Fantastic performance in a fantastic place. Thank you very much !!!
Couldn’t stop crying right after Popplagið ended. A mixure of joy and memories of my time in Iceland.
amazing performance, i was upset i couldn’t get tickets to your los angeles performance, but getting a chance to see it was worth the journey from LA
One word : epic ! Thank you for this amazing performance in such a beautiful venue
Exceptionnel, wunderbach, marvellous……………………and more. As usual. 800 km aller-retour from Annecy, fatigué mais encore tremblant d’un final toujours fantastique. hope you can translate. Glad to be a fan. Thanxxxxxxxxx from my ears !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
which magic moment !
Your music is exceptional and single
Thank you very much for this daydream…
Just what we needed last night. Sound of love to reunite in the eternal feeling of how eternity sounds! Thank you for giving us so much! Hope you’ve found joy and good energy last night as well.
Can anyone share the tracklisting? It was so great I’d like to feel it again on my ipod… ;-)))
Here is the setlist : Í Gær Vaka Ny batteri Svefn-G-Englar Sæglópur Viorar Vel Til Loftarasa Hoppípolla Með Blóðnasir Olsen Olsen Festival Varúð Hafsól Ekki múkk Glósóli Popplagid
You can find the Spotify playlist on the facebook page of the event
MERCI !! thank you !! amazing live in an amazing antic theater unforgettable night with all your masterpieces (vaka, festival, olsen olsen… and popplagid…)
You’re geniuses and really the best live band ever…
with all my respect and admiration
a fan from France
It doesn’t exists any word to express what I feel when I see you in live. So :
It was a dream!! Very fantastic performance. I’m deeply moved yet!!!
A band of very good musician playing a emotional music from the ice!! I want more, I’m looking for another day to go. We came from Barcelona in the same day, but I will do again.
I hope see you. Very nice and special place! Thank you !!
what an awful night! Since yesterday, I was a great fan of Sigur Ros, hearing withe a great pleasure the band on CD’s. What an amazing deception to be in Arles, hoping to find again the same emotions than at home & discovering the band, live, seems to play like Nirvana cruising Metallica!!!! Were is the spirit of the albums? Stayed in the studio, with all his big postprod? Live, Sigur Ros is so bad!!!! And the sound was so deeply bad too! Yesterday was my first time live with Sigur Ros. For sure, the last one…
A great emotional music ! It’s the second time i see Sigur Ros, and i think you are actually the best band.
Jean-Loup Marseille
Sigur Rós à Arles ? Un hara-Kiri sonore pathétique et une déception sans limite. Arrêtez le massacre ! Accepter une restitution aussi calamiteuse et bas-de-gamme de votre musique est suicidaire. Virez vos technicien du son ou bien ne faites plus de concert. Comment supporter le son au concert de Arles ? Douloureux pour les oreilles, sur-saturé ! Une bouillie sonore… Massacrer à ce point une musique aussi belle c’est affligeant. Les exigences de Sigur Rós et de son public sont devenues si piètres pour qu’ils se contente de cette médiocrité ?
Even if I am not so extreme than Jean-Loup, I have to admit that I kind of share his opinion. It’s my 6th Sigur Ros concert and I completely agree that Volume was just far too loud. I feel like the sound engineer is mixing quality and quantity… It’s really sad when there is so much quality on stage. The strange thing is that if I am not mistaken, the sound engineer is still the same for many years. And I remember pas concerts when sound was just amazing and volume was correct. Anyway, thanks Sigur Ros for this great concert but please come back to quality instead of quantity ;)
Thank you Sigur ROS,
Last night the beautiful venue of Theatre Antique in Arles came alive with music that drew us all in and did not let us go until the very end.
Sound, perfect, light storm at the end.. perfect.. live.. perfect.
fantastic moment with your music; i couldn’t believe you would start with our favorite song i gaer and finished with popplagid; just amazing; come back soon
Fantastic show. It really touch me physically and spiritually. No words could explain my feelings. It was so new and intense…Thank you eternally
You usually melt our hearts, but last night it was just too loud. We still love you and will see you soon!
