Locus Festival

Bari, Italy

Jul 11, 2023


Untitled #1 – Vaka
Ekki múkk
Ný batterí
Untitled #6 – E-Bow
Untitled #7 – Dauðalagið
Untitled #8 – Popplagið

12 Comments on “Locus Festival”

  • fabio


    a dream has come true. it is impossible to describe how incredible, how exciting, how wonderful the concert was. i have waited so many years to see you live and now it has happened. it feels like i have waited my whole life just to be there. takk

  • Dario


    È stato uno dei migliori concerti a cui abbia mai partecipato. Tecnicamente mostruosi, emotivamente devastanti. Grazie per la vostra musica e per quello che ci avete dato. Grazie.

  • Wonderful performance in spite of the bad location nearly ships and containers… Jonsi & co are beautiful musicians and their masterpieces are making happiness and hopeness, everywhere and everytime

  • Nicola Papa


    11/07/2008 a Firenze
    11/07/2023 a Bari
    Dopo 14 anni rivederli nella propria città… mi hanno regalato grandi emozioni

  • Marika


    I discovered your beautiful music when I was 15 years old, I’m 29 now and being able to attend your concert in my hometown has been an absolute honor and pleasure. It was magnificent, moving and exciting. Thank you very much!

  • Leonardo


    It’s always magical to see you live for the fourth time but it was even more special to see you in my hometown! Despite some unhappy organization choices from the festival the experience was otherwordly and took me to a happy place for almost two hours.

    The cherry on top was meeting Jonsi on the seaside, the morning of the concert. Loved having a short chat with him despite me being barely able to talk because of the emotion!

  • Elisabetta


    Concerto strepitoso, sonorità che risvegliano sensazioni ancestrali e ti legano in profondità con la natura. Ti traghettano in una dimensione onirica e fiabesca.

  • Enzo


    Great emotions…sounds coming from a poetic world with strong contrasts like the Icelandic landscapes….

  • Alessandro Serio


    Il più bel concerto a cui abbia mai assistito. Grazie Sigur Ros, mi avete fatto piangere.

  • Alessandro


    Ho scoperto i Sigur Rós guardando il film “Vanilla sky”….è stato amore a prima vista! Sono partito alla scoperta del loro repertorio trovandolo avvincente per la ricerca timbrica audace e per il misticismo coinvolgente. Ho percorso più di mille chilometri per assistere al concerto di Bari e le mie aspettative non sono state deluse, anzi, si sono rivelate superiori al previsto. Uno dei concerti più emotivamente appagante a cui abbia mai assistito. Grazie!

  • Nami


    Another beautiful show, our 25th time. Amazing and interesting location :). See you in Seattle next month ❤️

  • Jack L


    Just fantastic concert!!

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