[slickr-flickr set=”72157632761008007″ search=”sets” type=”gallery”]
- 01 yfirborð
- 02 vaka
- 03 ny batteri
- 04 hrafntinna
- 05 brennisteinn
- 06 saeglopur
- 07 fljotavik
- 08 e-bow
- 09 varuð
- 10 hoppipolla
- 11 með bloðnasir
- 12 glosoli
- 13 kveikur
- 14 svefn-g-englar
- 15 popplagið
sashia laúndes
Luis Simoes
says:Awsome!!! Best performance ever ;)
See you next time
says:Amazing! Looking forward to buy the new album! Thanks for comino to Porto!
says:amazing, epic concert, i loved all the songs :)
i hope to see you soon !
says:really liked yfirbord and kveikur!
what a great performance. you’re getting better and better. thank you!
alvaro penafiel
says:amazing, epic concert, i loved all the songs :)
i hope to see you soon !
Rafael Cavadas
says:Takk for playing a lot of old ones. Missed Viðrar vel til loftárása. Takk for being awesome. You really had changed the world with your music… And i’m glad that Oporto was the first in your tour. We are the firsts! Please take time to consider playing at least once in Paredes de Coura Festival. I honestly believe that it’s the the most magical place for you to perform in Portugal. I’m happy that i’m not the only one to have that thought. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Be back soon.
fábio teixeira
says:your gig in porto back in 2005 is a memory i truly cherish. finally, after 8 years of waiting for you to come back, all i can say is: thank you for another perfect night. i was dying to listen to brennistein live and let me tell you — best sigur rós tune in years. kveikur (hope i’m not mixing the names) is off the charts too! both are so powerful, sort of gloomy and dark, not just regarding music but everything else, the lighting, video (kveikur’s is apocalyptical), stage decoration — amazing! just loving that deep bass! can’t wait for the next album. so happy it’s gonna come out this year. oh, and meeting you downtown before the show was the icing on the cake. really, you’ve been my favorite band since i was a kid and ágætis came out. couldn’t ask for more. see you again tonight in lisbon! love you guys.
Elsa Hahn
says:I have not enough words to express what I felt last night, a mix of sensations that led me to another world. Thanks a lot for these songs, for being what you are. To be perfect to me, this show missed a very important song “Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása”. Maybe next time. Takk
says:Love the new songs on Porto live set!
I Hope you make a live dvd to all your fans in the world!
You are amazing!! Good luck guys!
André Alves
says:I’ll be happy when I die as I will be able to say that I saw Popplagið live twice.
says:Grazie, semplicemente grazie. Sono arrivato di corsa e ad attendermi c’era Ny Battery, ho pianto subito
Virginie Caetano
says:Saw you yesterday (Porto) and it was the most creative concert I have ever seen. The visual part was breathtaking. Your music is so powerful in a live performance, it was truly inspiring and you transported all of us to another place.
Thank you!
Carlos Alberto
says:What a wonderful night I spent yesterday, 13th. Thank you very much for the amazing show you gave! This was my second concert of Sigur Rós and once again, spectacular! For those who, like me, follow all your work, from first to last album, it’s a privilege to see you live and so … fantastic!
Bruno Coelho
says:Foi algo entre o lindo e o espectacular! Obrigado!
says:Sorry but I didnt like the new songs. Way too electronic! Felt I was on a disco and I didn’t like it. I don’t like this tendency of bands getting more into electronic music. I don’t get it. Thank you for the old ones Still *
Victor Hugo Cunha
says:Takk for dreaming…
takk for believing…
Takk for building…
Takk for sharing…
The most intense,introspective and overwhelming concert ever. Everything was perfect:
– the band, the sound, the lights, the stage was so beautifull…Takk and see you soon!
says:And for One Night Iceland was closer from us, than the usual…
It’s beautiful strange when you don’t understand a word from your language… yet the connection with your sound it’s stronger that almost other bands…
Thnak You for a Special Night!
João Tavares
says:It’s hard for me to find the correct words to explain what I felt once more yesterday. Everyday you have people saying that your music changed their lives and, in fact, your music, specially Glósoli, Festival and Hoppipolla, changed mine in a very concrete way.