I was already in love with your music. Now I’m definitely addicted… You managed to bring me back to your homeland for some delighting moments thanks to these atmospheric ambiances you make.
Such a group playing such a music is such a place was exceptionnal. Hope this is not the last time I can hear you.
Regarding sound quality I use ear protections, but I share some remarks as it was a bit too saturated. But your feeling was anymay fully there.
La puissance sonore ; l’explosion des décibels dans un génial crescendo se terminant dans un climax presque insoutenable FAIT entièrement partie du style et de la nature même de SR. Alors, bien sûr, parfois ça sature un peu…mais c’est inévitable,surtout dans ce genre d’endroits (et pour un concert en plein air, j’ai connu bien pire). Et, encore une fois, c’est l’esprit même de cette expression artistique, sensible, douce, apaisée puis démesurée, violente… au point de jeter son instrument par terre et de quitter la scène…vidé par cette prestation magistrale.
Magique, incomparable. Many thank’s, we love U.
Thank you so much for this magic , beautiful , unforgettable and amazing moment in a beautiful place . Love Sigur Ros
Like Fabrice said: a daydream.
No words… The best experience in my life Takk!
Alex frejus
It was incredible. Thank you so much!. the audience and the band were awesome.
It was an amazing experience, beyond words. You all performed with an admirable energy on stage (a unique place), so contagious and miraculous.
About the saturation everyone is talking about, I didn’t think it was that much. You just had a particularly violent day in terms of musical expression (something I greatly enjoyed).
Special mention deserved to the artistic staging; top notch lightning, projections and filming. Left me utterly unconscious at the end, when the sudden coordinated music-light “blackout” took place. The last Popplagid sonic stream still gives me chills.
And, pleeeeease, please consider coming to Barcelona on that new and promising 2013 tour you’ve just announced. We’re eager to taste some sigur in our hometown!
To be honest, I have to say that I have no word to describe in an appropriate way your performance. It was an aesthetic experience that reminded me of the days in Iceland, the relationship that I have had throughout my life with your music.
At the concert, I remembered when Adorno said that the fact of playing piano for four hands harbored the possibility to live in peace. What a shame that man can create such emoicón, shared by thousands of people from different cultures, and on the other hand, is so cruel with others and with nature.
For those who are not Icelanders, Sigur Ros brings us to the place that belongs to no one but , in turn, belongs to everyone. A sort of heima which can only be reached through your music.
It was my birthday present, wand I just can say: Thank you
Amazing… it was really amazing and I feel so lucky because I had the opportunity to be there… thank you!
I came from Belgium to see you and I don’t regret it!
It was an amazing show… the best concert experience ever!
Hi, like Eric et Jean loup, it is really a pity for the sound. Except when is was soft, I lost both ears. But i’m still in love with you, and your performance was perfect. Maybe you must not play in outdoor place, i don’t know… Big thank anyway.
When i bought the tickets the saleswoman told me: very good choice that acoustic in the Antique Theatre is brillant, you will enjoy the sound very much. The first drum set started and i had to laugh out loud: it was that violently noisy that I could not hold my laughter, as it was unbelievably: loud, just loud; i was next rather shocked that the sound continued and stayed that brutal.
Well, by protecting my ears with some hankerchief-torn-in-small-pieces i did survive. The film projection brought back some peace and content-luckily.
I loved the ambient, i love the music of sigur ros, but i do recommend that the sound technician checks next time more carefuly as well in upper seat-areas if the sound is alright allover the place. I love music that is why i have to protect my ears-sorry Still a very nice and unforgettable evening.
Fantastic show. Hope to see you again (Nimes or Orange would be some wonderful place to play your music). Love your music. Many many thanks for las tuesday.
it was amazing. do not listen to people who criticize your performance so easily. For my part, I was and where the sound was perfect and amazing. It was the best concert for me ..
