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photos by rudy filippini
says:tonight I came to listen you after years of waiting.. it was a long wait, but I have to say thank you for the wonderful special unic Music and sounds that you create and play. Sigur Ros that I love are all together..
Let me say 2 things about this concert of tonight: All was great, the place (castle),the full moon on the sky and YOUR MUSIC!… After to have seen (listened) you 4 times in concert, only one thing really disappointed me today: the last song!
How is possible to have made wrong it ?! the last song of your concert is so precious, so special, so wonderful that only it costs the price of ticket! So why such sound?! I couldn’t listen violini and other sounds.. the drum was totally totally triggered, fake, it was like techo “bum bum bum”.. it is not possible to do it.. and the volume so high that it was near to broke hears.. I learned to listen every sounds, a fantastic mix of many hands in your music, typically.. but this last song, disappointed me totally !!
And, the scenography?! this time nothing ? only powerful yellow light to flash our eyes ?.. no come on.. other concerts have been always so great.. the last song was always something to cry for the perfection of sounds, second after second the volume grow up, but every instruments, every hand was clear to listen..
Please, next time, do better last song..
Thank you again for your wonderful music.. I can’t wait the day of your return in Italy.
says:Amazing, Perfect. Hope will see you soon
says:Thank you so much for the wonderful night. Good Life ;) see you soon in Italy ! ! ! G.
says:“do better last song”?
Are you OK? Do you have some earing problem?
Last song was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
Now Castello Scaligero will be called forever “Sigur Ros Castle”
Lorenzo Puppo
says:È stato fantastico vedervi finalmente.
Fantastico rendersi conto che siete veramente COSÌ bravi, e fantastico avvertire la vostra musica dentro di noi, cuore e anima.
Mi aspettavo un grande concerto, ho trovato una esperienza totale.
It was amazing to finally see you Guys.
Amazing it was to realize you really are THAT great, to feel your music inside our hearts and souls.
I was expecting a great concert, I found it overwhelming.
says:Ieri notte….mi avete spaccato il cuore in due.
Vi avrei ascoltato ancora per ore e ore.
Veramente…grazie per le emozioni uniche che mi avete regalato…grazie per avermi fatto sentire “sospesa” come in una bolla di meraviglia. Vi adoro. Vi adoro con tutto il cuore! Tornate presto!
says:Loving you. Jonsi’s voice is an angels’ gift
says:It was not a concert, it was a journey, a cleansing and cathartic experience for mind and body, thank you so much!!
says:my first time with you! unfortunately! experience was overwhelming. a symphony of pure rock soul. have regenerated my cells and my DNA. thank you!
says:Devo dire che ho provato una forte emozione al concerto di ieri sera, è stato intenso, vivace, malinconico…non mancava niente. Spero proprio di visitare l’Islanda un giorno.
says:Last night was the first concert with my boyfriend, he is a musician, I always go and listen to him but we had never gone to a concert together before yesterday.. What an amazing choice coming to see you, what a perfect beginning!
That was the first time I saw you on stage, and I have to say, you were great and did some beautiful songs! What a perfect atmosphere, what a sound..
I am new to your music, and your concert gave me the chance to start listening to you more carefully, more intimately, to try to capture and feel all that can be found in your music..
We had the chance to come to your concert for a friend of mine has given me the ticket as a gift for my graduation.. She was great! Unlikely, she wasn’t there with us to listen to your beautiful songs..
Thank you for your powerful and graceful live, for the voices and for each instruments’ note, and thank you for coming to Italy, hope to see you again very soon, perhaps in Island, who knows (:
Good luck with your world tour!
says:Hi there,
This is my first time to your concert and I want to tell you that I loved your music. It brought out intense emotions in me and I was actually left spellbound in certain moments of the evening…you guys are exceptional & you certainly rock!! Hope to see you soon again..
Love & luck.
says:Track 1 – ( ) made me cry.
says:You were amazing last night!…can’t tell you what feelings and emotions I felt!…awesome…thanks for everything!…Takk Sigur!
says:It was not a concert, it was an EXPERIENCE, as always, when YOU play, guys. Takk fyrir!!!
says:Starting with Í Gær gave me goosebumps. This was the third time I see you live, and every time is a overwhelming experience. Thank you guys.
says:I’m listening to you since Ágætis Byrjun but this was my first concert and I think it was the best time to do it. What I feel in yours albums I felt also during the concert yesterday but this time it was something that you could reach out and touch.
