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photos by thomas jones photography
says:Was blown away by the quality of the sound, my ears are not bleeding! Especially loved Varud and Vaka, thought new material sounded great too, missed something from Endaulast I think but otherwise AWESOME, look forward to Jodrell Bank show :-)
Andrew Marshall
says:Totally blown away tonight. Seriously seriously good show. The first (and only) previous time I saw you live was Planet K in Manchester 13 years ago supporting Godspeed You Black Emperor! (who I also adore). That show was the best gig of my life. I think you may just have superceded that tonight! Phenomenal stage show, and true emotion. I had tears rolling down my face! Many thanks, and good look for the rest of the tour.
Andrew Marshall
says:That should have read good luck!
says:Fantastic concert. Highlight for me was Varud, and the new songs were excellent. Roll on Wolverhampton and Brixton. Takk.
says:Completely stunning. One of my favourite and most enjoyed musical experiences. Visuals were breathtaking & sound wonderful. It will stay with me for a long time to come.
says:I travelled over two hours each way from the wilds of Wales to see you- I would have travelled 10 times that.
It was SPECTACULAR in every sense of the word- a very emotional show.
There are some moments that will stay in your heart forever and that is one of them. Diolch (thank you).
says:Beautiful. Powerful. Orgasmic. Addictive. Thank you for this amazing experience.
says:you could just feel the complete awe in that room as you started to play, total silence, mesmerisation.. I am so in love with Sigur Ros… even more so today… Untitled 8 (Popplagið) is something i hoped for years one day i would hear live, 15 minutes of heaven, over so quickly, very hard to keep that emotion under control.. just beautiful, & will stay with me forever.. namaste
says:It’s been 7 years since I saw you live for the 1st time at the very same venue. Back then I thought ‘WOW’…what you guys did yesterday was beyond ‘WOW’ – it was beyond anything – it was completely out of this solar system! Booking tickets now to see you @ Jodrell Bank – can’t wait! Until then, enjoy the rest of the tour!
P.S. I absolutely loved the new material – very powerful!
says:Thank you for a truly epic emotional roller coaster of a night! I was totally hypnotised for the full two hours by the sounds and beauty of your music and taken away to exhilarating heights that I’ve never experienced before. Popplagio transformed into a musical volcano that erupted after 15 minutes of awe inspiring music and will stay with me forever. See you at Jodrell Bank! x
says:Any list of adjectives is insufficient to describe what happened at the Apollo last night, I hope it goes as well for everyone this evening. As close as I’m ever likely to witness music as art and ridiculously emotional. The crowd’s response said it all.
says:London you are in for a treat. Thank you for last night, tremendous.
says:A special band whose live show improves on studio work …if that’s possible , sound balance between power and quiet was beautiful fantastic show.
says:Beautiful. Thank you. Varud and Untitled 8 in particular reached even greater heights than I could possibly have imagined. Insane dynamic range, and beautiful visuals too. <3
says:Amazing show last night, loved the new songs and cant wait for the new album.
Roll on Brixton and the Eden project!
Stephen Kay
says:Me and my wife have been waiting years to snap up Sigur Ros tickets, and it was a joy to behold two hours of musical genius. It was an absolute privilege to hear Untitled 8, Saeglopur, and Hopipolla (which we had playing during our wedding ceremony) amongst others. Jonsi’s voice coupled with the best visual display I think I have seen at a gig made for an unforgettable experience. Who knew lightbulbs on poles could be synced to such great effect? :)
I feel blessed to have seen such a show and will be doing my utmost to see them again soon
says:The sound was clear, balanced and encompassing, even during moments of intense sonic overload. I haven’t left a concert with my hearing in tact since I was a child, so thank you. It wasn’t quiet, either!
The new stuff was surprisingly dark and, dare I say it, immediately accessible. I suspect I just witnessed the invention of prog-grunge.
Daniel Jackson
says:After over seven years I got to witness Sigur Ros live for the 1st time yesterday. It was one of my lifetime’s ambitions come true. This band have completely changed my life and they can potentially do likewise for anyone else. It’s been a long time coming s long journey hence there were almost tears at the start. There was one during Vaka.
I truly believe they are the best band in the world today. I’ve held this view for a number of years. I thought why recently once again as I have countless tomes and I came to this answer. It’s because of the range of atmospheres and styles in their work.
Place that alongside the emotoions they cause which are insanely intense and there you are. When the dust had settled I wounded if it had in fact changed my life. When I woke this morning I knew it had. The very core of me felt somewhat different. The whole night changed my life. However seeing one song live did the same Popplagio, Untitled 8. It’s an event in itself. I knew whatever else they played this would be the main event gauranteed.
