such a huge ovation at the end, well deserved!!


  • Martin


    Simply sensational as ever. My 9th time. Loving the new material can’t wait for the album. Must say, Jonsi’s voice is better than ever! Still have his autograph from popstarz club circa 2001. Takk takk takk …

  • Johnnywarmtheseat


    Lucky Brixton, I would have loved to hear fljotavik and festival in Manchester. The sound is truly awesome

  • Jonathan


    Oh my! I have waited for years to see this band, my wife gave birth listening to () and now, finally, what a night! I was mesmerised and moved, transfixed by the visuals and that sound. Oh yes, what a truly magnificent noise those guys make!

    Too many highlights for me, that will stay with me forever.

    Thank you!

  • Dean.


    This was the second time I’ve time seeing this amazing band live, nothing else comes close….

    takk fyrir!

  • Viktorija


    You were my drug tonight… Absolute ecstasy.

  • N.


    Beautiful, cried when played E-bow and festival!

    Takk fyrir

  • craig


    Before the show I had no idea which way it could go. I was thinking it was going to be mainly songs from Valtari.
    But it was a fanastic mix of everything and I can die a happy man knowing I have seen such an inspiring performance.

    No matter what music genre you prefer, you HAVE to experience a Sigur Ros show.

    I captured a video of ‘Í Gær’. Very very heavy.


  • Jim





  • Lullabelle



    Takk xx

  • arran


    a beautiful show, the visuals and music were absolutely breath-taking.

    The performance left me inspired and in awe.

    Thank you,

  • Leanna & David


    I cannot put into words the importance this music has in our lives. We fell in love to it, walked down the aisle to Glosoli at our wedding, and played Hoppipolla as we christened our daughter in our church… are like, literally the soundtrack to our lives!

    This concert was one of the slickest yet and the light show we were blown away by. The people on the rocks with the lights visual was so ethereal and it made me think of the way that Sigur Ros has been a light shining to people, giving us their gift to share with eachother and help us all find our lights to shine…. I cried and it was joyful tears…It touched me in the place that my spirit dwells and both my husband and I were so energised yet relaxed. The beautiful thing about coming to a Sigur Ros is our shared history of enjoying these concerts together, i lose count at how many now but it must be nearing 10….all over the country, sometimes two successive nights!! It is one of our favourite things to do together and we relish it and Sigur Ros never disappoint….this concert was no exception and untitled 8 to finish was spiritual ecstasy….If that was your first Sigur Ros experience then i am almost jealous of you!!! What a first concert to be at…..Brixton is such a great venue and the music was so powerful – we were honoured and grateful to be a part of the evening. Thank you guys….we love you and pray for your many blessings. xxxxxx

  • Ilona


    It was an amazing night! Did not expected such a big influence of your music on me, especially as I am your ‘baby fan’ ;-) Still, ‘baby fan’ who is having tears in her eyes when watching your live performance. The first thought I had after your concert was: “Life is beautiful”…and I’m grateful to you for reminding me about it…again :-)

    Dziekuje :-)

  • Robbo


    you know you want something to last forever ,thank you for the best night of my life

  • Viviane


    It felt like you took my soul to the universe and back. Words fail me to tell you how grateful I am for your music.
    Seeing you live was way beyond my wildest hopes and expectations.
    Thank you so much, merci.

  • Nige


    3rd time seeing you and nothing else compares to a Sigur Ros concert – stunning every time and the sound and visuals absolutely perfect in every way

  • Viviane


    ps: please please please, what was your playlist?? :) takk!

  • Marc (Colmar - France)


    For viviane the 07 march playlist:

    Í Gær
    Með Blóðnasir
    Olsen Olsen


  • Jay


    A most joyous experience for a Sigur Roz Virgin. Now I can’t stop listening. Thank you

  • Neil (pie1862)


    @jay, I was the same about 6 years ago. I was aware of SR but that was all. Since being introduced to them I’ve get all the recordings I can lay my hands on and seldom go a day or more without listening to them.
    The 7th and 8th at Brixton go down as the best two gigs I’ve ever been to, and that’s quite a lot.

  • Glenski


    I would just like to say thank you for a very magical experience. I have always loved your music and this was the first time i have got to see you in concert. I know this may sound tacky, but i am currently recovering and in remission from a brain tumour. I always listened to your music when i was in pain or too unwell to be active. Sitting at your concert in the disabled access platform, your music was a soothing bath of noise that no chemo or radio-therapy could compare. Takk

    Glenski x

  • Betty


    Never dull, never empty, never awkward.
    How do they do this?
    Deep and beautiful
    Dark yet full of life

    A music for those who like contrasts.

    Brixton was magic, I wished it had gone on for days
    Watched Heima the day after as I felt homesick of a land I never went to.


  • Matt


    My wife and I flew over specifically for this gig and it was well worth it! Definitely one of my favourite SR shows that I’ve seen but to be honest they are so consistently amazing, have never been let down which is the ultimate compliment.

    Just a shame we have to wait until November to see them in Düsseldorf (unless we manage somewhere else before).

  • Matt G


    This was such a fantastic show, never have i been to see a great band play and experience so much emotion. I will never forget this. See you guys Soon.

    Takk! x

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