sant jordi club

Barcelona, Spain

Feb 16, 2013


109 Comments on “sant jordi club”

  • Gemma


    Espectacular…. Et transporten a una altra dimensió… el so molt molt cuidat, l’escenografia i la veu de Jonsi….

  • esther


    Impressionant!! la posada en escena molt acurada, els llums, les imatges, m’ha agradat molt.
    I les cançons de sempre, uff…

  • David


    Sencillament, simply, marevellós, wonderful!

  • Gemma


    Espectacular, so que et transporta a una altra dimensió, molt cuidat així com l’escenografia. I la veu de Jonsi….

  • I just wanna a thank you.

    Heavenly music played with earth instruments.

    Thank you

  • Nick


    Those who are reading this because they have yet to see them, well you’re in for a treat. They were awesome! They gave so much energy and emotion to the work.

    Sigur Ros – thank you so much for a truly outstanding night.

    One tip: please don’t start clapping before they have finished doing their thing!

  • Montse


    The most amazing show ever!!!!!! I had never experienced anything like it!!!! It is so worth it. You feel your whole body rising to the sounds. They seriously outdone themselves. Thank you for this amazing show.

  • oliver


    Congrats!!! My first time and I enjoy a lot with Everything… Image,Sound,Jonsi´s voice,etc…

  • Espectacular, la primera parte emocionante.
    Se nota mucho que no está Kjartan, cada vez tocan hopipolla con menos emoción…
    La selección de canciones me sorprendió, esperaba más del último disco y hay un par de canciones que hubiera quitado.
    Por fin Glósoli en directo!!! y flotavik!!!

    Impresionantes, únicos y mágicos, gracias por hacerme llorar!!

    Y que vuelva Kjartan!!!!!

  • Hollis


    Thanks for playing Barcelona!

    We were laughing over a drink before the concert because I told my friends hurry up we’re going to miss “A.I.” Of course A.I. means artista invitado not the name of the opening band!

    Walking home after the show we all commented that we wished Jónsi would have made the effort to say ‘hello’ ‘thank you’ or ‘goodbye’ in Spanish or Catalan.

    Enjoyed the show Með Blóðnasir was the high point for me last night.

  • Laura


    Takk fyrir, Sigur Rós! Takk fyrir!
    Gràcies per haver vingut a Barcelona i per haver-nos ofert una nit com la d’ahir.

  • Cris


    El moment més especial de la meva vida. Han sigut casi dues hores genials, espectaculars, emocionants..

    TAKK, TAKK. EG ELSKA PIG SIGUR RÓS. you’re the best.

  • Silvia


    Ha sigut fantàstic, molt emocionant. Moltes gràcies per haver-nos fet disfrutar amb el so, la imatge i l’espectacular veu d’en Jonsi..

  • maite


    cuando no es sólo la música, cuando los sentimientos afloran, las lágrimas surgen envueltas en emoción, el alma se eleva, el vello se eriza y hay ahí algo inexplicable…. sencillamente mágico!

  • irn


    pell de gallina… impressionant

  • Takk fyrir!!!
    Come back soon!

  • jl



  • Marina


    Last night, I was dreaming meanwhile I was listening. I felt inside me and in my skin every note, the harmony, the magic.

  • Josep


    Una de les millors experiències dels darrers temps, senzillament espectacular…

  • Gaia


    amazing show. a dream come true <3 takk

  • Anabel


    I really enjoyed it…but I think it wasn’t the best place to play your kind of music, even the sound was good.
    Thank you for coming to Barcelona.

  • mike


    Absolutely amazing. Thanks for this wonderful night.
    I hope you come back soon.

  • maria


    amazing. i still have chills when i remember KVEIKUR. new album will be great, can’t wait for it.

  • Mario


    Gràcies per tocar “Popplagid”. Sense paraules.

  • anarregui


    I’m still flying. Thank you for making me happy. Magic show!
    ? Sigur Rós

  • Christian


    Simply takk.

  • Marc


    Amazing show yesterday in Barcelona.
    My first time to see Sigur Rós on a stage and I really like it. Great sound, lighting and visuals, all this make a great performance and ambience.

    Hope the band enjoyed like us.

  • antoni


    Per segona vegada després de Madrid aquest concert ha estat una experiència increïble. Una cuidada escenografia, grans músics i sobretot la veu “única” de Jónsi. Inoblidable. Esperant amb ànsia l’arribada del seu nou treball. Takk strákar!

