Meridian Hall

Toronto, ON, Canada

Jun 11, 2022


Set 1
1. Vaka
2. Fyrsta
3. Samskeyti
4. Svefn-g-englar
5. Rafmagnið búið
6. Ný batterí
7. Gold 2
8. Fljótavík
9. Heysátan
10. Dauðalagið
11. Smáskifa

Set 2
12. Glósóli
13. E-Bow
14. Ekki múkk
15. Sæglópur
16. Gong
17. Andvari
18. Gold 4
19. Festival
20. Kveikur
21. Popplagið

(setlist info)

16 Comments on “Meridian Hall”

  • Behrang TK


    It was raw emotions! Cried for entire set one!

  • Roberto


    Gracias, thank you, takk!
    Your art touched the deepest strings in emotion, I cried, laughed and hyped up. A life changing show.

  • Dave Hjin


    Thank you so much for still being around and playing live! I’ve been a fan of Sigur Ros since I was 6 years old, yet this was the first time I’ve seen the band live. It was an experience that took me right back to everything I loved about the band and music itself; energy, joy, raw expression and songs that leave room for the listener to when it comes to the meaning. Thank you so much for giving us your best and most creative time after time. I still can’t believe that I heard the bowed guitar, sk20 samples and CP80 live. They are a few of my favourite sounds in music. The band’s creativity and experimentation in multi-instrumentalism never ceased to amaze me throughout the show and OBO was such a fresh, powerful new breath into the band. I hope he will stay as a fixture for the next record; I am in love with his drumming. The arrangements of each song seem to have become more mature and powerful than I even remember them. I am a young man that loves to dance to music so I was certainly the only guy in the entire first floor who was dancing and losing it behind the last row; and I was mesmerized by everything the entire time. Highlights for me include Ny-Batteri, Saeglopur and Heysatan. (But who am i kidding I was absolutely in love with every song) I am probably going to watch Heima again today and watch any pro shots videos I can find; knowing nothing beats hearing Sigur Ros live, smiling.

  • Cynthia McQueen


    After first hearing Agaetis Byrjun in the early 2000s, I fell in love with the sound of music I think the universe would make to sing to the stars. There is nothing like it. Last night’s performance was one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen. Thank you! Þakka þér fyrir! If ever a live recording of that show were to be made available, I would love a copy on vinyl (you sold out of all your vinyl before you hit Toronto). Thank you for making music that expresses such deep emotion. It brought a tear of joy to my eye after the last few years. So much love for your music. Make music forever!

  • Cynthia McQueen


    After first hearing Agaetis Byrjun in the early 2000s, I fell in love with the sound of music I think the universe would make to sing to the stars. There is nothing like it. Last night’s performance was one of the best live shows I’ve ever seen. Thank you! Þakka þér fyrir! If ever a live recording of that show were to be made available, I would love a copy on vinyl (you sold out of all your vinyl before you hit Toronto). Thank you for making music that expresses such deep emotion. It brought a tear of joy to my eye. A much-needed cathartic moment of music appreciation after the last few years. So much love for your music. Make music forever!

  • Rilwan Azeez


    Best night of my life. Stunning performance. I still can’t believe I saw you live.

    With love from Nigeria.

  • Scott


    Sometimes, in rare cases, certain music cannot be defined or classified in any way, shape, or form. Sometimes is it not necessary for a language sung or spoken by an artist to be understood by the listener. It can provoke great emotions from within, especially when a band is less concerned with rhythm than minimalistic sounds, including long pauses reducing themselves to complete silence, which, when watching your performance is often the most deafening sound of all. A complete contrast from levels of bass and distortion that are so boomingly low at times, you feel like the hall will cave in. Some music truly provides greater appreciation for the abstract. Yours might be music’s greatest example containing vocals. Takk.