Grazie mille è bello vedere quanta gente condivide questa musica.
says:no commnets!see u soon
says:i m m e n s i s i g u r r o s . . .
says:This morning melancholy overwelmed me, as I thought it would have happened during the concert.. I couldn’t stop crying, full of emotions. Yesterday was a day in a million, one I’ve waited for 6 months (and to which I was looking forward as the award of not giving up before..) and I’ll always remember. When you started playing, armony spread out: none was caring about is position anymore, silence embraced your sound, and I was listening, as I was praying. I believed, yesterday.
A sentence for what you gave in these years, in the aknowledgements of my final thesis, is not enough: I wished I could have talked to you and ask something, but yesterday, while watching and listening to you, I felt like everything was already perfectly said..
so here it goes the line for the thesis that talks a lot about you:
Grazie ai Sigur Rós, perché con il loro suono nelle orecchie i sentimenti si subliminano, e sento di non essere sola
with all my heart, Takk
says:Great night! One of the best concert of my life…So exciting! You’re really great!! I’m listening to you since years and be there and see you and listening to your music live yesterday night was something like a dream! At the end, simply… Thank you!!!
says:…being close to tears in each song…fantastic experience! one of the best concert in my life *.*
zoe sgrazied
says:thanx guys! it has been like a journey into the mistic. to me you have the modern concept of 60’s psychedelic music: something that can take your mind away if you just close your eyes and listen. And… all of that full bodied sound was awesome!
Dreamy… thanx again
says:“We two, how long we were fool’d,
Now transmuted, we swiftly escape as Nature escapes,
We are Nature, long have we been absent, but now we return,
We become plants, trunks, foliage, roots, bark,
We are bedded in the ground, we are rocks,
We are oaks, we grow in the openings side by side,
We browse, we are two among the wild herds spontaneous as any,
We are two fishes swimming in the sea together,
We are what locust blossoms are, we drop scent around lanes mornings
and evenings,
We are also the coarse smut of beasts, vegetables, minerals,
We are two predatory hawks, we soar above and look down,
We are two resplendent suns, we it is who balance ourselves orbic
and stellar, we are as two comets,
We prowl fang’d and four-footed in the woods, we spring on prey,
We are two clouds forenoons and afternoons driving overhead,
We are seas mingling, we are two of those cheerful waves rolling
over each other and interwetting each other,
We are what the atmosphere is, transparent, receptive, pervious, impervious,
We are snow, rain, cold, darkness, we are each product and influence
of the globe,
We have circled and circled till we have arrived home again, we two,
We have voided all but freedom and all but our own joy.”
Walt Whitman
says:Yesterday I loved every single second of your art. My ears, my eyes and my soul were charmed by you… When you’ve finished playing it was like waking up from a dream! Your music is pure magic, love you!
says:i’s been an amazing experience. the location was wonderful, and your performance outstanding. thanks a lot for this great night of great music.
come back in italy asap, please :-)
says:Siete stati fantastici! Pura Magia.. TAKK
Gian Marco
says:Last night’s show was amazing, by far the best I’ve ever been in all my life and for long time… Untill you come back here to make another one even better :D.
Roberta & Raffaele
says:It was a great concert yesteday, we are crazy about u. u gave us the possibility to know lots of people and it’s fantastic to see how music unites people.
Roberta and Raffaele
says:the highest moment of the concert was ‘Viðrar vel til loftarasa’ … is so excruciating that if someone had ripped the heart out of my chest would hurt me less.
says:One of the best concert I’ve ever seen. Thank you. During last song I wanted to cry.
You were perfect, all of you.
Come back soon, Italy loves you.
says:magic concert and wonderful drummer !
massimo corradi
says:thank you for your performance, Sigur Ros,
the moment of silence inside the music was very special!
but what happen to Kjartan?
says:Pure emotions in sigur ros ‘ castle!
says:I was waiting and expecting a lot from this concert… but i didn’t think it’d have been like this… One of the best concert in my life, so intense, so hypnotic!!! Every song was perfect, the shadows dancing on the castle walls, the silence and the fury, like Iceland… You made me go back to Iceland…
And, by the way, you couldn’t have chosen a better song to end the concert!!!!!!!
