I have a thing for chandeliers #chandelierlighting
#moodboardaesthetic #aesthetic #aestheticinspiration #aestheticpost #aestheticedit #aestheticgram #aestheticphotography #creativeexpression #visualdiary #visualcreator #romanticizeyourlife #romanticizinglife #interiordetails #chicagoliving #srchicago #stregischicago
بسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
. 🌺 Assalamualaikum ukhti...
Mau tidurmu tambah nyaman dan berkualitas?
Yuk, pesan SPREI dan BED COVER nya di sprei_elsirezeki...sprei bahan katun lokal dengan motif dan warna yang menarik, bahannya lembut, awet, tidak luntur, tidak berbulu, tidak berpasir, desain trendy dan jahitannya rapi bangeeett.
Bisa request ukuran lho...
Bisa dipesan sesuai ukuran kasurmu ukhti...
Bisa couple juga (Kasur Ibu & Anak atau Kakak & Adik dengan motif yang sama).
Ukhti MAU PESAN motif yang mana?
Silakan pilih MOTIF yang kamu suka 💞
Nah, kalo motif yang di foto
Size 180 x 200 x 25 cm
IDR 390.000
Detail Produk :
🍃Sprei rimpel 3 sisi
Sprei dengan pinggiran rimpel di sisi kanan, kiri & bawah, sudah termasuk 2 sarung bantal pakai busa tipis dan dibordir, 2 sarung guling (tali guling sudah terpasang)
🍃Sarung bantal standar 50x70cm
🍃Sarung guling standar 38x100cm
🍃Tinggi kasur 25cm
🍃Tinggi rimpel 50cm
Whatsapp #082388442232 ya ukhti 🌺
#cintaproduklokal #spreibunga #spreihandmade #spreistar #spreiset #spreikatun #spreimurah #spreianak #spreiberkualitas #spreimotif #spreipolos #sarungbantal #Sukabumi #Bandung #sumatera #bedsheet #spreiking #katunjepang #katunshanghai #spreihighquality #bedcoverset #home #shabbychic #shabby #decoration #homedecor #happyweekdays #bedcoverbagus
بسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
. 🌺 Assalamualaikum ukhti...
Mau tidurmu tambah nyaman dan berkualitas?
Yuk, pesan SPREI dan BED COVER nya di sprei_elsirezeki...sprei bahan katun lokal dengan motif dan warna yang menarik, bahannya lembut, awet, tidak luntur, tidak berbulu, tidak berpasir, desain trendy dan jahitannya rapi bangeeett.
Bisa request ukuran lho...
Bisa dipesan sesuai ukuran kasurmu ukhti...
Bisa couple juga (Kasur Ibu & Anak atau Kakak & Adik dengan motif yang sama).
Ukhti MAU PESAN motif yang mana?
Silakan pilih MOTIF yang kamu suka 💞
Nah, kalo motif yang di foto
Size 180 x 200 x 25 cm
IDR 390.000
Detail Produk :
🍃Sprei rimpel 3 sisi
Sprei dengan pinggiran rimpel di sisi kanan, kiri & bawah, sudah termasuk 2 sarung bantal pakai busa tipis dan dibordir, 2 sarung guling (tali guling sudah terpasang)
🍃Sarung bantal standar 50x70cm
🍃Sarung guling standar 38x100cm
🍃Tinggi kasur 25cm
🍃Tinggi rimpel 50cm
Whatsapp #082388442232 ya ukhti 🌺
#cintaproduklokal #spreibunga #spreihandmade #spreistar #spreiset #spreikatun #spreimurah #spreianak #spreiberkualitas #spreimotif #spreipolos #sarungbantal #Sukabumi #Bandung #sumatera #bedsheet #spreiking #katunjepang #katunshanghai #spreihighquality #bedcoverset #home #shabbychic #shabby #decoration #homedecor #happyweekdays #bedcoverbagus
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
🌺 Sprei bahan katun lokal dengan motif dan warna yang menarik, bahannya lembut, awet, tidak luntur, tidak berbulu, tidak berpasir, desain trendy dan jahitannya rapi
Detail Produk :
▪️Sprei Set Karet
🍃1 sprei dengan pinggiran KARET di ke-4 sudutnya,
🍃2 sarung bantal pakai busa tipis dan dibordir,
🍃2 sarung guling (tali guling sudah terpasang)
🍃Tinggi sprei 25cm
▪️ Sprei Set Rimpel 3 Sisi
🍃1 Sprei dengan pinggiran rimpel di sisi kanan, kiri & bawah,
🍃2 sarung bantal pakai busa tipis dan dibordir,
🍃2 sarung guling (tali guling sudah terpasang)
🍃Tinggi sprei 25cm
🍃Tinggi rimpel 50cm
▪️ Bedcover set
🍃Sprei rimpel 3 sisi
Sprei dengan pinggiran rimpel di sisi kanan, kiri & bawah, sudah termasuk 2 sarung bantal pakai busa tipis dan dibordir, 2 sarung guling (tali guling sudah terpasang)
Satu bedcover isi dalamnya dakron berkualitas dengan ukuran 240x240cm
🍃Sarung bantal standar 50x70cm
🍃Sarung guling standar 38x100cm
Sprei Karet
Size 180x200x25 cm
IDR 290.000,-
Whatsapp #082388442232 ya ukhti 🌺