    -Meridian Hall 06.11.22

  • Kim


    I was beyond thrilled when I found out Sigur Ros was playing in Toronto. Last night’s concert was a powerful, immersive musical experience for me. I was moved beyond words. Jonsi’s falsetto and bow guitar magic is like no other. I love Georg’s accompanying bass guitar work as I do the piano and drums which were all so powerful at different times throughout the night. Now I understand why so many are saying that you must see them live. It brings a whole new dimension to their music.

    Seeing you live has been on my bucket list for a few years and thought I’d have to travel afar to do so! Thank you thank you thank you Sigur Ros for coming to Toronto ❤️.

  • Judah Mulalu


    Talk… at the Meridian Hall, Toronto.

    Music is often a vehicle for expression of unbridled human emotion. Nothing however, comes remotely close to the elegiac masterpiece of Sigur Rós’ performance last night, so tender one’s soul is cradled gently through the tender movements exposing an acute fragility hitherto never exposed or experienced. And then there’s the explosive energy that completely rips the soul apart as if to rid it of all that latent darkness, flooding it with so much light one teeters on the edge of emotional blindness, if you will. As if to say, look deep within, there’s always been just you and nothing to fear. It is precisely in that moment of abject exposure that the repair begins, and the mesmerizing melodies put the soul back together again, better than new and one settles into a new level of emotional awareness. A rebirth of sorts… pure, unadulterated transport!

    Thank you seems trite, but it will just have to do, in folds upon folds!

  • Mehrdad Jalalian


    I was emotional throughout the Concert! what a talented band with amazing performance. I loved it so much. Thank you Sigor RÓs for an unforgettable night.

  • Dave Nye


    No words

  • Matt lancaster


    Was the most incredible show
    They got deep to my soul and touched it

  • Laura


    My soul ascended.

    Tears and goosebumps for most of the show.

    Sigur Ros live is the closest one can have to a religious experience.

    Takk. <3

  • Nicole D'Or


    I am by no means a music critic, but I wanted to share a little (deeply personal) review of the Sigur Rós show I attended on June 11 at Meridian Hall. At the risk of sounding entirely pretentious, I believe their live performance is more of a transformative spiritual experience than a mere concert.

    Jónsi’s voice is so ethereal and organic, like what I imagine the Earth itself would sound like if it hummed out of every cave. At times, it seamlessly morphed into something more haunting and mechanical and became impossible discern from the electric instruments. The show was bursting with this kind of juxtaposition. The stage went from being delicately illuminated by gently twinkling bulbs to subjecting the audience to a barrage of violently intense strobe lights. Contrast was even more profound in the sound. There were overwhelmingly loud and objectively discordant elements, yet the quiet and soft parts were equally, if not more, powerful. There were even several extended periods of pure silence, and in a sold-out venue, they created palpable tension.

    It was an intensely emotionally stirring experience. The rollercoaster of extremes forced me oscillate from being highly present in an almost meditative state to being inundated with memories and existential reflection. I wept thinking about things I’ve lost: various life paths that didn’t pan out, a couple romantic relationships that meant the world to me, and my brilliant late friend Ben who first showed me Sigur Rós. I thought about the inevitable deaths of my family, my friends, my cat, and myself. And then I cried even harder as I was overcome with gratitude for having experienced all of these things in the first place. Suddenly the inclusion of intentionally abrasive music and light made perfect sense. You can’t have love without loss, soft without harsh, calm without chaos… It’s quite literally all part of the show.

    It’s neat to think that this is what the universe does given a little nudge and 13.8 billion years. It coalesces atoms together who decide to make vibrations so lovely that they cause other clusters of atoms to contemplate their own place in the universe.

  • Mike


    Second time that I have seen Sigur ros. Last time was outside and this was far purer. I will remember the slicences, the audience and the band together. I was surprised at the emotions invoked by the music. More of a communal , religious experience than a concert

  • Sam


    This was the second time I had the honour of seeing Sigur Ros live, but the first time indoors. While the outdoors experience was amazing in and of itself, there is something about the containment of sound within the walls that lets it reverberate through your heart in the best way. It fully immersed myself in the music I so desperately craved. Thank you. I only wish to experience it for years to come.

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