  • Núria


    Meravellós, espectacular, moltíssimes gràcies per tanta sensibilitat i energia!!
    Thanks so much!!!!

  • alhdac


    wordless. it can’t leave one indifferent. stunning visual work and breathtaking musicians. jónsi’s voice, violins, pianos, bass, drums, everything.

  • cesc


    The concert of my life! lovely concert!! thanks for this moments!

  • Sonia


    4th time I’ve seen your show and still amazing and mesmerizing. Takk a lot and looking forward to listening to your new album¡

  • Susanna Serra


    A dream come true! Moltes gràcies!!! <3

  • david tokioeyes


    Just a word WONDERFUL!!!

  • Álvaro


    Absolutely amazing. Completely excited at first, down in the dumps during the fifth song, and then happiness and hope filled my entire body while Varúd was played, to end with Hoppípolla and enjoy that sudden happiness. All emotions in one incredible show, always to be remembered. You’ve set a point that I doubt anyone can ever surpass.

  • Andrea


    Thank you! Very good selection of songs!

  • raulbarbancho


    takk to you. you are the only one. takk takk takk

  • Juanjo


    Impessionant, la posta en escena, la veu d’en Jonsi, tot plegat…Gràcies!!!

  • aaa


    attending to a sigur ros concert is one thing you must do in your life.

  • Guillaume


    Takk Sigur Rós !! This is the second time I saw you and you’re still so marvelous. I had goose-flesh during the final, it wa sooooo impressive! You’re the best guys it was so emotional and magical. Við elskum þig ! Sjáumst fljótlega krakkar


  • Mara


    Takk sigur rós… The best concert of my life, you are so amazing! All the musicians are the best! Today I still believe that the concert was a dream! Takk again! And come to Barcelona again, I’ ll be there!!!

  • Ariadna


    Wonderful! You can tell you respect your audience and you work hard putting on a great show. Amazing visuals in tune with the music. Well timed songlist, I just thought it to be too short! Many thanks for yesterday’s concert and for how your musics helps us.

  • aw1s


    Thank you, Sigur Ros. Ha estat increible, el concert més especial de la meva vida. Art i experiència. I hope see you soon!

  • Best concert ever Epic

    Þórfríður Soffía Haraldsdóttir send some takk for Iceland to !!

  • Martina


    Just TAKK!!

  • Xavi


    Excel·lent concert, amb una gran selecció de cançons, sobretot antigues. Molt bon so, bons visuals. La veu del Jónsi, magnífica tota la nit. Gran versió de Svefn-G-Englar en el bis.

    Excellent concert, with a great selection of songs, mainly from the earlier albums. Very good sound, and good visuals. Jónsi’s voice was magnificent the whole night. Great version of Svefn-G-Englar in the encore.

  • Olga


    Breathtaking… Thank you so much for your music.

  • Vee


    Simply amazing. When you left before the encore I couldn’t believe you had been playing for an hour and a half. It felt so short!

    Hearing Popplagið live has been one of the greatest moments of my life. Thank you so much… And Kveikur sounds incredible! Great bass line.

    Keep up the good work. Orri, keep smashing those drums!

  • Alan Foller


    At least! There is hope in this world! see you soon!

  • dolorspops


    Thanks for come back to Barcelona. We love your music, your songs are in our life. Wonderful sound, playlist and feelings. Jonsi and the musicians were magnificients. For the next time,maybe a better place and some minutes more..we want always more!

  • Peter Martini


    Everything about last nights show was perfect. It’s hard to describe the experience and I guess that is one thing that makes it so magical – that it can’t be explained to people who was not there.

    I’ve got tickets to two more shows so see you in Berlin and Münich next weekend! :)

    Takk, takk, takk.

  • Javier


    Thank you guys for making me dream awaken…such an amazing show! great view all the time and of course, great music! ;)

  • Isa Egea


    gracias por vuestro concierto de ayer, fue una experiencia muy inspiradora para mí..pude volar..
    Creo que teneis unos diosecitos en vuestras entrañas que os hacen cosquillas.

  • gema s.


    no words just feelings :)

  • Arien


    It was so magical I can’t describe it with words. Such perfect, you make souls travel into another spaces.
    Takk, Sigur Rós.

  • Carolina_Chile


    one word to describe last night:Speechless!!!!

  • Gemma


    Takk til dere! It was such a great show, I enjoyed to the top. Yesterday was a very special night thanks to all of you and your fantastic music…I will never forget it and hope you come back to Barcelona soon!!