Takk fyrir
says:It was the first time I saw you live… you were amazing! Words can’t explain the magic of your music. Thank you.
says:Amazed. What a BEAUTIFUL performance. Thank you, hope to see you soon back in Italy!
says:Thrills….. Thank You!!! ?
says:Simply stunning! í gær was a big surprise
Ekki Mukk live turned out to be great!.
En það besta sem,
Guð hefur skapað eru Sigur Rós.
says:e la 3 volta che vi vedo in concerto …e con amarezza devo ammettere che e stato un po deludente…sia il suono che la scenografia…:(
says:Simply breathtaking. The wall of sound you made was pure energy. Takk
says:Unfortunately i couldn’t be there… but I heard that it was an incredible experience. I hope you’ll come back in Italy soon, even if my dream is to come to listen to one of your concerts in Iceland.
says:Con le lacrime agli occhi e i brividi ho vissuto un concerto bellissimo, coinvolgente, unico…
Sopra di noi le stelle e la luna piena, tutt’intorno persone rapite dalla vostra magia, e anche persone coricate a terra, abbracciate, che con gli occhi chiusi si facevano trasportare in un altro mondo…
Mentre vi ascolto vedo la vostra terra, la sento. Ascolto il “suono” dell’aurora boreale. E mi sento a casa.
Con la vostra musica mi sento tutt’uno con la natura, e con Dio.
Grazie, siete stupendi.
says:Sono tutt’ora scossa e emozionata, sto ascoltando la scaletta di brani di ieri sera, non voglio che questa sensazione scivoli via, si spenga, in una sorta di dissolvenza incrociata con la realtà..grazie Sigur Ròs, siete gli unici in grado di donarmi questa estasi, questo senso dell’infinito..vi ho aspettati per anni, ora vi amo più di prima..<3
says:Absolutely amazing. You made me cry. It never happened to me during a concert. But with you…everything was perfect!
I closed my eyes and it was like I was alone in the quiet Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon watching the floating Icebergs, with just your music with me…
Hope to see you again soon…
Takk fyrir
says:The atmosphere was surreal, the weirdest concert even attended.
After a while, I was fully in meditation, I was inside, not outside.
I missed Kjartan Sveinsson, a bit of magic has disappeared.
The location was not to your height, more like a prison than a castle.
Hope to see you again, with the full band, in a better location.
Takk fyrir.
says:Simply perfect!
says:I just wanted to say…TAKK!
says:It was my first Sigur Ros gig and I’m speechless…way beyond my expectations. I was moved more than once during the night and everything was perfect: the location fitted your music and I really have no words to describe Jonsi’s voice. Thank you so much, hope to see you soon again. Thank you!
says:Concerto molto bello, grazie!
says:Yesterday night was pure perfection and you guys put a big smile upon my face! Takk fyrir
says:When I’m with your music guys I’m feel like home, even if I don’t have it, it’s something immaterial for me!
Takk fyrir tónleikana í kvöld
Sjá þig fljótlega
says:Meraviglioso! takk fyrir
says:Great! Unfortunately the sound sometimes was not so good but it depended by the location.
The first time I’ve ever heard silence in a rock concert: Thank You!
says:Gorgeous experience, you were great, all of you! Takk
Lisa and Giuseppe
says:Profoundity! I could resound with your voice and music, I could not resist and closed my eyes ;)
Yes I had same feeling of prison there, next time I hope going to Iceland concert! Very happy
says:it was such an amazing concert, the best I’ve ever seen.
I had goosebumps from the beginning til the end of the show and during viorar… I almost cried.
The closing with Popplagio was amazing, the drums, the bass and jonsi’s voice left the stage with an outstanding performance.
says:thank you
says:what a concert..
moving experience..
It was my first time.. It won’t be the last one for sure!
Thank you!
says:stupendo, grazie di cuore
says:ci sono solo poche cose nella vita che, quando sarà al termine, ti daranno la pace necessaria per accettarne la fine…per me almeno è così, e voi siete una di quelle.