My life is what it is because of Sigur Rós, and this is the best compliment I can do to you. Being in the same room as you and assist at your live performances, it’s one of the most unbelievable and important experiences of my life. I hoe to see you once more and very soon…
says:Takk for the inspiring night yesterday! *
Enjoy Lisbon tonight*
says:Thank you for all the beauty, and feelling… You´re the best! Thank you all! Be back soon!
says:It was really amazing!!! I can’t describe the feeling when I heard vaka… I couldn’t contain myself.
The new album was very easy on the ear and I liked particularly track fljotavik!
Great way to finish the concert as usual but it just gave chills thru my spine!
Thank you so much for this moment! And come back soon please!
Teresa Mendes
says:Such an amazing concert…everything was overwhelming, every detail, every sound… almost 2h living in another dimension… thank you so much for this true blessing… looking forward to see you again********
says:Simply superb.
The alignment was brilliant.
Thanks for the premiere, so so good!
says:It was indescribable … will remain in my memory as one of the most spectacular concerts I have ever seen … I only have one word for you: OBRIGADA!
says:Takk for one of the most memorable concerts in my life…
There are no words to described how great it was.
Hope to see you again soon
Ana Maria
says:Fantástico! Melhor era impossivel…
says:Really enjoyed last night’s show
yfirborð… loved it!
(hope to see you soon)
says:Heartbreaking performance, but i left with a bitter taste: i’m really disappointed about the cruel lack of Agaetis Byrjun songs.
Fábio Ribas
says:i had a 2 hour dream; i went to heavens and got back… Obrigado!
Jose silva
says:Não consigo descrever o concerto de ontem á noite no Porto. Ainda não se inventaram as palavras!! Takk!
Samuel Mendes
says:Amazing experience. You were awesome and the new songs sounded great! And thanks for playing vaka and e-bow, my all time favourites :D
says:Another amazing night in Porto, another magic night in Portugal…
Awesome sound, brilliant instrument details… a great set list…
I really loved the new songs, even more powerful than usual, but with that distinct Sigur Rós sound… Kveikur simply blew me away!
Your music is not only to be heard, it’s definitely to be felt…
Takk for your music, takk for being part of the dream…
says:So that you know. It will be my birthday present for today, as my birthday is Today!!! :)
Pablo Mencía
says:I first saw Sigur Rós live back in 2005 in Coliseum do Porto. It was a pleasure to see yesterday that it was well worth the wait.
Awesome concert tonight! I liked a lot the new songs (very powerful), and the new visuals are simply amazing.
Thank you!
Catarina Figueiredo
says:Hi guys. Thank you for such an amazing concert. All this waiting was worthwhile. Very well planned concert, everything so harmonious. It was really breathtaking, at some point it almost felt like I could cry-but maybe that’s just girl’s stuff!!!. I liked the mix of the albuns and couldn’t believe when I heard hoppipola. The new musics sounded also great, so we’ll just have to wait for a new album and for th next concert.
It was really for me a concert of a lifetime. Muito obrigada.
Manuel Cancela
says:Absolutely stunning! Wonderful, inspiring, overwhelming… Magical night!
says:Thank you so much! Everything was perfect :)
daniel caridade
says:….still speechless!!!
says:Thank you so much for the amazing concert last night. A concert like yours remembers people why they love music so much and why going to see live music is so important. It was beautiful and breathtaking. The new songs worked really well and I hope you enjoyed the company of Oporto’s crowd. Have an excellent tour.
says:No need to speak about the old tunes. The feelings and emotions were there last night just exactly as they were in the first time I head those songs in the past :) You also played them with little variations from the original (I remember the kick drum in Glosoli was slightly different) and that was nice and refreshing!
Thank you for playing 4 new songs for us. From what I’ve heard they sound amazing! I really liked the drums, strong beats from the beginning to the end, the songs don’t have to be always in crescendo, you looked for something different, more electronic its true but, at least in my opinion, they sound amazing live and go along really well with the old ones. That bass filled the room!
By the way, that ensemble playing with you? Magnificent! You bring great musicians with you and that reflects on the quality of you performance. You chose brass players that can sing like angels :) Cheers to them!
Have a most wonderful tour, put a record out as soon as possible and please can back to Porto soon :)
Pedro Simão O. Mendes
says:I really loved the show. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen and heard. Ever. You played almost all my favourites! E-bow, Vaka, Saeglópur, Svefn-g-englar… Magical! And the visual effects, awesome. Simply perfect!
