mediolanum forum

Milan, Italy

Feb 19, 2013


37 Comments on “mediolanum forum”

  • Massimo


    I am so sorry to say that, but it was the worst
    Sigur’s Gig I attended. Not because of them, they
    were amazing as usual, but the sound was so so
    bad and low! What a pity!

  • Viviana


    Jonsi we love you, even without your high notes!
    We will remember this “light-bulbs” concert.
    Looking forward to the new album!

  • Massimo


    It was my 5th sigur ros concert and maybe my expectations
    are always too much high..most of the time I cried tears of joy.
    But not tonight. Please sigur ros never come back to the forum di assago!
    Your music deserves more than this.
    See u in London on the 9th of march..I hope to cry again.

  • Alice


    So powerful – it as heartbreaking.
    Thank you so very much!

  • cut throat bitch


    I lost my wife…but i still have you

  • Elisa


    You left me breathless. You are always so stunning that I can’t believe it! Thank you for all emotions you give every time I listen your music! Love U

  • Roby


    It was like coming back in Iceland for one night…Takk!!

  • Anna


    The first time I saw you in Villafranca, it was really a bad period in my life. I’d carried on till September, just to see you live. Believe me. And yesterday night, I was still there, in front of you, first line. With a red anorak on. Waiting has been rewarded
    I could see your complicity, after all these years; you make us feel like we’re listening to your first concert, every time.
    And I thought about love, death, future and the past.. about what I want to become.
    Listening to you, I saw everything. And Popplagið .. gooseflesh!
    We shall thank you for what you give us. With love,

  • ken


    This was my third time seeing Sigur Rós and though nothing could equal the drama of their outdoor show a few years ago at the arena in Milano (there was a freakin’ lightning storm behind them–how did they plan that???), this show was really really beautiful despite, as some have noted, the impersonal space. The staging was great, dramatic and effective, and the band was superb. Takk!

  • Lowtrack


    Hi guys… What can I say? Amazing. For both ears and eyes! I was in front of You Jonsi, but you all guys made our evening magical and memorable. Seems like the forum was in Iceland! Such an incredible energy and passion in the way you play your songs…
    Love You ’til I die.

  • sara


    T A K K .

  • Claudia


    þú hefur verið mikill. Takk

  • Vanessa


    My first Sigur Ros Concert: I was so impressed by the energy you guys put in the performance and your talent as musicians. I was literally carried away by your music. As I always say, you have the power to make beautiful things happen. Keep it up, dreaming of seeing you live in Iceland one day.

  • Nina


    I thank you today from the bottom of my heart

  • franco


    thanks for the show guys! marvellous setight

  • Meghan


    My first sigur ros concert, have to say I was blown away! Pure beauty, you guys are great.

  • seri


    this was not a concert but something more..
    it was beautiful to say the least – i loved it
    you are magic

  • avvsimone75


    my first sigur ros show, cause i lost villafranca last year and also arena 13.7.08: simply unforgettable. takk!

  • Francesco


    thank you all ! it was a great show in milan and really emotional. you made my day beautiful, unforgettable. takk and hugs from italy. francesco

  • erika


    yesterday evening I had the perfect time of my life, I went alone to see the show but when you started playing I felt a powerful and sweet embrace and everything was ok. I cry as a child during Hoppipolla: amazing!
    takk guys,see u soon in Ferrara. with love

  • Francesco


    Era il mio primo concerto dei Sigur Ros. Commento: semplicemente meraviglioso…

  • annalisa


    Equilibrio perfetto di emozioni tra cuore anima e suono appese sul filo come panni stesi al sole e ti arriva il profumo ed il calore che ti inebria e ti attraversa e resta.

    grazie e buona strada

  • Riccardo


    Sono una persona migliore, grazie a voi e al mio ragazzo che mi teneva stretta la mano mentre ascoltavamo “Svefn-g-englar”. Grazie, grazie, grazie!

  • Marta


    Simply AMAZING!
    So POWERFUL, so exciting, beautiful, touching, engaging! Just unforgettable.
    Listening to your music is like breathing, I just want to let you know how much this means to me. Thank you!

  • lisa j


    What a wonderful night.
    I loved the whole concert, the setlist and the scenography were simply amazing. You, were simply amazing.
    Please, make more good music and come back again to Italy!

  • Silvia e Sergio


    An evening full of magic .. magic for the ears and eyes .. your music and the voice of Jonsi are the things that come to God. Thank you for the wonderful and memorable evening .. we love you .. TAKK by Silvia and Sergio!

  • Carolina


    It’s been 10 years since I listened to Sigur Ros for the first time and I was immediately captured by your music. I’ve loved you since that day and finally I have realised my dream: see you on stage playing live the songs that thousands times I listened alone in my room. I was there inside the Mediolanum Forum in first line in front of you. I could see you in the eyes. It was absolutely amazing. You gave me such great emotions, such a joy, that I have only to say TAKK to you. Sigur Ros are the soundtrack of my life.

  • Stefano


    This was my fifth Sigur gig and, as usual, it was awesome. Takk guys, see u in Iceland in August!

  • Marco


    Absolutely an amazing gig, your music go over the normal music and makes me feel incredible emotions, thank you Sigur Ros, i will remember this gig forever and i hope i’ll see you again! Come back when you want, it will never be too much!

  • Paola


    I loved the new song ‘Brennisteinn’. Thanks guys, you carried me in another dimension, you made me float in a timeless and infinite place, you gave me a shower of pure joy. Love ya.

  • maxtorello


    vorrei invitare chi ha chiaccherato per tutto il concerto
    e ne ha rovinato la magia ad andarsene in giro o in un bar la prossima volta.
    era da ascoltare con le orecchie ed il cuore…

  • francis


    loved very much this concert, one of the best perfeormances I remember from SR, as for passion and effort.


    also, I didn’t expect any new song to be in the set, and I really liked them, especially brennisteinn (?) and kveik (?). looking forward to come to the next concert… takk and ciao

  • Sabsonika


    Taak from Milanoooo!!

  • Stefano


    il concerto di Milano: un regalo per il mio 55° compleanno, meraviglioso! grazie Patry, grazie Sigur Ròs!

  • Giuseppe


    it was my first sigur ròs concert, we came from naples just for you.
    amazing. i felt shivers for the whole concert and nearly cried during olsen olsen and untitled 1. takk to all of you, i hope to see you again soon!

  • Jacopo


    You have stolen my soul at the beginning and you have returned it at the last of the concert… changed.

  • tanya


    I was blown away.

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