I’ve seen many concerts in my life. But rarely have I been so overhelmed. Everything was near perfect.. The performance, the setlist, the venue, the audience, the weather, the atmosphere. I stayed for a while in the venue after the gig.. For a moment Time froze in there. There was no yesterday nor tomorrow. Only magical memories echoing in the Theatre, slowly getting empty. Takk Sigur Ros.
I love what you are doing to my soul! Still floating… Takk and see you soon!
So so amazing… Merci beaucoup!
Years from now i’ll be able to look at my girlfriend, think back to this night and just smile knowing we were there. Travelled from Liverpool and can honestly say i’ve never been happier boarding an aeroplane knowing you were waiting to blow my mind at the other side. Please come and play in Liverpool someday. My vocabulary fails me for how amazing you were in Arles. It will stay with me forever. Thank you.
Je suis supris que certains s’étonnent que Sigur Ros sur scene soit plus “violent” qu’en studio. Pour ma part, toute cette tension développée sur scène est venue logiquement et est déjà en germe dans les albums. Si le début du concert était trop saturé le son s’est grandement amélioré ensuite et j’ai eu le droit à un pur moment d’extase… je frissonne encore de la montée stroboscopique du dernier morceau… Transcendantal.
Pour la personne qui parle d’un côté “Nirvana/Metallica”. Si vous aviez écouté Sigur Ros en l’ayant replacé dans son contexte et histoire musical, vous n’auriez rien attendu d’autre. Effectivement Sigur Ros vient autant de la musique “hard/metal” que du classique. C’est leur force.
Steve Atkinson
Amazing night and is there a better setting on Earth than Arles? I flew from Liverpool England just for the concert and it was worth every penny. Thank you.
i. just. miss. you.
(The ability to leave reviews is temporarily disabled)
says:Fantastic performance in a fantastic place. Thank you very much !!!
says:Couldn’t stop crying right after Popplagið ended. A mixure of joy and memories of my time in Iceland.
says:amazing performance, i was upset i couldn’t get tickets to your los angeles performance, but getting a chance to see it was worth the journey from LA
says:One word : epic !
Thank you for this amazing performance in such a beautiful venue
says:Exceptionnel, wunderbach,
marvellous……………………and more. As usual.
800 km aller-retour from Annecy, fatigué mais encore tremblant d’un final toujours fantastique.
hope you can translate.
Glad to be a fan.
Thanxxxxxxxxx from my ears !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
says:which magic moment !
Your music is exceptional and single
Thank you very much for this daydream…
says:Just what we needed last night. Sound of love to reunite in the eternal feeling of how eternity sounds!
Thank you for giving us so much!
Hope you’ve found joy and good energy last night as well.
says:Can anyone share the tracklisting? It was so great I’d like to feel it again on my ipod… ;-)))
says:Here is the setlist :
Í Gær
Ny batteri
Viorar Vel Til Loftarasa
Með Blóðnasir
Olsen Olsen
Ekki múkk
You can find the Spotify playlist on the facebook page of the event
says:MERCI !!
thank you !!
amazing live in an amazing antic theater
unforgettable night with all your masterpieces
(vaka, festival, olsen olsen… and popplagid…)
You’re geniuses and really the best live band ever…
with all my respect and admiration
a fan from France
says:It doesn’t exists any word to express what I feel when I see you in live. So :
says:It was a dream!! Very fantastic performance.
I’m deeply moved yet!!!
A band of very good musician playing a emotional music from the ice!!
I want more, I’m looking for another day to go. We came from Barcelona in the same day, but I will do again.
I hope see you.
Very nice and special place! Thank you !!
says:what an awful night! Since yesterday, I was a great fan of Sigur Ros, hearing withe a great pleasure the band on CD’s. What an amazing deception to be in Arles, hoping to find again the same emotions than at home & discovering the band, live, seems to play like Nirvana cruising Metallica!!!! Were is the spirit of the albums? Stayed in the studio, with all his big postprod? Live, Sigur Ros is so bad!!!! And the sound was so deeply bad too! Yesterday was my first time live with Sigur Ros. For sure, the last one…
says:A great emotional music ! It’s the second time i see Sigur Ros, and i think you are actually the best band.