  • Pol


    I have no words to describe what I felt last night. Thank you very very much. I’ll never forget this show!

  • Jose


    Increíble lo que sentí anoche, Son esos momentos que uno no quisiera que acabarán nunca, no olvidemos lo que vivimos anoche, gracias Sigur Ros

  • Mireia


    The concert was totally amazing, you were perfect. I loved the ambient that you gave the stage <3 All the details were so special <333




  • pepo


    what an end! magic concert, thank you very much, see you soon guys!!

  • Jordi


    Thank You for coming to Catalonia, It was a great great concert! We hope they come back soon. Best wishes.

  • Rudi


    Absolutely de best concert of contemporaneous groups ever!!!!
    The sound entered mi up to de medulla.

  • bb


    There are few words to describe last night, I felt I was part of something bigger.

  • Paula


    I’m still flying!
    what an experience!
    Yesterday, for a while, we all stop being ourselves to become ethereal beings that merged with your wonderful music..
    thank you!

  • Andie


    Thank you so much, last night show was incredible amazing. I can’t believe I was there, Jonsi’s voice is undescriptible. Everything was perfect. So special. Thank you again for you music.

  • graciela


    I like people that makes what they feel. Theyr music and style are absolutely personal, without fashion. The latest works are fabulous, without fear to change, that’s art.

  • Fran


    Thank you for making music that can be felt… Can’t wait to see you live again.

  • Dani


    Takk! the best show ever!!!!!! New songs were amazing, specially kveikur that was breathtaking …just waiting for the new album!

  • Nerea


    Thank you, @sigurros, for this amazing show in Barcelona!! It sounds perfect, magical and very beautiful. You make me feel happy :), like ever I listen to you.

  • nightingale


    Thank you for an extracorporeal experience! Hope to live your magic once more in the future :) All my best!

  • Hada


    Love you so so much guys!!
    Incredible concert in Barcelona.
    I could not stop crying by the emotion. You made me feel incredible emotions.
    I was with someone very special for me and your music reminds me very beautiful moments with him.
    Someone I will love forever.
    Thank you so much for make one of my dreams come true.

  • nc


    unlike anything else <3

  • Dave


    Awesome! Legen… wait for it… dary! I can’t wait for next time, and try another place like “Palau de la Musica”.

  • Bego&Igor


    A great experience! Music, images, instruments, voices… everything incredible… Takk, takk, takk!

  • Marga


    Gràcies, thank you, takk, takk, takk for your music

  • alma


    Thank you so much for last night’s experience… I discovered you 5 years ago and lost the chance to go to your last concert and i had been waiting ever since and it was worth every second of waiting… It’s like someone said in another comment, it’s impossible to describe the experience to others who weren’t there and because of that I think it is something just for me that I’ll keep in my heart, until I see you next :)

  • Abel


    Great show! Takk! Very moving!

  • Sandro


    In the third time that I can see you, I can close the circle. It is impossible to be sensitiver, sweeter, intenser and powerfuler. It seemed impossible… but you returned to steal me the air again. thanks, thanks, forever thanks.

  • Marisol


    Gracias por esta increible experiencia multisensorial y por poner música en nuestras vidas,soys unos genios!

  • danoh


    TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK TAKK Ayer cumpli uno de mis sueños, os vi en directo. Quiero volver a soñar! Con vuestra musica me hicisteis sentir de verdad VIVO. Espero que os divirtierais tocando en barcelona y aqui os esperaremos por siempre… NO CAMBIEIS, este mundo necesita gente como vosotros GRAAAAACIAS!.

  • saba


    wonderful show, unforgettable experience.

    I’ll keep it in my heart forever.

    Takk, takk, takk…

  • Closmusic


    Senzillament… no hi ha paraules per descriure el que un cop mes he viscut al vostre concert. S’ha de viure, senzillament. Gracies per triar uns temes tan encertats. Ny Batteri i Popplagid em fan vibrar, sentir i plorar com cap altra cançó del món mundial. Gracies!!!!

    Simply… there are no words enough to describe what once again I lived in your gig yesterda. Simply you have to experience it. Thanks for choosing so right and appropiate songs. Ny Batteri and Popplagid make me shake, feel and cry like no other song in the whole wold music history. Loved the new ones too. Thanks a lot!!!!


