leon stukelj square

Maribor, Slovenia

Sep 5, 2012


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116 Comments on “leon stukelj square”

  • melly


    You always amaze me. Yesterday was my third time seeing you. Your live performance is like a religious experience. Your music evokes emotions that nothing else can. I just hope to experience that in icelandic landscape. One day. Thank you.

  • Tina


    Hi everybody!

    Thank you for the most catarsic experience/concert in my life. I think I can sum it up by simply saying it was superb, it was perfect!!! love and respect *** :)

  • Anita


    Best concert ever, by far. Epic.

  • jacob


    can not wait to see you in Cracow!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jaka


    It was an outer-body experience… amazing!

  • katka


    It was the most amazing show i’ve ever hear/seen. Pure mulitple eargasms. Your sound is unique and special, impressive! Thank you, thank you sooo much!
    I hope u’ll be back soon!

    with love, K.

  • Monika


    Beautiful and touching, I don’t want to wake up from this fairytale. Thank you.

  • vesna


    I loved the concert. It was especially wonderful to see you in my hometown – it’s so rare that Maribor has the honor to host such great artists! Takk :)

  • Luka



  • mattjazz


    very impressive!

  • Laura


    It was more than amazing! No words to express the feeling after your concert. Really great job!!!!! Hope to see you again and again. The best concert I have ever been…

  • Blaz


    Crushing wall of sound. Have a crush on back :)

  • nataša


    The best live music experience I’ve ever seen/been. And it was on my birthday. Thank you for making it perfect! Life is really beautiful! Looking forward to see you again soon.

  • Jernej


    Last night the whole universe was floating and i could feel it in my bones. The feeling is to stay here forever. Thank you very much. be good:)

  • Boris


    I won`t tell you again what`s allready been said. The sound you`re able to achieve is simply amazing. Jonsi, as I consider myself a singer, I`m impressed with your vocal abilities. I was standing in first row, right in front of Georg. After your final bow I hope it was so fullfiling for your band as it was for me. All in all magic experience.
    P.S.: Approximately at the middle of the concert, my wife, who was not so familiar with your music said to me: Look, they do know how to smile… :)
    Best wishes, keep the magic going!

  • kristina


    It was my first time hearing you live and I was blown away. Your energy on the stage is amazing and the music which is already awesome if you just listen it on the radio is even more brilliant live. Amazing concert! Thank you for the music you make!!! <3<3

  • Nina


    Wow! Just wow! One of the best shows in my life – and there have been many. Sigur Ros put all of themselves, all their passion into the music and we witness moments of magic and wonder!
    Also the sound was great, I could clearly hear all the musical instruments used in the songs. Amazing!

  • miha garafolj


    I think the whole concert, it was one of that magical moments that stay with you the entire life, amazing performance and setlist choice. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and to see you again real soon!

  • Aldo


    Best concert ever, left me shocked (in a good way!) Hope too see you again!

  • barbara


    great concert…finish was excellent!!!! can t wait to see and hear you again in Slovenia!!! Barbara

  • alan


    great wall of sound, excellent visuals and music not of this world. 2 hours were like 5 minutes. thnx for coming almost to croatia ;-)

  • sarah


    I’m afraid to go to any other concert, ever again, because it will be a disappointment compared to you guys :-)… Thank you!

  • Jovita


    ?irule?arule ! hvala , kisses

  • Kristian


    If there ever was a God who created music he must have chosen Sigur Rós to play his pieces. Divine and mindblowing!!!

  • Alas


    It was a wonderful moment when Orri accidentally dropped his drumstick and Jonsi and him looked at each other and smiled. In that single second the vail dropped, and we saw how much you guys love playing.

  • Ana


    Hello from Slovenia. Besides being purely amazing, hypnotic, mystic, your music completes my daydreaming with the most beautiful soundtrack I can imagine to it. When the palette of emotions is challenged by music, for me that is the highest form of art. That is way, I’m in awe of Sigur Ros. Thank you for making music and thank you for a wonderful show last night.

    Ana x

  • Miha


    Thank you Sigur Rós.

  • drabus


    I was not a fan before, got a free ticket, decided to check it out and was pleasantly surprised. Thank you for an “ethereal” time.

  • sanja


    I think that words can’t describe how amazing the experience of seeing you live is! I’m getting goosebumps today just remembering it, it felt like being in another dimension. So much positive energy on stage which you transferred to the audience too! Thank you for making such wonderful music and coming near us (you should come to Croatia next time ;))

  • Tjasa


    It’s all been said: amazing, breathtaking, beautiful, superb … I felt genuine happines, when I stood there listening to your divine music with my eyes closed. And when I opened them, I saw people smiling, wiping their tears of joy or just hugging each other.
    All in all, it shook me to the core (in a good way) and left me speechless. Lots of love. Takk!