I was a little bit sad you didn’t play more song from valtari or með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust, but it was still great! :D
The new songs seemed to have a very powerful energy on them, so I am really excited for your upcoming album! I loved yfirbord and brennisteinn! Truly can’t wait! It was an honor to be the first ones to hear them. Thank you, thank you so much!
Hope to see you again sometime.
Ni Felix
says:You make MAGIC music, Love You
Tiago Ramos
says:It was a great concert! It could have lasted for another hour or two that I wouldn’t have minded x)
And I’m the guy on the left in the crowd photo! Cool to see you published it
Here are some photos that I took http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.271127393017544.64560.183195921810692&type=1
Emanuel Santos
says:Hi, i just want to say THANK YOU to you all for the amazing
show last night. As one of my favorite all time band i
must say that you realy know how to create a mix of
Very Good music, excelent stage performance and
Most of all make people forget everything else and
Enter a new world. Sigur Ros World… Once again
THANK YOU for beeing just like you are and make us
Dream and feel and smile and cry… Obrigado!!!
says:thank you so much!
says:My first priority from now is to see you again, it was the most incredible, intense, emotional experience of my life.
says:Ora bem!! 11 pessoas em palco(os 3 +8), esteticamente muito bom, secção de cordas e metais ajuda a preencher a música(apesar de achar que os metais podiam estar com som mais baixo), jonsi…simplesmente fantástico, 4 músicas novas(!!!!!): uns sigur ros que mandaram valtari embora(no que era mau-maioria, e no que era bom) e soam mais acido, cru…mas muito bom, uma versão de VARUD fabulosa; em resumo, um concerto incrivel)…terminam com o indescritivel poplagio(a música com mais força desde que o Homem descobriu a melodia!) que com as cordas e metais fica ainda mais potente…2 vindas de agradecimento mas sem mais nenhuma música porque qualquer coisa que tocassem depois de poplagio não podia correr bem.NOTA: bater palmas durante o Hopippola a pedido de jonsi e a bater o ritmo em glosoli é que não estava à espera…
Pena nunca ter assistido a uma versão HARF de VON(The most beautifull and sad song ever e DAUALOGN
says:You are awesome! What an amazing concert! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! No words can describe the effect your music, or should I say your magic? in us. In the world. Your music reconnects us to a higher meaning, Humankind as a whole, stars, fire, universe, nature, freedom. Believing. I am a different person today, after yesterday’s magic. Magical sigur rós. Awesome!!!
says:Brosandi :) I was with a smile from ear to ear that never disappeared during your show and there are no words that could describe such concert. I am truly in love with your music. Jónsi, it was simply on your face how much you love what you do and the pleasure you have while you are on a stage. You surely are something beyond the greatest adjective I could use! I’ve never experienced such a feeling, the one that you somehow pass to us, fans, through your unique music. That was pure art, keep up with the good work! I certainly will make everything I can to be present at your future concerts here in Portugal.
Congratulations, you truly are the best :) *
says:it was a magnificent show! the sounds, the pictures, the feelings.. everything was great! thank you!
says:O maior elogio que posso fazer aos sigur ros e que continuam a inovar e manter essa originalidade que faz da vossa banda unica no mundo…ja vi 2 concertos e não me desiludiram e adorei a vossa humildade em vir ao palco 2 vezes para se despedirem…
Daniel Gonçalves
says:I’ve waited a really long time for this chance! I flew from the middle of the atlantic to see your concert (from Azores) and I really loved it! It was (is) one of the most incredible music experiences I’ve ever had. Thank you very much! I appreciated the new songs: more power and still the same delicacy! :) All the best for the tour!
Rita Costa
says:Hello there,
Maybe this is one of the biggest clichés ever, but I really have no words left to say. You absorved every emotion of my soul/body! I loved the new songs, I was so stocked during the show, like I enter in another dimenson or something. The stage was beautiful, it fitted the songs, was so dreamy..
When I got home I was immediatly see your Europe Tour, perhaps we’ll meet again in Rome! So I hope you play Í Gær, it’s my favourite song. :)
I hope you liked Porto and you come back soon. You can believe that I hurt my hands due to the fact I couldn’t stop clapping..
