
Antwerp, Belgium

Aug 27, 2012




[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157631279011724″ id=”7836560@N03″ type=”gallery”] photos by derob


[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157631285559642″ id=”28383448@N00″ type=”gallery”]
photos by stijn de grauwe


18 Comments on “riviernehof”

  • Kristin


    A great live performance, unbelievable. Thank you for a nice evening with youre music!

  • Annick


    It was too good for words. I really hope we’ll get the chance to see (and hear) you again soon! It was an unforgettable evening! Takk!

  • Oli


    I’m still looking for the words to describe this performance. What an amazing show! I’ll never forget this evenig… Takk guys!

  • Philip


    Dear Sigur Ros, what a super performance in a great Rivierenhof setting. The final Popplagið blew my mind last night, and this morning I’m still enjoying it. I just can’t explain to others what I felt in the final of your show…truely magic. Thanks for coming to our small country and hoping to see you guys back soon.

  • Thanks a lot for such a wonderful evening in a venue that really suits your music. I was great to enjoy the touching magic of musical poetry – I hope you can keep on bringing this to us for many years to come. Respect!

  • Liesbeth



    I can’t find the right words to describe all the emotions I went through yesterday!!! I couldn’t wait to hear Varud live, because it is my favourite song and to me hearing that song live was the highlight of the evening, I was in tears!!
    So Takk, Takk, Takk for everything!!!!!

  • gino


    what a evening my first concert was in the ab but this was special

  • François


    just… Takk!
    and see you at reykjavík, iceland!

  • Dirk


    A couple of years ago i sent an email to your mangemant suggesting to play a concert in the antwerp rivierenhof. Imagine how amazed i was seeing you there. Apart from being athe technical problems i hope you enjoyed the concert as much as we all did. Keep on touching people’s soul and thank’s for the great concert!

  • Dirk


    A couple of years ago i sent an email to your mangemant suggesting to play a concert in the antwerp rivierenhof. Imagine how amazed i was seeing you there. Apart from being a bit cramped and the technical problems i hope you enjoyed the concert as much as we all did. Keep on touching people’s soul and thank’s for the great concert!

  • Sébastien


    For the unlucky (like me) who couldn’t be in Rivierenhof that day, here is a great news: Sigur Rós will be back in Brussels, Forest National/Vorst Nationaal, on 26FEB! Presale today Wednesday 12SEP only, otherwise official sales begin on 14SEP.

    I know, Rivierenhof was probably much better… but still, Sigur Rós is wonderful, and everywhere! I’ve got my ticket: see you all there! ;-)

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