campo pequeno

Lisbon, Portugal

Feb 14, 2013


87 Comments on “campo pequeno”

  • atrin


    Amazing concert! Magic happened tonight in Lisbon. Please be back soon! Takk.

  • Magnificent!!! Unique!!!! Beautifull!!! Powerfull!!! And i dont know more vocabulary in Emglish to express it!!! Huummm, Oh!!! Amazing :) More than a concert an experience. Thaks for the privilege. P

  • Paulo Costa


    Sigur Rós – Lisbon 14/02/2013

    Been there and tell him what I thought I saw and heard, but I think not, I was explaining how a new color to a blind person … even difficult, if not impossible.

    So just say, if they have the opportunity to see live not miss!

    Paulo Costa

  • joao pedro


    unbelievable!! awesome experience!! got to live it once in your life!! thank you very much sigur rós!!

  • RicardoF


    It was absolutely amazing. There are no words to describe such a talent!! Thank you Sigur Ros for everything you’ve given to the world :)

  • Rui Pinto


    Just a dream that finally came true! Wonderful! U’r the best of the best!

  • rita rosa


    It was magical, amazing… you´re from “another world”, you´re so welcome to lisbon, takk you sou much ;)

  • Joe


    The entire concert was a really powerful experience, but the very last song took me to Heaven, Hell, Mars, the whole Universe and everywhere else in between within minutes. It was just an unbelievably huge storm of amazing sound – best ending to the best concert I’ve ever attended. OMG

  • Joe


    OH, and the new songs – great!

  • Daniela Coutinho


    Unbelievable, it was better than I could ever have dreamt of. The best show I have attended in many years. I must say it came close to perfection, sound, lights, the whole thing. Thank you for coming to Lisbon, please come again soon.

  • David


    finishing with untitled #8… I SAY GOD DAMN!!!!

  • Pedro Fernandes


    It was the 4th time i saw SR live , definately the best ever,
    A massive demonstration of art at its finest performance.
    Simply epic.

    Thank You

  • Tânia Simões


    What an amazinh concert! Thank you Sigur Rós! I had “chicken skin” all the time! :)

  • Adolfo Ferreira


    It was magical and amazing!
    I am still frozen and speechless!

    Love the new songs!

    Takk, Sigur Rós!

  • margarida moura


    an aesthetic experience… sublime, magical and very very powerful… the beginning was magical and dreamlike, growing to an end that took me into another world…
    thank you so much for the magnificent experience…

  • Manel


    This was an amazing concert… The emotions shared were imense and intense.. I wish a long and productive life to all Sigur Ros members… You are awsome!

  • Celeste


    Still feeling !! And breathing!! And leaving !! And thank you Sigur, it was a beautifull and a gratefull concert. You are allways weelcome :)

  • margarida



    i wish i could make the clock turn back…to see you again and again!!
    hours of pure perfection…

    tank you!

  • Isabel Branco


    It was the first time I saw you and let me say you it was magic! I love you and I will love you more and more. Please come again soon, all of us are already waiting!

  • André Mourão


    What a magic night! a dream that came true! Thank you so much, you are too good, too beautiful,too magic..

  • Guiida


    Unforgettable moment to hold in a very special place in the heart!

    Cuz You guys are very special!

    Come back soon, pliz

  • Zé Tolas


    Saw you first time 10 years ago also in Lisbon. That was maybe the best concert I’ve ever seen. Saw u 3 more times after and then it happened what happpened last night: beautiful powerful universal! Obrigado!

  • That place you come from was born when clouds and lights made love. Thank you for the superb concert

  • Ana


    Best ever! Forever in love!

  • Carlos Furtado


    What a shame. You played (again) in a place where animals are tortured. “Campo Pequeno” is a bullfight arena. Where is your ethics?

  • Soraia Matos


    Thank you so much Sigur Rós…What an amazing concert!!! Come back soon! You are awsome!

  • Noi


    not the first
    not the last
    but always bitterdeliciousfreshgreasyjuicyhoticyloosemeltednutritiousprickly
    and theres not enough words to describe something that isn´t from here
    even so i missed Varteldur, but if you played it i will not be here to revwe it…
    Thanks for the path…

    (about lisbon concert – St Valentines day, 2013)

  • Nicole Rodrigues


    Takk for an amazing concert last night! It’s the first time that I saw you in concert but won’t be certainly the last! I don’t have enough words to describe how much I loved the concert! Takk

  • Hélder


    Absolutely amazing!