Love you all,
Rita Costa
Ana Souto
says:A very few times I wished I could back in time, yesterday I thought the same. Was perfect in every way possible. Was magical, dreamy, fantastic, out of this world. You are everything that music is suppose to be.
You are a fresh air! Come back, please, come back :)
João Souto
says:Have you seen our reaction in the end of the show?
Every emotion was real, you were everything I was expecting and beyond!
PS: I love every piece of music you made, of course I liked the new songs!
Muito obrigado e espero que voltem! :)
says:One of the best shows i’ve ever seen! I’ve been waiting for you since 2009, it was worth the wait! Truly magical!
says:Ég mun vera í Lissabon í kvöld. Eftir allt þetta athugasemdir um ljómandi árangri í gærkvöldi í Porto Ég byrjaði þegar að skjálfa. Sjá þig í kvöld!
João Souto
says:Feeling feels that I never thought I could feel. Thank you 4 the amazing show in Oporto! Luvy
I wasn’t a big fan, my boyfriend always been. But I loved the concert. The concert was magic I loved every second. I think that now I’m a big fan too. Thanks for coming to Porto
Cláudio Reis
says:To say it is special to see you live is as trivial as it is true. The live set was perfectly balanced between etherealness and raw power, especially present over the new songs, but I do not feel I can grasp in words the flow of energy felt during the concert. I can try to remember some of the images: the reddish swirls of powder, the floating torsos in tones of green, falling rocks shaping a volcanic landscape, small figures on the top of mountains with twinkling lights,stardust and faces, and everywhere, that blue smoke, slow, expectant, ready to be upset by electric storms; the lights went up, it felt like coming back from somewhere far far away, takk so much*
João Souto
says:More photos here: http://palcoprincipal.sapo.pt/noticias/Noticia/sigur_ros_coliseu_do_porto/0008877
! :)
says:Another UNIQUE moment!!!
My batteries are fully charged!
U have the amazing gift of thrusting energy straight to one´s core!!!
U do not make (just) music, you are food for the soul…!
This was my third one… I want more!!!
One should wake up with your show every morning!
Lov u all
says:you are absolutely fantastic! such an amazing concert, it was overwhelming. no words can describe how i felt.
hope to see you again!
muito obrigada, sigur rós!
Madalena Cabral Ferreira
says:I absolutely loved your concert, congradulations, keep up the good work and have a nice tour! :) I hope you’ve ejoyed us much as I do and that you’ve had the chance to visit the city! Good luck for your concert tomorrow in Lisbon! It’s wonderful that you’ve started the tour in my city! :p I hope it all goes well, and that I can visit you in Iceland one day! :) (it’s my number 1 dream destination!)
says:Me and my wife are fans for years, and hoppi was our wedding song… The wedding yook place outside and it was not a very sunny day, but at the end of the cerimony, when the song started, the sun just rip of the clouds and shined… it was magical… and it’s on the wedding video, it’s real… we always wanted to see you live, and yesterday was one of the most beautifull nights we’ve ever had… specially because our son, that is only 2 months away from coming to this world and he has already listened to your amazing songs. and by the way he was kicking, I’m sure he loved it as much as his parents… In my name, in the name of my wife and in the name of our unborn son, thank you for everything.
says:This was the best concert i’ve been to… I am not easily impressed, and I have seen many, many concerts, and must admit that this one was the truly lifetime experience. I’d seen jónsi in his solo album in Spain and loved the show, but nothing would prepare me for what happened yesterday. Being a long time fan, I have always wanted to be at a Sigur Ròs concert, and finally i managed to be there. I drove for 3 long hours to stand there, shocked in front of an outstanding performance. The interaction between Jónsi and the crowd was just beyond understanding, with just a wink of his hand everyone was clapping the rhythm. The sound, video and performance were memorable. As I said when I bought the ticket: “Lifetime Achievement Unlocked”. Finally I saw you live, and am eager for more, please come back, you saw we truly love what you do.
Takk for everything.
says:takk, for an amazing concert. the sound was amazing, except at popplagi#8 start. the strings and horns were brutal to go through the whole concert. new songs resulted very well and brennisteinn pointed paths that can be covered in the future for a permanent reinvention of your sound. ( )
says:Great concert! I loved the show, the audience, the room was perfect as well.
