Saw Sigur Rós tonight for the 3rd time. Tonight they gifted Nashville with 2 stunning hours of pure musical glory. Consistently one of the most awe-inspiring and breathtaking experiences that leaves you needing to just sit in silence and contemplate what you just witnessed. It simply does not get any better. (1/4)
Matt Young
That was the most beautiful show I’ve seen!
Thank you for coming to my hometown and putting on such a wonderfully amazing show!
Matt Young
Geoff Smith
says:Never in my life have I heard a band that shook me to my very core. A band that could terrify me, humble me, and inspire me. A band that could invoke every emotion that you have. A band that could make your ears almost bleed, shake your heart out of your chest, and bring you to tears. I found that band in Sigur Rós. Never in my life have I physically seen music’s indefinite potential. They are the greatest show I have ever seen and probably will ever see. If you ever get the chance to see this band, do not miss the opportunity. Whether you dig them or not, I guarantee you that you’ll never see another show quite like it. I am in awe and forever in awe of the most beautiful band in the world to me, Sigur Rós. Thank you for making me always fall back in love with music. What an absolute incredible show.
says:To say I went to a ‘gig’ last night would be selling the experience short by a 100 miles!
Last night, I had an experience, and that experience was Sigur Ros!
Tim (timbre4) who sat right next to me last night said it best when he said “Sigur Ros played more than music tonight”
I wholeheartedly agree.
I’m still speechless, and I didn’t take any pictures or videos because there’s no way any phone videos or pictures would do the experience proper justice.
I was also amazed at how completely respectful the audience was at TPAC last night.
There were only a few times that I saw someone take their phone out to get a quick picture or video, and during some of the most quiet moments, you could hear a pin drop. It was eerie and awesome all at once!
Visually you could argue that no one puts on a better show at that level than them.
They use darkness, light, depth, and height to their advantage to change the visual perspective with each and every song.
I really don’t know what else to say except here’s their remaining tour dates for the year, and if you’re anywhere near where these shows are taking place, go! You will thank me later!
says:Pure vibrational therapy.
says:Simply amazing. So powerful it almost blew me out of my seat.
Tony Gerber
says:You are my favorite band. This is the second time I have seen you live and both times in Nashville. Thank you so much for making the journey into the south and performing your magic for us. Sigur Ros are pioneers of sound. One of a kind. A style like no other. You transformed the Jackson Hall into the intrigue that is your world. Thank you Sigur Ros and thank you Iceland for all the amazing music…
says:Amazing light show. Blew my mind how in sinc the music and light show were.thank you for your creativity and awesomeness!!!
says:Most amazing show I’ve ever experienced. Jonsi’s voice is more ethereal than ever. The entire band was so in tune with one another and the lights were just insane. I have been dreaming about this show since I heard the rumor that Sigur Ros wouldn’t tour again back in 2008, and you managed to truly outdo yourself in amazingness. Sigur Ros, I am enamored and in awe. There is truly no other like you.
says:My first Sigur Ros show last night in Nashville. I have been trying to see the band live for more than 10 years (in Seattle and Portland where I previously lived). I wish I had been able to participate in this experience sooner. I believe that the band has an almost otherworldly understanding of life and has translated that into music. I left the show simply saying “wow”. It was a life changing experience.
Christy Fike
says:There are no words to describe this experience. I was able to cross one off the bucket list the first time I’ve saw Sigur Ros 4 years ago in Washington DC. I was blown away. So to see them again and in the setting of the Andrew Jackson Hall at TPAC was just other worldly. Their light show is just off the charts. The BEST I’ve ever seen. And more importantly their music has moved me in such a spiritual way for so many years. Been a huge fan since 2003 and feel so lucky to have seen them again last night in Nashville. I’m in awe of their talent & artistry & forever will be.
Gena Hamilton
says:Best concert I’ve seen!! Please continue to come visit the USA. Thank you. Enjoyed every minute
Bri Dixon
says:Probably the best show that I have seen and heard. You sounded just as beautiful live as you do on the albums. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to experience you all live. It was a beautiful and wonderful night that I won’t forget. I hope to see you all again someday!
says:Performance exceptionnelle dans un théâtre prodigieux mais parfois inadapté à la puissance pure et cristalline de Sigur Ros.
Quoi qu’il en soit ce fut un honneur de pouvoir assister à une telle représentation. Habitée, prodigieuse au véritable sens du terme prodige, unique!
Un remerciement profond à Sigur Ros!
says:Habitée, Prodigieux au sens véritable du terme prodige et unique!
Une performance toute en puissante parfois mal adaptée acoustiquement parlant à la salle de spectacle.
Quoi qu’il en soit ce fut un honneur de voir Sigur Ros!
Un profond remerciement à vous!
M. Mcafee
says:This was my 5th show and they never fail to amaze me. Looking forward to many more. No artist or band comes close to their beauty and intensity.
Heyoka Bë? Pow
says:Such a special treat to’ve had you guys here in Nashville! A beautiful production, so very well orchestrated. The experience left me feeling floaty well into tomorrow, was a vibratory journey beyond the dimension of space-time for me. There was a period in the second set I didn’t even realize my eyes were flooding, but not from an emotional response, just from being there, when the tune came to close I wiped my face and realized I was drenched through my beard with streams down my neck to my chest and shirt. I couldn’t believe I didn’t realize it. Kudos! Props! Congratulations! All the wonderful stuff! Takk! Takk! Takk! to you guys, Sigur Ros, for coming here to Music city and sharing your arts and talents! Nashville loves you! Please come back any time! XOXO, BP
Cynthia M
says:It’s been 3 days since I attended the show in Nashville and I still feel a little bit dazed and out of step, like I’ve had an otherworldy encounter. You don’t need another person to tell you that the music was beautiful and the light show was amazing, but it was more than that — for a few hours, it felt like everyone in that auditorium was connected, and there was a sense that we were all listening to something so much greater than just a band, on a stage, in a concert hall. Sigur Ros somehow managed to pull back the curtain of reality and expose something that is more than music, something that is more like a window to our souls. Thank you so much for the experience. I will always remember it.
Birdie Loeffler
says:Several days later, I’m still processing how stunning this show was. These Icelandic music monsters, for lack of a better phrase, rocked the f*ck out. I’ve been waiting to see Sigur Ros since I was a teenager, and while I had high expectations, I was wholly unprepared for how unbelievable it really was to see them live. The sound was at times so brilliantly delicate, and then earth-shatteringly intense. Every aspect of the performance clearly designed with such intentionality and executed with artful precision. From the impeccable detail of the visuals, lights, and production, to the band members swapping instruments like it was nothing. Every song felt like being pulled along an epic journey. The vocals were pure and powerful. For a group whose lyrics are a complete mystery likely to the entire theater, I was amazed at how they were still able to convey such gripping emotions and stories… in a word: masterful. And how refreshing that seeing a phone was rare at best – the audience too taken and enthralled to care about capturing those fleeting moments. What a humbling, impossibly beautiful, and profound experience. Thank you for gracing the stage, Sigur Ros, and for gracing us all with your music. It was an honor to be a part of the night.