  • Filipe Marques


    One Of the most beautifull concerts i’ve seen!! The sound, lights, everything was perfect. The only flaw i could detect was that Jónsi didn’t talk to us :(
    I hope you come when you realease your next album, i wont miss it :D

  • joanna podolak


    Finally I made it to your concert!!! And aditionally, it was in Lisboa, a very special place in my voyages. It was an amazing experience, the visualisation and lights… all the effects were just astonishing. And the music was simply… Music. You made me cry with emotions, I could hear the sounds of your land in my soul. As sb else alredy wrote here, I wish I could play the concert again and again – to focus on some details I did not have a chance. Thank you and have a great tour!!!

  • Ana


    I’m speechless!

    It was an amazing night! Beautiful.

  • Sandra Coelho


    Thank you for last night’s amazing journey! There are a few perfect things in the world, and your show is definately one of those things. Long live Sigur Rós! TAKK!

  • marine


    Simply amazing !! Takk

  • Sol


    Takk Sigur Rós. Last night was amazing. Your concerts are not just concerts, but some kind of beautiful experience. There were moments when I didn’t know where I was. I felt I went to some special place and then was back on earth. You’re truly talented and it has been a great pleasure to enjoy your music, your art, your gift for all these years. Takk takk takk. Portugal is always waiting for you.

  • Pipo


    Completely different from 2008! Even with some of the same songs.

    That time the overriding feeling was Joy, yesterday it was Power and/or Darkness!


  • Inês


    Still dreaming. Thank you!

  • Obrigado Sigur Rós, por existirem na minha vida, e por trazerem uma luz magnífica Luz a Portugal. Se o céu tiver uma banda sonora, serão decerto vocês a compô-la.


  • Rui Robalo


    Sigur Rós made my day in ways I can’t even explain.
    They took me to places deep within myself otherwise unvisited.
    My mood changed between melancholic, joyful, violent and depressive states so easily I felt manipulated.
    That’s it: you, Sigur Rós, manipulated my mood in a way nobody or anything ever will.
    People often say they choose some genre of music according to their mood. You prove them wrong. Your music is the thing that dictates the mood of your listener.
    Never felt so good being manipulated. Thank you very much for the moments you gave us.

  • Patricia


    I’ve seen all your portugueses concerts. This one was definantly the best one.

    I felt like back in the womb.

    You four are illuminated.


  • cema


    Perfect, once more!!! Thank you for the divine moment you provided!

  • JJ


    I just wanna say thank you. No words to describe the night, you’re amazing.Plz come back soon! Love from Portugal!

  • Ana Beato


    There are concerts where the musics flows at your hears, as in an act of love! Thank U for last night ***

  • Rita Bertrand


    you were amazing. lights and sound and all, just perfect. thank you, sigur rós!

  • c.


    It was the third time I heard them live and was once again magical :)
    Thank you for this visit and see you soon!
    Here the link for photos and videos:


  • Sanguinho


    Takk.koma aftur hvenaer.

  • Luis Ferreira Rodrigues


    Thank you for such a unique concert.
    Amazing music, light and images, all so well combined and with such a tremendous impact.

  • Carlos Cachado


    Takk for the magic night that once more make me feel back in Iceland.
    Hope to see you again and I was very surprised with your new themes, mainly Kveikur, just amazing!

  • Filipa Queiroga Valentim


    I loved the concert! it was a total show: the best music, experiments, video, lights, song choice, interaction, EVERYTHING!!!! It was amazing, the best concert I’ve been to. Thank you sooooo much Sigur, hope you enjoy Lisbon and come back very very soon!

  • Branca


    your concert tonight was………much more than a simple amazing! really.
    hope you come back to portugal someday or i have the huge lucky to watch (or should i say live?) another gig of you (sigur rós). one more time, THANK YOU! and keep setting free your powerful magic sounds. with lots of emotions, the blue haired girl from the front of the stage

  • Rui


    Bonito. Muito bonito.

  • Moises Ribeiro Junior


    A true life changing experience. A worthy description would have to be Hopelandic.

  • Pedro A.


    Sublime! Ravishing! Immaculate! What a magic night!


  • Thanks for the fantastic evening with a show worth seeing. Thank you for coming! I hope not delay coming back! have a great tour!!! Takk =)

  • Zee


    I was never moved in a concert like this. This is what true beauty looks and feels like. Takk Sigur rós.

  • Tom


    The best night of my life! It was AMAZING!

  • iantunes


    Just perfect!!!

  • Filipa


    Ontem uma tempestade sinfónica cai-o sobre Lisboa…a chuva não foi muita e o barco a remos não chegou…mas Sigur Ros deslumbrou. Primeiro estranha-se e no fim entranha-se até ao fundo do teu Ser…não sei se foi um momento na terra com um pouco de céu, se um pouco de céu na terra…Obrigada.

  • Patricia Santos


    I’ve seen your shows three times and each one is so unique! There’s no other sound and experiencie quite like what you provide to us… Brilliant! Perfect! :)
    I was happy all the way, and left feeling such a great energy. Congrats on an amazing work… Until the next time…!