#cintaproduklokal #spreibagus #spreibunga #spreihandmade #spreistar #spreiset #spreikatun #spreimurah #spreianak #spreiberkualitas #spreimotif #spreipolos #sarungbantal #Sukabumi #Bandung #sumatera #bedsheet #spreiking #katunjepang #katunshanghai #spreihighquality #bedcoverset #home #shabbychic #shabby #decoration #homedecor #happyweekdays
Always my favorite wwp event!!Soldier Ride Chicago’s 10th anniversary with my favorite people! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🚲🚲🚲
Fyrir #norðurogniður #tbt taka myndir með hetjan mín. 🖤 🇮🇸 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
sigurros fiskur1212 #SigurRos #SigurRós #jonsi #Jónsi #idol #hero #SRChicago #SigurRósLive #nordurognidur #voiceofanangel #ísland #iceland
No one quite does a show like Sigur Rós. 🇮🇸🖤 #SRChicago #SigurRós #SigurRos #iceland #auditoriumtheatre #ást #untitled8 #popplagið #gooutwithabang #frontandcenter #huaweip9 #leica
says:Words can’t fully describe the experience I felt watching Sigur Rós tonight. I’d been wanting to see them live for so long, and their show far exceeded my expectations. You can read the words “epic” and “beautiful” in a critic’s article review, but it’s a whole other layer when you experience it in person. I will argue their music sounded even better in person. At many points in their show I was very close to crying from the music. I finally did when they started playing the beautifully sad “Vaka”. They remind me about the power of music, and how much their music has touched me so often in the past. Thank you for a wonderful show! Much love from Chicago! ❤️
says:This was hands down the best concert I have ever been to. The atmosphere and the energy that the band had made me sit in awe during the whole concert. It was a truly inspiring and emotional concert during every song. I have always loved this band and this concert made me tear up a few times because of the sheer beauty. Bravo to the band, and I cannot wait to see you again
says:Breathtaking, amazing, spiritual, awe inspiring, all that can be said is wow.
says:Beautiful, transcendental experience. Not so much a concert as a piece of art. Unlike other shows, it was about the music, not the musicians. It was my first time seeing Sigur Rós, but it will definitely not be my last. I have always loved Jonsi’s bowed guitar in recordings, but it was that much better to hear live. It brings a sort of mechanical beauty to the music. At the end of Sigur Rós’s set, the applause from the audience lasted for 5 minutes. Takk, Sigur Rós. Please come back to Chicago sometime soon! I shall be in the audience once again!
Chris Shackleton
says:Tied with LCD Soundsystem as the best concert I have ever been to. I can’t recall the last time I had goose bumps, but I did last night during three different songs. Sigur Ros absolutely slays. Whoever designed their lighting setup for their stage is a mad genius. Truly a beautiful and epic performance.
says:Wow. Just wow. No words can express my happiness right now. This has been the most emotional charged show that I’ve ever been to. A grown man almost brought to tears many times. The lighting was amazing!! I can certifiably say best show ever.
John W.
says:Spectacular show! I’ve seen you several times now, and it keeps getting better every time. Thank you for such great music!
says:Sigur Ros keep on sounding better and better each time. The music, the visuals and the vibe are truely amazing. I dont think ill ever stop coming to your shows…. see ya next time and safe travels!
Kimberly Anne
says:I was baptized last night by your performance. Transformed, and affected.
says:My brain exploded a bunch of times. Excellent show!!! Hopefully the first of many!!! Wish I could be at Harpa in December I love you guys! I listen to your albums a bunch while driving around Iceland in march. I was overwhelmed with the beauty. Icelanders make the best music!!!
says:My first time seeing Sigur Ros after 10 years of being a fan, with multiple missed opportunities on my part to see them live. My only regret is that I’ve never taken the chance to go to a SR concert before! This was truly a life-changing and life-improving experience that I plan to do again. Takk!
says:One of. The best shows I’ve been too. Everyone should see Sigur Ros at least once in their life!