Jean-Loup Marseille
says:Sigur Rós à Arles ?
Un hara-Kiri sonore pathétique et une déception sans limite.
Arrêtez le massacre !
Accepter une restitution aussi calamiteuse et bas-de-gamme de votre musique est suicidaire.
Virez vos technicien du son ou bien ne faites plus de concert.
Comment supporter le son au concert de Arles ? Douloureux pour les oreilles,
sur-saturé ! Une bouillie sonore…
Massacrer à ce point une musique aussi belle c’est affligeant.
Les exigences de Sigur Rós et de son public sont devenues si piètres pour qu’ils se contente de cette médiocrité ?
says:Even if I am not so extreme than Jean-Loup, I have to admit that I kind of share his opinion. It’s my 6th Sigur Ros concert and I completely agree that Volume was just far too loud. I feel like the sound engineer is mixing quality and quantity… It’s really sad when there is so much quality on stage.
The strange thing is that if I am not mistaken, the sound engineer is still the same for many years. And I remember pas concerts when sound was just amazing and volume was correct.
Anyway, thanks Sigur Ros for this great concert but please come back to quality instead of quantity ;)
says:Thank you Sigur ROS,
Last night the beautiful venue of Theatre Antique in Arles came alive with music that drew us all in and did not let us go until the very end.
Sound, perfect, light storm at the end.. perfect.. live.. perfect.
Thank you..
christos & lila
says:fantastic moment with your music; i couldn’t believe you would start with our favorite song i gaer and finished with popplagid; just amazing; come back soon
says:Fantastic show. It really touch me physically and spiritually. No words could explain my feelings. It was so new and intense…Thank you eternally
says:You usually melt our hearts, but last night it was just too loud. We still love you and will see you soon!
says:I was already in love with your music. Now I’m definitely addicted… You managed to bring me back to your homeland for some delighting moments thanks to these atmospheric ambiances you make.
Such a group playing such a music is such a place was exceptionnal. Hope this is not the last time I can hear you.
Regarding sound quality I use ear protections, but I share some remarks as it was a bit too saturated. But your feeling was anymay fully there.
says:La puissance sonore ; l’explosion des décibels dans un génial crescendo se terminant dans un climax presque insoutenable FAIT entièrement partie du style et de la nature même de SR. Alors, bien sûr, parfois ça sature un peu…mais c’est inévitable,surtout dans ce genre d’endroits (et pour un concert en plein air, j’ai connu bien pire). Et, encore une fois, c’est l’esprit même de cette expression artistique, sensible, douce, apaisée puis démesurée, violente… au point de jeter son instrument par terre et de quitter la scène…vidé par cette prestation magistrale.
Magique, incomparable.
Many thank’s, we love U.
says:Thank you so much for this magic , beautiful , unforgettable and amazing moment in a beautiful place .
Love Sigur Ros
says:Like Fabrice said: a daydream.
says:No words…
The best experience in my life
Alex frejus
says:It was incredible. Thank you so much!. the audience and the band were awesome.
says:It was an amazing experience, beyond words. You all performed with an admirable energy on stage (a unique place), so contagious and miraculous.
About the saturation everyone is talking about, I didn’t think it was that much. You just had a particularly violent day in terms of musical expression (something I greatly enjoyed).
Special mention deserved to the artistic staging; top notch lightning, projections and filming. Left me utterly unconscious at the end, when the sudden coordinated music-light “blackout” took place. The last Popplagid sonic stream still gives me chills.
And, pleeeeease, please consider coming to Barcelona on that new and promising 2013 tour you’ve just announced. We’re eager to taste some sigur in our hometown!
says:To be honest, I have to say that I have no word to describe in an appropriate way your performance.