  • Bruno


    A fabulous concert with dynamic light according to each song. The stage detail with the initial cover was a good idea.
    Great lineup and a perfect sound …
    See you soon!


  • Teresa


    It was one of the best experiences of my life :) <3

  • Pádua


    Uma viagem aos confins da alma…despertam sentimentos adormecidos nos cantos das recordações…e enaltecem cada momento…cada sentido para AMAR…obrigado

  • Beta


    thank you! you’re amazing. absolutely not human.

  • Jay Birch


    Amazing show, everything that I expected. This was my religion

    Thank you, obrigado, takk

  • Lisbon- Feb 14th – Takk Sigur rós!
    The best concert ever!

  • Francisca


    Perfection <3

  • Carla Machado


    your concert in Campo Pequeno/Lisbon was an intense emotional experience. Absoulutly apotheotic. Superb! Takk Sigur Ros!

  • Chezza


    Lisbon 14th on Valentines Day, of course it was true love. One thing i would love to know is, whats it like to perform in front of an audience that is in owe of you? any other gig fans go crazy, sing along etc but at yours you hold us in the cusp of your hands and at the end we get to release our emotions? or is it us as Fans that get caught in our own favorite moments that make the atmosphere what it is?

  • Chezza


    One thing, gutted you left Olsen Olsen off the play list…… but hay you could have played for 5 hours and it would not have been enough

  • Teresa


    Pure Magic.
    Even more unforgettable than i anticipated.
    The power of music over Language and its ability to make us Dream.
    Takk – it was a privilege…

  • Ana Maria Cardoso


    Yesterday , in Lisbon, without speak portuguese and english, you make a fusion and communication with the audience, only with your Beautiful Musique! I feel Iceland inside me (I was there last summer and I Love it…)

  • DarkScorpion


    This is the result of a Sigur Rós sensorial journey at Lisbon this 14th of February. The art of trying to catch every single emotion and detail in one shot is fascinating, it is what i saw, felt and grab my attention, where every single detail makes the difference… all through the eye of a camera. This is by any chance intended to abuse copyright content. This is something that you should not miss experiencing live, it’s a once in a lifetime experience.
    Enjoy. dKs…

  • Eduardo


    I love to ear your songs. They take me to a world of peace, justice and balance. Iceland is my favourite place to travel one day. I see all of you as genuine people. Iceland: A lovely and peaceful place to live.
    This concert was magic. Great songs, nice feelings.
    Thanks you!

  • Mariana


    truly beautiful, simply magical!

    you guys are amazing. COMEBACK SOON PLEASE

  • Dalila


    I trully loved it! It was an amazing experience, the environment with Jonsi’s voice and the sound of the instruments, all together, fitted so well and gave me such a variety of pure emotions! You’re all trully wonderful <3

  • Filipa


    A magical moment that words cannot describe. I believe the meaning of life and hope is laid in your stage. Please never stop blessing people with your gift. Thank you.

  • sara


    I still wonder what really happened last thursday and i’m still trying to come back to earth from that superb experience.
    You probably hear this everyday, but you really are amazing and you are an inspiration for us. You do make the difference!

    Please come back here. This summer, next year, in five years. It doesn’t matter, it’s only time. Just come back.

    It’s been a pleasure having you as soundtrack of my life. i’ll always be thankful.


  • Lidia


    This concert is still on my head, just unforgettable and what a great performance!

    And Sara, I make your words mine. Takk.

  • Gonçalo Neveds


    Takk Sigur Ros… please come back soon to Portugal!

  • Joana


    I admit I did not knew your music very well, just a few songs.. But my boyfriend really likes it, so.. since it was valentines day, i decided to buy the tickets for him.

    I was absolutely blown away. It was a magnificent surprise. I really enjoyed the whole show, from the music to the beautiful visual part of it. I was truly entertained, and when it ended i was like “so soon?” And I admit i did cry.

    I’m now a fan, you did it! And it was so easy.


  • Márcia Monteiro


    You’re amazing!Come back soon please.
    Thank you Sigur Rós!

  • Lisa Alves


    De regresso a casa depois de percorrer um milhar de quilómetros para poder estar na primeira fila e ver novamente Sigur Ros… o sentimento é de felicidade extrema, emoção plena e alma cheia.

    Takk! Takk! Takk! Obrigada! Obrigada! Obrigada!

  • bruno


    Did 600 km to see you and your concert was amazing. Unique!
    Come back soon.

  • Pedro Fernandes


    Once again, unforgettable!
    I only wish that you could play all night long…

  • joanna


    Absolutely magical! Can’t stop listening to you, please come back to Portugal soon!

  • Filipe


    almost 2 years and i still couldnt get over it, been watching the videos over and over, thank you!i hope you come back soon.

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