
Berlin, Germany

Feb 22, 2013


14 Comments on “Tempodrom”

  • Marc & Anne


    We feel really good….thank you very much for your show and wonderful music. And:
    Who needs a world tour? Why don´t you just stay here and play some concerts now and then? Ah?

  • Natalia


    Takk! Really wonderful and inspiring!!!

  • Manuel


    The last time you, Sigur Rós, played the Tempodrom (2006?), I received a call from the mother of a very good friend of mine, while standing in the audience waiting for the show to start. The mother told me, that her daughter had just died on the very same morning. She was in her early 20s, just like me. So, due to this miserable coinscendence, your show tunrned into something extremely touching back then. She was a huge fan of your work. The same as I was. Your show turned out to be brilliant and nothing better could happen to remember my friend. So, now, 2013 and with a huge package of memorys in my mind, I entered the Tempodrom again. Not quite sure how I should feel about this. But, once again, you guys did something extraordinary. The old wound, caused by the loss of a dearly friend, finally healed. And something new was born. I dont know exactly what it is, but I already like it very much. So, thank you. Just thank you for this amazing show.

  • More Love for Jim


    Really missed some songs like hafsol, festival, etc.

    Untitled #8 made it for me.

    Strong performance from Signor Rossi, but felt not as soulwrenchend as last year’s open air gig in Arles (probably those are once in a lifetime experiences)

    Not so much in their new stuff either… is it Kjartan who I miss?

  • More Love for Jim


    PS: Manuel, your story pretty much sums it up, what their music does – healing souls. Thx for sharing!

  • anku


    Hallo There, really one-time experience. great show, beautiful artwork (where I can find the credits for that); i loved the new tunes. i hope to catch another concert on the european tour.
    Ps. can you tell me, that is the name of the woman voice played after the concert from the track called “jonsi and alex dj-set september 2009”, please.

  • lia


    >More Love for Jim: I have at least the same feelings about the gig in Arles.
    For me, Jesolo was the second show. Hard to compare with Arles, but very much still in the same universe. E-bow was my apex, since I missed it in Arles.

    And I guess Kjartan is still sharing the stage with them, now and forever. (I’m saying this even if I never had the chance to see them live together..)

  • a & s


    Diffused and dazzling lights. Warming sound flow through the body. Electric atmosphere! Delectation for eyes, ears, for every fibre. Balm for heart and soul. Phenomenal final song. One amazing experience more. Thank you very much for this fantastic evening!

  • pablo


    Some idiot sold me a fake online ticket! I was so sad when i heard that the concert is sold out and so happy when i bought a spare ticket from him. My naive and altruistic believes were once again shattered as i realized that i was humbuged by a poor soul and that evil and deception have found a way even into a seemingly untouched enclave of grace and unity, at least regarded by me in this way. Happy again, after i managed to get a real ticket, i entered the arena with a happy and a sad eye. Overwhelmed by Sigur´s theatre of life, reflecting my inner conflicts and opposed feelings, my one sad eye turned into a happy again and i left the spectacle clarified and unburdened by last days adversities…until the next lost soul crosses my way and i can bear the letdown with the music of Sigur Ros.

  • ondrej


    The show was stunning. All the visuals, all the songs. No other expressions needed

  • Max


    Ich frage mich, ob ich der einzige bin, der nicht überwältigt aus dem Konzert gegangen ist. Ich bin ein großer Fan von sigur ros und habe die Band letzten Sommer in Amsterdam zum ersten mal live gesehen und war genauso überwältigt wie die meisten stimmen hier! Eine unglaubliche sogkraft ergriff mich und ließ mich eine rauschhafte reise durch gänsehautgepflasterte emotionswelten erleben. Doch all das passierte am Freitag nicht. Der Start mit dem neuen Lied und i gaer hinter dem Vorhang war natürlich visuell fantastisch aber danach fühlte gab es keine Dramaturgie, die mich mitriss. Die Visuals fand ich zu wenig abstrakt- ich konnte nicht in freiere assoziationswelten abtauchen. Varud war für mich der emotionale Höhepunkt obwohl ich eher ein Fan der frühen Alben bin… Das hat mich positiv überrascht! Grandios war natürlich wieder popplagid als großes finale!!! Trotzdem klingt und schwingt sigur ros in den letzten Tagen leider nicht wie erhofft und erwartet in mir nach… Was fehlte kann ich nicht genau benennen – hat jemand ähnliche Wahrnehmungen? Ich bin sehr gespannt auf das neue Album und die weitere Entwicklung der Band! Schön, dass sie unsere Herzen erreicht, hoffentlich auch meins wieder beim nächsten Konzert!



    thank you so much for this unforgettable great evening last Friday in Berlin … I really hope to see you again someday … all the best … ?

  • Dani & Vane


    Desde Barcelona viajamos a vero a Berlín, al principio parecía una locura pero después del concierto lo haría 1.000 veces más! soy increibles, especiales, unicos…. soys la música personificada. Gracias gracias gracias por un directo maravilloso!

  • Karren Elizabeth


    I came all the way from Mancheter to see you play, and I wasn’t dissappointed. Truly the most moving, stunning, beautiful, magical live gig i’ve ever experienced, Everything I knew it would be, and i’m lucky I get to witness it all again on Sunday 3rd March in Manchester.

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