It was an aesthetic experience that reminded me of the days in Iceland, the relationship that I have had throughout my life with your music.
At the concert, I remembered when Adorno said that the fact of playing piano for four hands harbored the possibility to live in peace. What a shame that man can create such emoicón, shared by thousands of people from different cultures, and on the other hand, is so cruel with others and with nature.
For those who are not Icelanders, Sigur Ros brings us to the place that belongs to no one but , in turn, belongs to everyone. A sort of heima which can only be reached through your music.
It was my birthday present, wand I just can say: Thank you
says:Amazing… it was really amazing and I feel so lucky because I had the opportunity to be there… thank you!
says:I came from Belgium to see you and I don’t regret it!
It was an amazing show… the best concert experience ever!
says:Hi, like Eric et Jean loup, it is really a pity for the sound.
Except when is was soft, I lost both ears.
But i’m still in love with you, and your performance was perfect.
Maybe you must not play in outdoor place, i don’t know…
Big thank anyway.
says:When i bought the tickets the saleswoman told me: very good choice that acoustic in the Antique Theatre is brillant, you will enjoy the sound very much.
The first drum set started and i had to laugh out loud: it was that violently noisy that I could not hold my laughter, as it was unbelievably: loud, just loud; i was next rather shocked that the sound continued and stayed that brutal.
Well, by protecting my ears with some hankerchief-torn-in-small-pieces i did survive.
The film projection brought back some peace and content-luckily.
I loved the ambient, i love the music of sigur ros, but i do recommend that the sound technician checks next time more carefuly as well in upper seat-areas if the sound is alright allover the place.
I love music that is why i have to protect my ears-sorry
Still a very nice and unforgettable evening.
says:Fantastic show.
Hope to see you again (Nimes or Orange would be some wonderful place to play your music).
Love your music. Many many thanks for las tuesday.
says:Takk !
it was amazing.
do not listen to people who criticize your performance so easily.
For my part, I was and where the sound was perfect and amazing.
It was the best concert for me ..
I remain fascinated by the size of your talent.
Essil on
Essil we erifet al
says:I’ve seen many concerts in my life.
But rarely have I been so overhelmed.
Everything was near perfect.. The performance, the setlist, the venue, the audience, the weather, the atmosphere.
I stayed for a while in the venue after the gig.. For a moment Time froze in there. There was no yesterday nor tomorrow. Only magical memories echoing in the Theatre, slowly getting empty.
Takk Sigur Ros.
Otilia Fleissig
says:I love what you are doing to my soul! Still floating… Takk and see you soon!
says:So so amazing… Merci beaucoup!
says:Years from now i’ll be able to look at my girlfriend, think back to this night and just smile knowing we were there.
Travelled from Liverpool and can honestly say i’ve never been happier boarding an aeroplane knowing you were waiting to blow my mind at the other side.
Please come and play in Liverpool someday.
My vocabulary fails me for how amazing you were in Arles.
It will stay with me forever.
Thank you.
says:Je suis supris que certains s’étonnent que Sigur Ros sur scene soit plus “violent” qu’en studio.
Pour ma part, toute cette tension développée sur scène est venue logiquement et est déjà en germe dans les albums.
Si le début du concert était trop saturé le son s’est grandement amélioré ensuite et j’ai eu le droit à un pur moment d’extase… je frissonne encore de la montée stroboscopique du dernier morceau… Transcendantal.
Pour la personne qui parle d’un côté “Nirvana/Metallica”. Si vous aviez écouté Sigur Ros en l’ayant replacé dans son contexte et histoire musical, vous n’auriez rien attendu d’autre. Effectivement Sigur Ros vient autant de la musique “hard/metal” que du classique. C’est leur force.
Steve Atkinson
says:Amazing night and is there a better setting on Earth than Arles? I flew from Liverpool England just for the concert and it was worth every penny. Thank you.
says:i. just. miss. you.