Lights, stage effects, video in the background: I think to the one that gives the impression the group (and us) to go up/float (E-bow I think).
I wanted to hear the new songs quickly as I had been destabilized by Brennisteinn, heard for the first time in Iceland. Since my hot sharp criticism, I’m used to it, I even like a lot the sumptuous fully electronic bassline, but I always regret that part in the middle “dance floor”, supported by lasers which have fortunately disappeared… in Porto yesterday :)
Other new songs: a lot of bass, loud sound and big tempo: I liked. There are uncommon things in the voices, percussion. Hrafntinna, which ends by brass: I liked at first listen, which is rare. On the other hand, we have not enjoyed kveikur, very loud, because we couldn’t hear at all the voice of Jónsi, consequently the melody.
So yes I miss the subtlety of some old songs, I guess that was lost with the departure of Kjartan. The strings have now a secondary role, unlike the role Amiina had.
I am OK with the “new sound”, but I think the group should have the courage to remove the ubiquitous songs as Svefn-G-Englar, Ny batteri, Hoppípolla (and even Popplagið) and intercalate to calm and delight your old fans with jewels like Starálfur, Von, Njósnavélin…
Ricardo Costa
says:If the god damn angels played music it will be this way. Great jump start for the tour. I was there and had the opportunity to experience something else,ethereal, magic. The sound sometimes noisy sometimes melodical but always powerful adn I found myself, for strange it may sound, feeling the music within me. True magic happened.
I’ve been following them ever since Takk and for the first time I’ve lived their music. Live on small sites is the best way to experience and to go beyond.
says:If I ever go to Iceland, I hope to find in the nature the sounds and feelings that you played and expressed last night!
just lovely*
Rita Costa
says:I waaaant to see you again :3 Make that happen, please!
says:I am floating since yesterday. I can not describe how happy I am. It was just perfect!!! And love the new songs too! Can’t wait to a new show!
..MAGIC..Thank You!
Diogo Oliveira
says:Once I saw you guys at the cafe, as soon as me and girlfriend Inês arrived at Porto I thought to myself “This is going to be even a more wonderful day than I was expecting”.
Peacefully and very friendly you let me and Inês to take a picture with you, our favorite band, whose music is like a skylight to our lifes.
Wonderful show with so much feeling and passion. Everything went great and it felt like a dream coming true, like a truly lifetime experience.
Thank you for existing and for such a lovely music.
Takk, from Diogo and Inês.
says:First of all, thank you Sígur Rós for the great concert in Porto. You knew how to combine the oldest and the (4) new songs. Your songs still drive me to my private feelings, essentially the great moments I spent in Iceland, where I have my daughter, living with her mother. And i travel to your country every time I hear your songs (even the new one). So keep doing what you have been doing, because our planet needs more reflections about what we are doing here and your songs helps a lot. Hope you enjoy our beautiful city. Good luck for your tour and come back soon
Carlos Braga
says:Lovely concert. From the new ones, i liked brennisteinn, hrafntinna and kveikur. Vaka is always my favorite… :)Have a fantastic tour. Hope to see you soon in Porto. Takk Sigur Rós! Love Sigur!
says:O concerto de uma vida!
says:O concerto de uma vida! Obrigado
Carla Magalhães
says:Two hours of an outstanding concert! The stage show was excellent. Great playlist, missed a few songs from de new album! Loved the encore!!! Next time give us a second encore :).
Cristina Pinheiro
Obrigada, Sigur Rós :)
says:Deslumbrante, mágico, celestial, etéreo, perfeito…
Pedro C
says:Hi! I’ve been listening to you for about 10 years now… I just want to say you mean a lot to me, from a long time. I couldn’t make it to the concert. I bought my ticket back in december, but after that I was appointed to surgery these days and I had to stay home, resting, in the night of the concert. I can honestly say that the hardest part of my surgery was not to be able to make it to a concert I’ve been expecting for so long. See you next time guys.
says:It was the best show of my life. Can´t wait to see you another time. Thank you for a brilliant time, lovely songs, superb lights… WHAT A SHOW….
says:Amazing concert, I almost cried at the end, you are the greatest….
Desde ayer soy más feliz.
says:Cosmic and hipnotic live music. 5 Stars
m . M | 72
says:| COLOSAL |
Filomena Gameiro
says:you are fantastic!