Michael Stopka
says:Hands down the best performance. My wife and I have been listening to your music since day one and every time you’re scheduled to be in Chicago you can guarantee we are there. We continue to be moved by each powerful performance. Thank you for creating beautiful music and playing such a huge part in our lives. An unforgettable experience but an unforgettable band!
says:Came for the old material. Fell in LOVE with the new material. Whatever direction you guys are heading in musically, it’s working. I love the heavy sound, and the last few songs of the final set were face-numbingly good. Your stage presence and light show are spot on. Very excited for any new music the future may bring.
says:The following words are what I wrote in my Instagram feed post show…. Riding on a high. There are very few bands that capture my heart, bring me to tears, allow me to experience ecstasy and everything in between, in just one performance like #sigorrós can. This photo is after the standing ovation and thunderous rounds of applause at the Auditorium Theater tonight. I was too busy being in the moment, applauding my heart out, to take a photo of the three band members taking their bow, so I thought this shot was the next best thing. The concert on June 3rd was the third concert of theirs that I’ve seen and each performance gets better and better. Thank you for coming back to Chicago! Until next time, looking forward.
says:Awesome show as usual with so many small highlights through out. Favorite being my man Orri on bass for Varða. Also playing my favorite song Dauðalagið made me smile. The new songs were awesome despite dropping Smáskífa in there place. Come back to Chicago!!
says:I’ve seen a lot of amazing shows but you guys left me completely speechless. No review could possibly do justice to the emotion they brought to the stage in this performance. Takk Sigur Rós…for everything!
Fredrick K.
says:These guys are rockin’ their arses off! #SigurRos #2017Concert #SummerofLove A Life Changing Experience for me. I am so happy that you guys came to Chicago!
Dan Grant
says:Chicago was an absolutely beautiful performance. I’ve seen Sigur Rós half a dozen times and this might be the best one yet. Everything about the show was completely stunning.
Please come back soon!
Jay S
says:It was not simply a concert but rather a transformative experience. Everything was flawless – the music, the visuals, the venue. Just being able to be present for one of the set’s songs would have been worth the price of admission itself. That we were able to enjoy the beauty of Sigur Rós for 15 extraordinary songs is priceless. No one in the audience wanted the performance to end – a tribute to the three musicians on stage. Hope to have you back again in Chicago soon.
Candace Mathers
says:My breath was taken away at the wonder that is Sigur Ros! I was blown away! I can’t wait to see them in concert again!
says:The most amazing live show I have ever seen. The whole act with lights, how they moved with the music, the changes in the voice, ans the subtle sounds made an indescribable experience. Truly amazing.
Rebecca L
says:I absolutely loved the show. The Auditorium Theater was a great place to showcase the beautiful sounds. I was rather far so next time I’ll get better seats! I was dazzled by the stage lights design and the video projections. The show was so moving and immersive. I also really enjoy the long format of the show without an opening act and an intermission! Being there was such a pleasure. Please return to Chicago again in the future! =)
Christelle Shepherd
says:I travelled 2696 kilometers from Northern Alberta (Canada) just to see Sigur Rós live in Chicago, and what a show it was!
Orri, Georg and Jónsi gave an amazing performance as a trio. It was my first time seeing the band without Kjartan and I did not know what to expect… But wow!
The set was perfect, moving from slower pace songs to really intense ones. I was excited and sad when Popplagið came because I knew it was the end of the show, but it’s such a great song (both sound and visual)! The energy throughout the show was great.
I hope next time you can add a show in Alberta (Canada) to your tour!
says:Without a doubt one of the most amazing bands to see live. Incredible every time, thank you SR! I can’t wait to see you on your land now in December!!!
says:Far and away one of my favorite concerts ever. The best production of any concert I have ever seen. Played songs spanning decades. Amazing.
Anjali Elisabeth
says:Sigur Ros ~ thank you beyond all words for this inexplicably beautiful concert. I have spent much of my life listening, choreographing & dancing to your remarkable songs which I feel so deeply in my soul. After falling and shattering my ankle during travels in Iceland last autumn, my husband gifted to me tickets to your concert at the Auditorium Theater, so that when I was finally able to walk again, 7 months later, I would be reminded that one day I’ll dance again to your music that I dream of. Your concert touched my heart. So much love from Chicago.
says:Beautiful, captivating, thought-provoking, and surreal. It was my first SR show and I can’t wait for the next! Each piece was more intricate and layered than the previous, and always climaxed in a unique way. The dedication to your art is clear. Thank you for all of the hard work and for sharing your talent with us!
says:i have seen sigur ros over 30 times, and this was one of the best shows ive seen. it is certainly in the top 3! The band made it look effortless, and looked like they were really enjoying themselves. Jonsi went full force in festival and pop especially really exchanging energy with a really inspired audience. i could not have asked for more.
says:My wife’s excellent tastes are to thank for broadening my horizons and exposing me to musicians I might never had been aware of otherwise. So, when she told me she bought tickets “this Icelandic band called Sigur Ros” who’s “supposed to have a really cool light show”, I trusted her as always, despite the fact that she’d only heard one album from these 20 year vets.