  • Dejan


    Concert full of Emotions:)

  • Boštjan


    I had an amazing magical experiance that kept me awake for most of the rest of the night … It was one of the best emotionally filled shows I have ever seen. I cannot express my gratitude towards you enough for being so kind and playing in our country and giving us a taste of Iceland and the beauty that is Sigur Rós.
    Thank you so much for coming to Slovenia!

  • katra


    it felt like i am present at the most amazing thing a person can feel in this world. for me, it was extremely intense, like music would be enveloping my entire body and taking my soul higher. like fireflies in the early summertime or sunrise after a cold long night or a hug after months of isolation, you make my soul tremble. thank you.

  • G.E.V.


    You know ‘that feeling’ when you live full, you feel surrounded by the tranquility and minimalistic touches of musical tone that instantly turns into an unforgettable journey and the outbreak of sixth sense…well thats the experience I nurtured yesterday in Maribor. You all are eXceptional. thanK You!

  • Anamarija


    When I heard you were coming to Slovenia I was excited and I could not wait to see you in person. Your performance was above my expectations. Thank you for this experience, thank you for letting us see how unique you are.

  • Tina


    I’m still shaking – THANK YOU for concert full of emotions!!! Love U :*

  • Lori Slivnik


    You are absolutely the most original band I’ve ever heard of. When I showed your music to some of me friends, they found you a bit depressing. But they are completely wrong… Your music is just simply beautiful. It gives you goose bumps, brings tears into your eyes (not joking :) and feels your heart with complete harmony.

    Listening to you yesterday at the concert was a wonderful experience. When I’d looked around, I saw people in total ecstasy, with a smile on their face.
    Moreover, when you were on stage, I totally lost sense of time-probably not the only one-, I just closed my eyes and float.
    Thank you so much for making music that is so unique!

    p.s. I think it would be really nice to hear your concert lying in grass. So, see you next time in Iceland. :)

    þú ert dásamleg!
    takk takk!

  • Gabriel


    Góðan daginn!
    Yesterday in one of my tweets I said that it was possible to communicate with aliens via Sigur Ros! I really mean it! The concert was bloody fantastic ?
    Takk geniuses.

  • Lola


    It was absolutly amazing, beautiful and breathtaking…like the most beautiful dream you dont want to wake up:)I’m speechless and still full of emotions of the other night.
    See you next time and thank you so much!;)

  • irene


    once again takk!
    it was my first time seeing sigur ros live. even with the headphones at the train to maribor i had goosebumps, but at the gig… few times my friend gave me a napkin as he noticed me crying, but i didn’t feel any tears or anything else except the wind and the music. i’m turned upside-down now, peeled off, i was taken out of my body and then brought back into it.
    it’s obviously how much giving the band is, my tears and emotions are for the members of sigur ros, and for every person who organizes every their gig, to thank them.
    takk! takk fyrir!

  • Duška


    The show last night was beyond AMZAING!
    It was BRILLIANT…I will never forget & Im pretty sure I will go to a Sigur Ros show again! ;)
    P.S.: It was my first time!


  • ing


    queer love from Lithuania. Amazing show and I wish you gonna visit Lithuania sometime!

  • uros


    It was awesome! Great selection of songs, amazing projections, lots of luck with weather, great finish!

  • Duška


    It was both AMAZING & BRILLIANT! ;)

  • iztok


    it was magical…that s all i have to say a real concert in a long time :)

  • Masa aka @Shamshnita


    Last night in Maribor was amazing. What happened and what I experienced was just beyond words. Everything from the opening and till the very end was what I hoped to see and more. Amazing performances by each and every one of 12 (or 13?) people on stage were what made the night magical. For a long time I have been wanting to see what Sigur Ros concerts looked like and they totally delivered my expectations.
    We were blown away by the bass in the front row. Jonsi’s long note hold was jaw-dropping. The longest pause I have ever witnessed was full of joy and amazement of how silence can be so full of such strong feelings. Then the little things, such as those ambiental light bulbs all over the stage. Obviously the band works on every little detail when it comes to what they do. Perfection. I definitely recommend and I hope the band comes to visit Slovenia or somewhere near again soon; I’ll be waiting. Thank you, Sigur Ros. Takk!

  • Nina


    Thank you so much for a truly magnificent show. It’s hard to describe the emotions that I went through last night; I had happy tears in my eyes during the whole show and I enjoyed your performance so much. All in all, the show was brimming with joy, happiness and positive energy and I’m glad I was there to experience it. It was my first time seeing you but hopefully not the last one.

    Takk fyrir!

  • Jana


    Thank you for amazing concert,great songs,projections … Pure magic. I just hope to experience that in Iceland someday.

