harvest festival

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Nov 18, 2012


[slickr-flickr tag=”sr20121118a” type=”gallery”]

11 Comments on “harvest festival”

  • craig


    It was no surprise that mother nature dipped her hat to this great band. After all the storm and tempest of the previosu hours, mother cleared the skies for SR to unveil their gifts to the universe.

    The Harvest Bill contained some of the greatest exponents of ‘sonic meteorology’ with SR the undisputed heavyweights.

    It was a magical set full of its own sounds and fury, inventiveness and playfulness. A lot like Iceland itself.

    Maybe there should have been some flashes of lightning and crashed of thunder during the set – I was surprised it wasn’t organised….

    Thank you Harvest for an amazing bill – SR for controlling the weather, calming our minds and for stealing our hearts.

  • Sharni


    The most moving set of Harvest by far…

    Through rain, hail and shine we all hung in there for SR.

    Truly beautiful, unforgettable and down right incredible!

  • KLW


    It’s so cold and all I can think about is going home. I’ve been through lightning and hail and I’m shaking from the wind’s bite but nothing will move me from my spot on the hill.

    A thousand people wait and scream as the band comes onto the stage. The video starts and the smoke and stormy weather of their clip seems eerily similar to the conditions around us all.

    The music starts and we feel warm.

    And what a performance. The stars come out and the music takes us away from the rubbish and the mud that surrounds us. All the frustration from a day of uncomfortable weather is taken away as the music rises. The timing is perfect, the mood controlled and the crowd is ready to listen.

    To me, they achieved the purpose of music. Music is meant to transport you from the harshness of what’s around you and bring you to another place. Sigur Ros did that. For their set, nothing mattered except the show. Their combination of music and visual effects melded perfectly. They approached every song like it was part of a greater story and every fan could see the care and consideration they had for their on-stage presence.

    The set up of the stage was very well done, with an incredible effect of lighting resulting in the shadows of the band falling on the wall behind. Even more startling was the unveiling of their song, ‘Brimstone,’ and the breathtaking clip that accompanied it. The use of colours in the visuals seemed just as important as the music itself.

    Overall, a perfect show that was a harmonious balance of visual and audio effects. It had the drama of a storm behind it and all the emotional entanglement that comes from such an event. Sigur Ros should be very proud to have brought such great memories to their fans. For some of us, this was an unforgettable night.

  • JamesAshmead


    brimstone – wow!

  • sebastian


    I’m not at all ashamed to admit that more than one tear was brought to my eyes during many moments of sigur rós’ amazing set.

    They were tears of happiness for being able to finally have their music coursing through every fibre of my being in a live environment. And tears of sadness for knowing that so few experiences in life will be able to live up to what was so graciously bestowed upon us.

    An awe-inspiring performance with similar whispers and sentiments resonating throughout the entire crowd, with the expressions of bliss and bewilderment on everyone’s faces being the most telling signs. I had considered myself a lucky man until this point, now I know I am truly blessed.

  • Michael (the guy with the drum stick)


    Managed to grab a spot at the front row and it was definitely worth the wait. This performance was with absolute brilliance, I was completely taken by all your performances from the setlist.

    The extra accompaniment was perfect, adding an extra layer but not overpowering in the slightest and gave me an experience unlike anything you could find on the studio versions. I have listened to all the albums countless times but these made just amazing new experiences out of the songs I already know and love.

    You completely hushed an a mass audience, a feat that needs something special. My first Sigur Ros live experience was absolutely to die for, especially being only a few arm lengths away it was almost unbelievable and if you pass on seeing them in the future then you are really missing out on something seldom seen, ever, period.

    Hoping that I will see you guys in Tokyo next May!

  • Jasmin


    The reason I got a Harvest ticket was to see Sigur Ros, and trust me, it was well worth the wait (hail evacuation included). The performance was simply beautiful. The visuals complimented the mood of the songs: dark and eerie during Í Gær, bright and playful in Glósóli, and then turning into a striking green for Brennisteinn. Each song was executed to perfection, seamlessly melting into one another to create one hell of an awe-inspiring experience.

    Brennisteinn was amazing!

  • Brett


    has anyone seen my brain, it got blown away sunday 18/11/2012 riverstage brisbane 9.45 pm

  • Eva Kristin


    despite having back stage passes, I raced outside into the crowd as soon as the music started because I couldnt bear to miss a note and I didnt want to compromise my sr experience just to stand at the back of the stage and ogle at the guys……I stood still as a tree, I floated, my face tear wet, and I glanced around and it was the same for others…….the sigur ros drug sucking us out through the palm trees into the clean night sky and stars above …….

  • Warren


    Absolutely beautiful. They’re not a band, they’re an elemental force!

  • kl


    Please come back to Australia!

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