Prepared only by wife’s brief primer, a few tracks off an older album and a few YouTube videos, I was genuinely excited for their stop in Chicago’s magnificent Auditorium Theater. I had a basic understanding of what to expect and knew that regardless, this was going to be a grandiose performance.
Upon leaving for the show I learned that this tour does not include the expansive ensemble of percussion, horns and strings they’ve become recognized for (and which was the only version of their music I’d heard). No, just the three dudes, drums (with a little side piano/synth), bass and guitar. So with my expectations now moot, I sat on the edge of my seat studying the stage, the rigs, the lights, the crowd, and feeling a bit hypnotized by the droning, two-chord, never resolving progression of “pre-show” music…
Nerves in an excited state, an innocent and genuine curiosity enhancing my receptiveness, Sigur Ros took to the stage and proceeded to impress me from start to finish, with music truly unlike anything I’ve heard before. Music that requires patience and attention. Music that would be exceedingly difficult to classify in terms of genres. Sure, at times I was reminded of Radiohead, My Morning Jacket and maybe Polyphonic Spree, but that’s just my logical mind trying to draw a connection to something familiar. To even imply that they “sound like” any other bands would be misleading.
The sound. Operatic, but heavy. At times a cacophony, literally, of sound that seems impossible for three musicians with two hands each to make (though to be sure, it was the guitarist/singer who did most of the painting, using a bow to play his guitar for much of the show and, I think, employing a few effects… There weren’t that many pedals that I could see). It was often hard to find a beat, even though I knew it was there, with tempos so slow that a less skilled drummer would have extreme difficulty keeping it steady (drumming fast is hard, but drumming this slowly is harder). This dude was doing some wildly creative stuff by not hitting certain beats, seemingly randomly, making it hard to be consciously aware of the rhythm but feeling one is there. Really, bizarre and hard to describe. But then they would straight up rock, pounding on their instruments in composed chaos and building to a release that had fans clutching their hearts. Other songs soared with multiple crescendos and retreats, uplifting to meditative. The lead guy is a true virtuoso, turning Jimmy Page’s gimmick into a revolutionary one of a kind way of making sound. His voice? Wow, his voice. Almost always in falsetto, which can be a turn off to some, I know, but it fits the sonic landscape they paint perfectly. It’s mesmerizing, deeply emotional. I didn’t understand a single word they sang, which made it all that much more fascinating and engaging. I’m even hearing snippets of songs in my head as earworms with the correct Icelandic words! It’s a lot like a Buddhist chant or mantra in that way, or an opera/aria in Italian, where you simply hear, absorb and appreciate the beauty of the sounds (I appreciate Deva Premal’s work in the same way. Yes, my wife turned me on to her too).
All that said, I did catch myself thinking that most of their songs sounded the same/very similar, and that’s probably true but not necessarily a bad thing. They have a formula. So do most bands. Arrangements and licks and rhythms the musicians use to create their style, a sound that’s unique and consistent enough to stand out and be easily recognizable. That’s all ok. The Allman Brothers Band was rather formulaic, and to the causal listener, their songs probably all sound the same too. Pink Floyd too, to some degree. Early Beatles? Obviously. But it can go too far. Mumford and Sons? Too far. They literally have like three songs that every other one sounds just like.
In sum, the music of Sigur Ros is something entirely unto itself in today’s world. To my knowledge there’s nothing else like it out there. It’s orchestral but amplified, heavy but definitely not metal, alternative but alternative to literally everything.
And the lights. Again, truly unique and unlike any other light show I’ve seen, including those for Phish, Floyd, Umphrey’s McGee (their lights are pretty rad), and big mainstream, pop productions like Prince and Paul McCartney and yes, Bieber. No, this was creative in a new way, as much a part of the experience as the music. This you really have to see for yourself, but it includes abstract projections as well as more “real” images, innovative use of LED “laser” like lights and 3D shit and strange LED “sticks” strategically arranged to create the illusion of depth and infinite space. I’ve already tweeted Chris Kuroda to recommend checking it out for himself.
I left the theatre with one main thought among the many I’ve articulated above, and that is: I’m more inclined to call them “artists” (in the literal, mainstream sense… Yes, I know it’s technically correct to call Justin Bieber an “artist” too, but…) than I am to say they’re a “band”. That this was more art exhibition than concert. An audio/visual immersion experience. A mind fuck in the best way. This “band” belongs in the company of other innovators and artists on the level of Philip Glass, Syd Barrett and the like. Talented, wildly creative and driven artists with an extraordinary level of passion for their art, and quite possibly aliens themselves.