  • medea


    Thank you :)
    ..once again it felt as we are all small particles of sound, which you are sending to the univers, to keep on sharing love with all the others!
    thank you for sharing sound of love with us, last night in Slovenia :)
    hope to hear you live in some near future time, in one of many beautiful natural settings of Slovenia!
    I belive that would be beautiful experience for you as well :)

  • Maja


    Thank you for the beautiful experience, for turning reality to fantasy for few hours. No words can describe that emotion and atmosphere… Takk!

  • Eva


    Sigur Rós is love.

  • tjasa


    yesterday was all i needed in this year.takk sigur ros!

  • tomo


    Thank You for last night! Zaista ste..MAGICNI!

  • Ana



    I cannot thank you enough for all the magic you set out yesterday, in Maribor. I’ve been waiting for years to see you perform and the whole experience was inexplicable. You have awoken in me, and I believe everybody else in the crowd, a range of so many strong, wonderful emotion. I think I’m still shivering. All the troubles now seem less important, for you showed us all the beauty and power of simplicity of life.

    Just… Thank you. :)

  • 51days


    My girlfriend (my love), was in hospital, and she couldn’t came with me…but because of You! she was..all the time..i have never-ever cried with apsolutly no control to stop tears..no words can describe what we all have felt yesterday…no words..

  • Dina


    amazing experience.
    brings back icelandic memories <3

  • Gerard


    Amazing concert! loved every moment of it. Would love to come and see you play in your home country of Iceland, or better yet move there… Love you Sigur Ros!

  • kolyat


    thank you for all the love, joy and beauty your music brings into my life, and thank you for all the tears of happiness i cried yesterday listening to you in maribor. hvala, sigur ros.

  • hrvoje


    takk…it was truly one of the best concerts in my life. there is only one thing left now: i have to wait for another one.
    and the thunderstorm after the concert…<3

  • ani


    excellent concert…all the respect…it was above the ground…thank you for this!

  • Darjan


    I got to the venue a few hours before the concert started, but the wait was worth it, as I got to experience the show right at the fence, unfiltered, pure Sigur Rós.

    From the moment Jonsi’s bow touched the first string and well after the stage went silent I had constant goosebumps (which will probably last for a few months yet). I walked away in a trance and have little recollection of what happened afterwards.

    I can say without a shadow of doubt this was the best experience of my life so far, it was amazing, magical and all other adjectives that now simply fail to come to mind, because it’s still buzzing with the memory of the concert.

    Thank you Sigur Rós, thank you Jonsi, thank you Amiina, you made my life better.

  • uros


    BEST SHOW EVER. Never again will i experience that many different emotions in two hours. Do what you are doing. You guys will always be my favourite band. Always.

  • widman


    thank u ever so much; Jonsi, Goggi, Kjarri, Orri and other 7 good souls who where part of Sigur Ros experience last night in Maribor.. I’ve been listening to them for the past 10 years and finally now I can die happy for hearing them live.. takk

  • TM


    Thank you for a wonderful performance. We are so very grateful that you decided to stop here – to see awesome bands we really admire we usually have to go abroad. So experiencing the magic you shower your audience with right here, at home was really awesome. What I personally liked most is your serious approach to performing – you sound spectacular – and the fact that no words were needed – you said so much without actually having to speak. As to the whole concert experience – I am not sure if there are words to describe it. Thank you again.

  • josipa


    I’m an astronaut…yesterday I have spent two hours out of Earth. Your music is how I imagine the sound of the Universe, magical as Iceland. Thank u for all the emotions you have bring!

  • Andrea


    Thank you so much for yesterday’s magic. The words can’t even describe what kind of emotions your music created, the concert was just beautiful in every single way possible. I honestly hope to see you again. Much love from Croatia.

  • marijana


    Wow, wow, wow….a part of me is still in maribor and doesn’t want to leave :-)… I do not even want to try to describe what I heard, experienced and felt yesterday – one moment I just thought: this is how eternity sounds…thank you very much for this unforgettable gig yesterday! Hopefully you will come one day to zagreb!

  • petra


    thank you for sharing your music and your energy. keep on doing great things!

  • Jackie


    You can’t really put it into words can you. Thank you for this magical experience.

  • urshy


    You’re music is so powerful and limitless. I can listen to you no matter what mood i find myself in. You deserve to be imortal! Yesterdays concert was goose bumps all over, pure perfection! It felt like i lost my virginity again, this time with extraterrestrial wild force! Out of these world – are you angels?

  • Slavko


    It was an amazing musical night…precious moments of silence…über-noisy soundwalls…and everything in between…almost unearthly and magical musical experience. Hope you’ll be back soon.