Thanks, sigur rós!I hope to see you again!
Marta Otero
says:I felt cold, I felt hot, l smiled, I cried… In some moments i wanted to be alone just to feel the energy… but in others i wanted to hug someone, someone special ;) I felt my fears, but I felt an enormous hope and happiness! Amazing voice, sounds, colours! It was amazing thank you!
Carlos Braga
says:Mágico <3
Obrigado, Sigur Rós!
says:It was the GREASTEST gig.
I want to move to Iceland !!!
Francisco C
says:BRILLIANT gig ! I want to go to Iceland …
Francisco C
says:O JP a tentar fazer uns videos é que foi algo deprimente …
says:Not “coliseum” but “coliseu”… Is it so hard?
says:Great gig, great versions of Hoppipolla and Með bloðnasir, glorious version of Popplagið in the end of the concert. Not so good Glosoli (much better in the concert of november 2005) and unfortunately (for me) a lot of sigur rós best songs (again, for me) not played and which I was expecting to: Olsen olsen, Hafssól, Njósnavélin, Andvari, Sé lest (ahh that finale…) and Festival;
And others (which I wasn’t expecting at all, but dreaming with them……): Syndir guðs, Myrkur, Ágætis byrjun, Starálfur, Mílanó, Inní mér syngur vitleysingur, Við spilum endalaust.
Great gig ‘though as I’ve said before, still astonished with Popplagið version :0
P.S: worst support act of all Sigur Rós concerts I’ve attended: that guy on the stage brings nothing but headaches lol. The Album Leaf, in 2003, and specially Amiina in 2005, were way way better choices and elegant/gracious support for Sigur Rós music.
Takk :)
carlos & jacinta
says:third concert, 13 of February of 2013…
It will be necessary, to describe that perhaps hear sigur ros in a cd, a dvd or any other ‘artificial’ mechanism is very good and sometimes excellent (to work, to love, or just to pass time), but seeing live and ‘kicking’ can overcome any sensitive barrier. The contact with that reality provides us a unique moment in our lifetime passing our humble body’s to other dimension without the need of any kind ‘artificialization’. A ‘twilight zone’ complete of energy: sensitive, delicate, penetrating, profound and sometimes immersive in the chaotic Coliseu chamber, where the process of time, image and sound seem to us (once again), a total experience.
Thank you so much, …Sigur and Orchestra (I think some belong to the Amiina)…
Carlos & Jacinta
Antonio Rodrigues
It was the second time that I was in your concerts, first was in Warsaw (2008) and now in my hometown Porto.
Both concerts were full of magical moments that remit us to a world of fantasy and let us forget all our daily life problems and stresses.
Each year you are better and better!
Hope to see you soon somewhere over Europe! :)
says:I forgot to say something important: the most beautiful moment of the concert, for me, was E-bow: magical, hypnotic, this piece is definitely for the scene (and not so usual in your setlists).
says:The Magical mistery tour!! Many thanks Sigur Ros it Was amazing great!
Carlos Braga
says:The horns at the end are so beautiful. I can’t stop listening to hrafntinna… :) Love Sigur!
says:Hello! My wife and I were the ones who were in Sundlaugin on our honeymoon in 2009 and also went to buy some sweaters;)
Your music is absolutely outstanding for us and our relationship … It’s something that makes us fly and cry … of happiness … Please continue and please continue to come to Porto at least whenever you tour … Takk fyrir
says:It was the thirt time i saw you alive in Porto, I love this concert particularly.
The new songs sound a little different, but i like them, now i am curious about the new album!
One of the most beautiful moments of the concert was the Varuo song, the projections combined with the lights on the stage… absolutely magnificent!
Hope to see you soon…
Takk, thank you, Obrigado!
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alvaro penafiel
says:por favor voltem rápido ao coliseu do porto :)…ja vos vi tres vezes e ja sinto a vossa falta….
says:Morales and i were there!!! And it was overwhelming in the best seat of all!!!Thank you for unforgetfulness…
says:Na minha cidade, no meu Coliseu. Fantástico. Obrigado. Que sorte,. nos 6 milhões de anos de homens na Terra, eu ter coincidido a minha vida com as dos Sigur Ros. Muita sorte a minha.