Jon, Georg, Orri, and Kjartan (although no longer a band member) I can never thank the four of you enough for what you’ve done for me. Not forgetting the eleven others who accompanied them last night. I will always hold this within my heart and soul. I will never forget March 3rd.
In closing I want to say that in the last two minutes of Sven g Englar I knew that Popplagio was looming. I could feel it almost watching, waiting to be unleashed. I was sweating all over my body come the end of that due to playing along with the pace of the drums. I ended by letting out a low gutteral raw followed by almost continuous applause for what must have been a minute along with nyon everyone if not everyone else.
Each song has it’s own unique aura and spirit but I must say I knew to leave something back for Untitled 8. Even the almighty unparalled Sigur Ros have never equalled that as a live entity. I left my old spirit in there last evening and couldn’t sleep due to hearing my families’ voices and my brother at four this morning. Then the tears came as I reflected on the legacy of the experience. More than a band but a life experience.
The greatest night of my life topped off with the single greatest experience of my near 31 years of existence.
I write this forever somewhat spiritually transformed.
The setlist was as follows. Hopefully I’m recalling correctly.
1. Yfirborro,
2. I Gear,
3. Ny Batteri,
4. Vaka,
5. Brennistein,
6. Seaglopur,
7. E Bow
8. Olsen Olsen
9. Varud,
11.Meo Bloonasir,
14. Sven G Englar.
15. Popplagio.
Takk forever guys.
Chris Dale
says:Never have I seen an audience so captivated and mesmerised by a band. In the brief moments of silence in the audience instinctively mimicked.
The visuals and anthemic sound produced a lump in my throat.
Can’t wait to hear the new album and see you in August.
Thanks to you and the band.
says:The third time i’ve seen you live, amazing show, new material sounds great and as always e-bow and popplagid are the best live songs i’ll ever experience
Hannah Cat
says:I’d been looking forward to this gig, my first Sigur Ros gig, since the second I bought the tickets, and all I can say now is WOW.
My boyfriend and I stood outside the Apollo for over an hour to make sure we were right at the front, and I’m glad that we did, it was honestly one of the best nights of my life. Jonsi, your voice was crystal clear and piercingly beautiful. I Gaer, Glosoli and Vaka in particular had me in tears.
So thank you guys, for being you and making such amazing music, if I’m lucky I’ll get to see you again a bit closer to home at Jodrell Bank :)
Simon Roddis
says:What a fantastic evening – perfect! Fantastic atmosphere, great light show and backdrop – you guys know how to put on a show! The classic tracks came over marvellously – Svefn-g-englar, Hoppipolla, Popplagid, those climactic endings are just something else! Really liked the new stuff as well, I’ll very much look forward to the next album. Is there a better live band around at the moment? I doubt it! If you haven’t seen Sigur Ros live yet, try to see them – they are the best!
says:We travelled over from Belfast for this truly amazing concert, the visual effects blending with every musical nuance, from subtle firefly wisps to blinding strobes that burned out your retinas. The finale was awe inspiring!! We’ve waited years to see them live and this was worth every missed opportunity, please play somewhere (anywhere) in Ireland soon, my niece added a message for the band “godan daginn” many, many thanks, takk
Helen Jermak
says:Takk fyrir!! What an amazing gig! Unlike anything I’ve ever been to before. Jonsi’s voice is unbelievable live! Flawless! I was in tears (of happiness) within the first minute! Best moment was hearing ‘hoppipolla’ live – fantastic! Can’t wait to see you at Jodrell Bank!!
says:Amazing night! Met you guys after the gig too, and you couldn’t have been nicer / more willing to chat, sign and have pictures taken. Thank you so much for an incredible experience.
says:Was simply stunning.
For an elaborated version then have a read of this: http://mancunianmatters.co.uk/content/05039073-gig-review-sigur-rós-manchester-apollo-–-march-3
says:Was totally awestruck by whole experience. Loved the new material…when can we buy it.
says:hypnotic experience. such a unique sound and something I’ll never forget.
says:we loved the gig so much, we’ve got tickets to see you guys again in Dublin on the 16th November, can’t wait, if Dublin’s even half as good it’ll still be memorable, takk, takk and takk again
says:Amazing, when the sheet droped my ears rang from the beautifull sound. So loud, so amazing, These are the people who you can oly listen to realy loud
says:Hello! ggaaagb interesting ggaaagb site! I’m really like it! Very, very ggaaagb good!
says:This was the first we saw you live. Never looked back, we have since been to as many shows as we can get to! We have always been fans, but weren’t sure how the music would translate in a live show… well we were completely blown away! It was a mesmerising, spellbinding show, the best thing I had ever seen live (and still is!) Incredible, I adore you guys and am so thankful I get to see you play, I wish it could last forever! Takk x :)