Nem tudo que eu vivo eu posto, nem tudo que eu posto eu vivo, minha meta é viver e não agradar😉
A meta é manter o equilíbrio e seguir em frente, SEMPRE 🙌🏼
Quem não faz acontecer vê acontecendo 😉
A felicidade não é um ponto de chegada, a felicidade está no prazer de lutar constantemente pelos meus propósitos e objetivos. 🔥😊💙
Los vigilantes, los cuidadores. 🖤 #srdallas #mrmagnum #cat #catsofinstagram #catslovers
Estos cachorros que me regaló la vida…🖤
#catsofinstagram #cats #catlife #catlovers #cat #SrDallas #mrmagnum
Nem todos os dias são iguais e nem perfeitos, mas uma mente visionária é um prato cheio que poucos conseguem ter.,💫
Dando valor á vida hoje, por que amanhã só pertence a Deus🚀💙
Nem tudo são rosas, nem tudo são cactos, saiba cuidar do seu jardim pois quando cuidamos cada um do seu jardim, temos ótimos resultados.
says:Sigur Rós are the greatest band there is at the moment! Their show was spectacular, surreal, and very entertaining! I just wish it never ended… hope to see them again some day soon.
Elizabeth Anne Hin
says:The Sigur Ros concert of 7 June 2017 in Dallas, Texas was an historic, mystical, poetic, loving, brilliant creation, work of art, and gift. It was a humble privilege as an elder to attend. My deepest regards and gratitude~ Takk.
says:Words can only go so far describing the kind of music this group puts on. They take music to the next level. By far my favorite concert I’ve ever been to! Takk Sigur Rós!
says:I can’t believe I waited so long to see them live. What a phenomenal experience, for both my girlfriend and I. She was in tears over how beautiful of an experience this was for her and I felt alive, in a way I’ve never felt before. Thank you for the wonderful work of art you guys have put together, time and time again!
says:A loving experience that we will never forget! This unique and spectacular music takes your mind and soul into beautiful places! Your art and work brings me to tears of joy. Obrigado, Gracias, TAkk…
says:This was the best their concert I have ever seen! How beautiful everything was. TAKK!
Cat Richey
says:For my first ever concert experience, Sigur Rós was definitely the best choice I could have made. The visuals were gorgeous and Jónsi still has the most mesmerizing voice I’ve heard by far (that’s coming from a fellow singer btw) ♡ This show honestly re-inspired me, so for that I must say takk.
And as a side note: I know you were trying to get folks to sing along with that last song, Jónsi…! I tried singing along, but I feel I was the only one doing so >.>
But to see you so immersed in your songs, there’s nothing I can say to describe how amazing that was!
Mark Lewis
says:2 weeks later…and this concert is still in my head. Incredible “experience”. Music meets mystery meets magic. A glimpse of Eternity. I’ll be there for the next concert, and the next one…