Grazie per ieri.
carmen e cesare
says:Heartily thank you for last night. You own a place in our mythology. BOW,JONSI,BOW!
says:I am not the same as before.
thank you.
says:bellissimo, indimenticabile, GRAZIE!
says:There I was…holding hands with the love of my life…and there you were…singing for us…my heart melted…thank you :)
says:I’ve been waiting for you to come back for such a long time, but it was worth it.
Outstanding gig, I was there standing speechless, that was all I could do. You guys are awesome.
says:but Kartjan??????
says:your music moves me. Yesterday has been mystical, I felt as if the crowd was a whole silent, beating heart, and I was part of it. Thank you.
says:Sigur Ros is something completely different … yesterday night was sweetness and powerfull, happiness and maturity, pop and symphonic, yesterday night was epic! as only a few group in the music history.
says:alcun godimento sarà più godimento. takk sigur.
says:First time I cried to a live show. Grazie
says:Takk <3 <3 <3
says:I cried and I don’t feel ashamed about it. I felt extraordinary sensations, I felt at peace with the world. I will do anything to be there again if you’ll do other concerts in Italy, thing that I hope with all my heart. Really, thank you, your music enlightens my life especially now that for me is a bad period. Takk
You made me forgot everything.
says:Beeing just some metres from the stage, feeling my body cells follow the sounds, closing my eyes and start dreaming: that’s all you’re able to do. You’re able to do a so sophisticated music and at the same time make us all silent. Extraordinary.
says:Wonderful music, ethereal atmosfears, great Jonsi!
But Sigur Ros should be appreciated into a innermost close place, relaxed and sitted, with closed eyes, not on my feet inside a festival :(
says:GRAZIE, Alice di 40 giorni già vi adora ed era lì ieri ad ascoltarvi e sognare…
says:Your amazing music makes this world a better place!
says:just…thank you!
the ender was fabulous, i’m still traped into
that feeling of yesterday!
says:Always a great experience !
You made me cry again , like in Rome .
And thank you so much for “I gaer”
….my heart missed a beat !
That’s how I sing Vaka… and many others!
says:grazie per il bel concerto,bellissima atmosfera..
…buon viaggio…have a nice trip…góð ferð..
says:Concerto splendido! In alcuni momenti l’ombra del chitarrista veniva proiettata direttamente sulle torri del castello. Una magia unica. Pelle d’oca dall’inizio alla fine … e tornando a casa mi sembrava di volare!
says:Quello di ieri sera è stato il mio primo concerto in assoluto, quindi ero già pervaso da una fortissima emozione ma quando poi è arrivato il vostro momento le sensazioni sono salite al massimo.
Non avevo mai provato una condizione simile, la palpitazione tangibile mentre lo stage veniva preparato con i vostri strumenti, l’attesa del vostro arrivo sul palco e poi il concerto vero e proprio, un’apoteosi di colori, luci e ovviamente musica uniti alla strabiliante voce di Jónsi che dal vivo mostra la sua naturale e strabiliante potenza. Suoni sublimi e magici che in ogni canzone riportavano alla mia memoria i momenti in cui a casa riascoltavo le stesse canzoni sul CD. Mi sono ritrovato a cantare silenziosamente ogni brano spaziando con la fantasia nelle splendide terre dell’Islanda ricoperte di candida neve dove il vendo tra le fronde degli alberi porta squisiti sibili naturali. Un atmosfera veramente magica che mi ha fatto riflettere su parecchie cose, molte volte si perdono di vista le cose più importanti ma bastano piccole cose come delle belle e profonde canzoni per farti ricordare ciò che pensavi di aver dimenticato.
Il mio unico rammarico è quello di essere venuto a vedervi prima negli scorsi anni durante le vostre tappe italiane. Spero di potervi rivedere presto in Italia non mancherò di sicuro alle prossime occasioni, e magari riuscirò ha ricevere l’agognato autografo da tutti i membri della band.
Grazie per la magica serata che mi avete regalato, non la dimenticherò mai.
says:A perfect gig, a perfect day. It’s just unbelievable how you guys play live, i had shivers any time, and Jonsi’s voice was even better live than in the albums.
Just a thing: four years is way too long.
The location was a bit too crowded and many of us were too excited for the big event: everybody was fighting for a place to see the show. That’s understandable and remarks how strong is the fan base you have here, but your music maybe needs a little bit more of peace in order to be tasted at best.
