st. jakobshalle

Basel, Switzerland

Feb 24, 2013


12 Comments on “st. jakobshalle”

  • Bastian



  • Franck


    Wednesday evening in Paris will be my first Sigur Ros concert, after 10 years of listening. And also many years to wait.
    Some impatience … and a request to make.
    Would it be possible to integrate “FESTIVAL” to your playlist on Wednesday ? This is the favorite song of our 5 years old son. He knows since his birthday in December that he will go to see “Sigur Ros” : his first concert, his first real show.
    I made him discover the group and sharing my love for you. Hearing “FESTIVAL” live would be a great pleasure for him. This request will be futile, it does not matter, I would have tried ;-)
    I look forward to discover you on stage, people say it’s a unique experience. Thank you for all the emotions you give us. Your world is magical, sensitive and can’t be described in words.
    Thank you

    Miðvikudagur kvöld í París verða fyrsti Sigur Ros My tónleika, eftir 10 ára hlusta. Og einnig mörg ár að bíða.
    Sumir óþolinmæði … og beiðni um að gera.
    Væri hægt að samþætta “hátíð” á spilunarlistann á miðvikudag? Þetta er uppáhalds lagið af 5 ára gömlum syni okkar. Hann veit síðan afmæli hans í desember að hann muni fara að sjá “Sigur Ros”: fyrstu tónleika hans, fyrsta alvöru sýningu sína.
    Ég gerði hann finna hópinn og deila ást mína fyrir þig. Heyrnartæki “Festival” lifandi væri mikil ánægja fyrir hann. Þessi beiðni verður fánýtar, það skiptir ekki máli, hefði ég reynt;-)
    Ég hlakka til að finna þig á sviðinu, segja fólk það er einstök upplifun. Þakka þér fyrir allar tilfinningar sem þú gefur okkur. Heimurinn er töfrum, viðkvæm og ekki hægt að lýsa í orðum.

  • albert


    you don’t need to be dead to experience both heaven and hell… just go see sigur ros live! impossible to describe with words what I have just experienced in Basel…

  • Raf



    Thanks a lot for the greatest show I’ve ever really seen, artistic and technical points of view. I weared my beautiful blue Lopi for the occasion and was not dissapointed, even if it was a bit warm (lol) !!!
    I never heard before a so powerful and clean sound in a large hall, putting in evidence the talent of the band and the fineness of Jónsi’s voice.
    Even if the audience was not ever very expansive, we were hypnotized ; I was on the guardrail, and when I looked at other people behind me, I often saw wide open eyes fixed toward the distant, waiting in silence for the end of the last note of each track before applausing.

    For those who are reading me, you must see them once in your lifetime, and many other times as soon as possible, don’t wait for years unlike me :-)
    Best regards !


    Raf, from France (Alsace)

  • M


    What a magic show. I got really bad news just seconds before the concert. Your music and soundwalls gave me such a comfort. How are you doing this? Takk fyrir!

  • Mat


    so loong time since Winterthur ;-)
    different scenes, different atmospheres, different public, but always the same emotion, the same power, the same aesthetic.

    i’ll make my possible to see you in Iceland once.

    thank you so much to you, amina and your V-jay.
    hope you will soon in west switzerland (Lausanne).

  • Florian


    Incredibly awesome! Thanks a lot!!!!

  • pierre-yves


    Taste of heaven. A fantastic journey out of nowhere… just emotions. Takk!

  • Marc (Colmar - France)


    Thank you for this wonderful evening. This is a dream come true … see you in concert.
    What an experience.
    4 days later I am still overwhelmed.
    The only word that comes to my mind is beautiful ….. just BEAUTIFUL.


  • martina


    2 weeks later…the feeling comes back…thinking of this concert, hearing the music…this was not “only” a concert – it was an extraordinary experience…2 hours filled with emotions from heaven to hell and back again, like a journey though the live…through all lives…every emotions i ever had before and every emotions waiting for me in the rest of my life…all in these two hours. i didn`t feel to look at a show or listen to music…it was part of me and i was part of it…nothing exists without all around us…i will never forget this. thank you for all.

  • Jan


    It was one of the best concerts in my life… I love Iceland and i love the Icelandic Music. But you are the best of all… Great Show! Hope to see you soon again. maybe in Harpa sometimes…
    Thank you for everything

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