  • Nina


    Last night at the square in Maribor..i could listen to you 2hours longer.It was amazing!! You put me/us in the whole different world for 2 hours. At the beginning my mouth were just open and staid that way for probably 30 min. Mind blowing,EPIC!! I read many reviews of your concerts and they were all true – dedication, pureness, love, hope, quality.. all those words come to my mind when i think of last night.
    Thank you for the magnificent moments!

  • just me


    ….still floating in the air… <3 hope to see/hear/feel you soon….it was just…..amazing.

  • Chatnick



  • skunkylee


    Indescribable. Inescapable. Borderline impossible. But you did it. You compressed the universe inside the square, inside our heads, inside our soul. More than a day has passed and I’m still reeling from the shock. Thank you for this.

  • ziva


    life-changing, thank you.

  • Holly


    Prestidigitation of aptitude :D
    …and worth the 500 kilometer drive!

  • dbc


    it was perfect.

  • Miša


    Performances like yours are so emotionally overwhelming that after the show I felt as if I’ll never be the same again :) Thank you for this lovely experience!
    Visit us again.

  • woolf


    sigur ros = magic! thank you a thousand times, this beautiful concert will stay with me for infinity.

  • Dean


    ..last month I spent 2 weeks exploring Iceland..it was magical..your music added extra dimension to all that have become part of me..even though I had high expectations from your gig you were greater than that..Takk fyrir Sigur Ros..

  • Simona


    Takk Sigur Ros!! <3

  • televator


    I came from Bosnia and Herzegovina to see you, enough said
    p.s. see you in a few years again, I hope

  • stardust


    you really give to music new dimension.
    I wish my life would have your music for soundtrack.
    thank you for coming and i hope ill see you live again!

  • dada


    The square was full..many people just standed and didn’t move..usually i have “a problem” with attitude like that (why do You taking space), BUT all “those” people was so gentle and peacefull..i have never been on concert where apsolutly nobody didn’t push people around them..the rest of “us” which were dancing, crying, applauding, floathing, almost couldn’t cope with so much emotions, in way that ONLY Sigur Ros can create..all of us on square were in harmony…i mean..THAT is the proof that YOU ARE NOT HUMANS ;) and i mean that in best way possible..There were even a lady with small wooden chair, and she stood ONLY in last minutes of some songs, as “crescendo” and audience gave soo much energy that she just couldn’t stay seated. My responce on “those” moments was..tears..tears of joy, tears of knowing that this night must come to the end, tears for knowing that tommorow is the new/old day…and tears of knowing that concert changed me forever and ever..Slovenia HVALA LIJEPA na organizaciji, ljubaznosti, miru, ljepoti….nadam se kako ?emo vratiti isto koncertom u Areni (Pula) ;)

  • Priya


    Thank you for all what you give to us and to life through your music… And now when i read all this, i see, it wasnt just me seeing this. You showed us love of creation and life, silence, simplicity, fullness of life with all the ups and downs – and it all meets in the beauty and silence of life.. Like big music shamans, your were playing throught our soul and healing :)
    Thank you, i feel your work is really important and beutiful. And hope to meet you again.

  • goran


    Your art always reminds me that the world is a beautiful place and boy you did it again on Wednesday!
    I was so happy that I finally saw you live and actually couldn’t believe I’m really standing a few feet from you.

    So many nice and smiling people, so much beauty, emotions and hope, those two hours were pure magic!
    I still can’t stop smiling :) !

    Takk Sigur Rós :) !

  • milos


    this concert was (without any sweet-talking or exaggeration)the best concert i’ve ever been to. now i guess i’ll be floating next few months, i just can’t get back to reality.. it was that great! takk sigur ros!

  • kristi



  • ondra


    I was so amazed by the concert in Verona that I decided to go also to Maribor on my way back home to the Czech Rep., in spite of my low budget. I have never regretted anything less than that.

  • damir


    what a drive was that….and thank you for coming back for my birthday on 18th february…can’t wait, takkkk

  • bogdan saratean


    intrigueing. wonderful. straight to the bones and to the soul and to the mind. we came from Romania to Maribor. Everything was perfect. The sound. the place. The sky. The After-rain. The sincerity. Sigur Ros has so much to give. My name is Bogdan. It means Gift From God. Thank you for a wonderful gift, which changed views and dimensions. Unique experience!

  • Ursa


    THAKN YOU, sigur ros. Thank you.

  • tony


    been to few concerts in my time, this one was magical. travelled a long way but was worth it. there was a special feeling in that square that night. well done maribor & sigur ros ….thank you

  • Sebastijan


    What can I say about finally seeing you live. It’s was breath taking and simply amazing. If I were to say anything more I would just be copying the comments above. Keep on doing what you are doing and I hope to see you again someday. If not in Slovenia than maybe in some other country or even your home country. To see you guys there live has been a wish of mine for some time now. I hope it will one day come true :)

    Take care guys & godspeed!!

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