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photos by earlier.at
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photos by anna obermeier
says:How can one fall asleep after your show?? It was absolutely amazing, breathtaking..to stand there and experience such concert live..thank you, Sigur Ros, for doing what you’re doing, for awaking emotions this unique way..love you and hope to see you soon again! Take care xx
says:I am still floating… still feeling your music within every fibre of my body, within every breath I take and exhale, with every heartbeat I still feel the warmth and beauty of yesterday… it was magic. words fail to describe the abundance of love and comfort you provided that night – it will be within me the rest of my life… takk sigur rós!
says:Yet again what an amazing gig from Sigur Ros. Different line up this time but same powerful, emotional performance from a band at the top of their game. Just a wonderful live experience; sound, visuals and what a superb venue to see one of your favourite bands of all time. Thank you Vienna. . . . Until next time. KG x
says:When did Sigur Ros started playing in Vienna, earlier then 21:00 or later then that?
says:they started at 20.44
says:Dankeschoen! Thank you for this beautiful evening, glad I was there.
says:amazing! so totally f***ing amazing! although jonsi had problem with his throat he was great! I wish you all the best for your live concerts and see you soon!
says:It was such an amazing feeling to listen to your mind-blowing crescendos live. It was a breathtaking concert yesterday. Thank you all dear sigur rós members. Have a nice and safe tour. Takk!
says:it was one of the best shows in my life. thank you sigur ros for music that make you feel different and make world to be a better place. i would like to live in that world. yesterday i felt like in some kind of personal space where just splendid and beautiful things can live. lot of energy for you!
says:it was such a beautiful evening! one of the best shows i’ve ever seen! loved everything..the venue, the crowd and you guys! thank you
says:It was amazing.

Thank you!
says:totally awesome concert, incredible beautiful, thank you Sigur Rós and sometimes again next time :)
Jacqueline Marie
says:Takk! Thanks for one of the most perfect nights in my life! It was a pleasure to see you! It was amazing how you bring all the different emotions on the peoples faces! I was crying the whole conzert and in the end when you were playing Glósóli I was the happiest person on the Planet! It was like you were listening to me and my boyfriend as I said :”I wish they play Glósóli!”
Thank you for this wonderful evening!
See you again next time in Austria :)
thank you for this great evening!!!
It is so good to hear you live with my friends and the other people that have the same vibration.
I love your “Music”.It’s more than this.
I hope someday i visit your beautiful motherland and walk with your music in my ears and my heart in the magnificent landscape.
Ég vona að það kemur aftur
says:I’ve been to loads of concerts but this was the second best ever! The very best was back in 2008, same venue, by that band called Sigur Rós… ;-)
Seriously, I won’t find the right words to describe this experience – and I think that’s what music should be about (but unfortunately rarely ever is)…
says:still speechless after yesterday’s experience – i have been to many concerts in my life but i had never ever actually felt music go so deep as i did yesterday. There are no words to express my gratitude for this gift you have given me, but still, from all my heart: Thank you, sigur rós!
says:Fantastic, amazing, awesome…a wonderful show. Thank you, you guys are brilliant
says:Two days later I am still floating! I feel like reborn! No words can describe that emotions! Thank you so much!!! Takk!! Danke!
says:Best concert of my life. Thank you!
says:simply magical. thank you so much guys! <3
says:Dear Guys! There are definitly no words that can even come close to expressing how emotionally intense and beautiful that performance was, I will never get it out of my mind. Your music changed my life (very very positive!)
Thank you so much !!!!!!!!
says:Concert was 2 days ago, but im still floating, and can’t listen any music, becuase Jónsi voice’s is still in my head.
We came from other country to see the concert, and it was totally worth it!
I can not express what you gave me that concert. I felt the music every part of my body, and it was so intense.Music was never go deeper before, and first time when i cried during a concert, and i couldnt stop.
Thank you for exist!!
says:After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. (Aldous Huxley)
Takk Sigur Rós for giving us just that.
says:Incredibly beautiful during the weakest moments and an otherworldly experience during the best… I’ve been smiling practically non-stop during the last days and my good mood won’t fade for a long time… I wish the concert wasn’t over. Truly the best I’ve ever been to!
takk sigur ros
says:We travelled from Liverpool UK and you made it worth the trip. Beautiful concert in a stunning venue. Thank you Sigur Ros and thank you the people of Arena Wien.
says:Amazing, fantastic, ethereal… Thank you for the best show I have ever seen! Greetings from Slovakia.
( )
says:thanks a lot to perform the song “Viðrar vel til loftárása”!! TAKK
says:This concert returned joy to my life for 2 hours and it lasts since. I’ve finally seen and listened to my favorite band live and I hope to see and listen to them live again, sometimes. Takk you!
Greetings from Slovakia.
says:This concert was the most emotional and deepest muscial experience I ever had (40 years old). I want to thank Sigur Ros for sharing their view of the (musical) world in the way the do. It’s inspiring.
says:That evening had something special and the energy derived from your gig helped me a lot through last winter… I´m looking forward to see you soon in ostrava