  • Eric


    Takk allt fyrir tónleikar í gær! Það var frábært, fallegt!
    Takk fyrir sérstaklega: Glósoli, Varúð, Popplagið, E-Bow, Svefn-g-englar…
    Var Amiina hér líka? :)
    Ó! koma aftur fljótlega, vinsamlegast!

  • Irma


    Yesterday i was in one of the best concert i have ever been. I was almost criying all the time, but not because of sadness, it was so so beautiful that i couldnt control my emotions. You went through my soul. I could never forget what i see, listen and feel yesterday. Thnak you so much.

  • Georgina


    Yesterday it was my first show ever and i’m afraid it won’t be the last one: a really great experience and amazing time (quite magical too, I must say). Also a special thank you for performing in Barcelona.

  • Phaustho


    Yesterday’s concert was the best thing I could’ve expected.


  • Davit


    Thanks a lot for such a magical concert. Your performance was incredible, the show was beautiful and the audio quality was awesome (congrats to your audio engineer too!!), so clear and powerful at the same time.
    Hope you come more often to Spain!!

  • Iván Caballé (The guy who's banner was signed by yourselves!)


    Thank you guys for signing my banner, I’ll post a picture of it right in your facebook, do you remember us? thank you SO SO SO much for tonight’s show… It has been just incredible! No words to describe it! Well, just two:

  • Mats


    Fantastiskt! Tack så otroligt mycket för en denna underbara upplevelse! This was my first concert ever, I was told by my friends that I should not go to another one because after this one it will never be as good. :)

  • Mai


    Thanks a lot for a perfect show. Your performance is just magical. Thank you for let us listen your beautiful music. takk!

  • marc


    No vaig entendre ni una paraula de les lletres… però va ser una experiència ACOLLONANT!

  • Zalo


    amazing!! Takk Sigur Rós! Now I belive in God!

    Amazing show! Amazing musicians and beautiful visuals! Good sound also.

    Moltes gràcies!

  • Ómar


    A lot of words can describe what we felt on saturday night… It was my third time watching live SR, and the best so far. Visuals were epic, so intense,…and the setlist, almost perfect. In my opinion, there were some strong highlights: E-bow (visuals simply awesome), Glósoli, Everyone clapping on Varud´s ending part,… new songs, especially Hveikur!…and, the icy on the cake: Untitled 8…wow, the strongest ending ever. Thanks for your MASTERwork,..and keep on going this way!!! and tell Kjartan there´s an open door, if he ever change his mind about comming back ;). Gracias, takk fyrir

  • Crusher


    Takk you so much!! One of the best shows I’ve ever seen!!

  • shukran1972


    Wow!!! Wonderful show the last Saturday!!! It was my first time… and I want to repeat!!! I love your new songs. Perfect ones! TAKK!

  • Strange Fruit


    Ég elska þig!!!
    Please i want to live forever in that concert, now i can’t come back to real life :(
    After being with you, everything seems to be ugly.
    But i will never forget that night in Spain with Sigur Rós.
    Takk Fyrir.

  • Alberto


    many thanks for the show!! something so spectacular to believe in the possibility of a better world to those who are struggling, thank you, congratulations, I hope soon, in the Palau de la Música? would be great …

  • Maria


    Thanks. Five days after the concert I still feel your songs into my head while I am sleeping, and along the day, they make my days a little more special, a little better. thanks.

  • Monica


    I’ve been trying to find the right words to express what I felt last saturday in Barcelona. Today I’ve found this William Simms’ quote I think is the best way to express what I felt: “It is a bird-flight of the soul, when the heart declares itself in song”. Takk.

  • Li Ying


    I come from China. And managed to get a ticket before the show…This is my first time to a concert. It was marvelous!!!I love Glósóli, Hoppípolla, Sæglópur, especially Untitled 8!!!! I felt lost in your music and the animations!! Takk!!!

  • Daniel


    No words for that moment!!!

  • Anna


    I enjoyed every minute… absolutely fantastic, heart-touching… it gets through your soul and makes you float, it’s magic!!! THANK YOU!!!! come back soon. takk sigur rós!

  • leo


    Afraid of stealling content to my written emotions when telling you what’s to be in Barcelona from Madrid for the concert. So just a big thank you sigur ros for remind me that there is still some hope and place for our dreams. Your songs made me go from laugh to tears, an so this knocked on my door and made me feel that I’ m still concert in my life ever.please come back soon!!

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  • Julian zamora


    Hola, soy de Colombia, aquí los escuchamos bastante, quisiera saber si para la próxima gira pueden venir aquí. Saludos, excelente banda.

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