So, please, come back soon. Italy loves you.
says:Unforgettable. Thanks!
says:Greatest experience of my life. Really.
says:It was so surreal, simply amazing…I thought I was walking through a dream, I thought I could touch and breath every note and sound. So, thak you very much guys, you all made me moved to tears and I’ll never forget such a wonderful experience.
I hope to see you soon in Itakly!
says:Semplicemente meravigliosi. Uno dei più bei concerti ai quali abbia assistito, Grazie
says:An unforgettable evening… i’m still tripping for it….
7 ore fa
Marco Zardini Lacedelli
says:Takk fyrir, it has been a truly amazing night, I enjoyed every minute of it. Hope to see you again, in Iceland maybe!
says:Yesterday night at Verona your show was a journey through the Beauty of Life and their constant avversities as well. An hopeful invitation to enjoy every single moment of our lives, whatever it happens.
says:I was there with my girlfriend and she said: “It was like a supernova explosion”. During the entire concert I held her tight with my eyes closed and, as the music reverberated through my body, I felt that explosion with all its beatifulness.
Takk, Sigur Rós.
says:We drove over 800 km to watch your concert and it was every km worth it.
The whole atmosphere and the choice of your songs touched deep inside me…
I want to thank you for this big present, for being a very important band for my life.
Thank you, you were so beautiful to me*
says:Devastanti, siete stati devastanti, sono venuto da solo al concerto, di solito vengo con amici ma non sono riuscito a trascinare nessuno, peggio per loro si sono persi qualcosa di indescrivibile……indescrivibile appunto,forse è per questo che non mi ha seguito nessuno, non riesco a definirvi, dire che siete unici è poco……..complimenti, sono rimasto senza parole.Bravi,bravi,bravi.
says:hours and hours spent with you and finally I saw you… thousand emotions till tears when svefn-g-englar started you exploded into my heart.. really love you, iole.
says:Thank you, it was really a perfect day, with you and your magical chemistry. Come back soon!
says:It seemed to me like a prayer to the moon and the beautiful sky.
Perfect night and atmosphere, always a great present to us. Glad to share these precious moments with you and all the people there.
says:Simply the best concert I’ve ever seen..
I waited so long for this show, and i just couldn’t stop admiring this performance.. takk sigur ros for this
says:only thank you for yesterday. it’s the best gig i’ve seen in last years.
says:semplicemente fantascici!!!!
says:sorry, fantastici!!!
says:There are no words to describe the mystical experience of standing in front of your power.
Few years ago I discovered you and nothing has been the same from then on. You made me cry tears of joy, you lifted me up on tough times, you made me fly on eyes closed. You touched me where no one could.
Here I declare I deeply love you Sigur Ros.
“Jonsi’s voice at first:
a column of light incorporating my body
Breathing, shivering, tears, goosebumps
Connection is here
Aren’t we all Nature?
Lost and found in Mother Earth’s womb?
My body and soul are dancing…
The centre of the universe,
of every smile and creative impulse
I am mud, moon and clouds
I am the Music
I am the Dance
I am
Wholeness and Joy
and Love…
Welcome Glowing Sun!”
Roberta Tirassa.
Takk for yesterday, moving and touching journey! If you need a dancer (afro contemporary dance), I would be honored to work with you.
juani peralta lorca
says:increibles! gracias! algun dia conocere Islandia!
says:I had to wait 4 years to see you live for the first time and…. takk very much!
The setlist was simply superlative and your performance as well.
After the encore I said to my girlfriend: “If they are going to do Untitled #8 this is gonna be probably the best concert in my life”… you know the end of the story =)
I consider Untitled #8 one of the best song ever made, after had the live experience I am more convinced than ever before!
Now I feel myself more complete.
Thank you, Takk, Grazie!
says:Dear Sigur Ros, thank YOU so much!
takk for creating music and playing such wonderful songs all around the world!
I couldn’t believe I was there last night!
YOU WERE HERE IN ITALY! and I was in front of You!!!
Everything was just perfect,I am afraid words are too poor to explain how I felt, and how I am feeling right now. Some friends of mine were there too, we all felt like brand new after the concert! and we shared this thought: we assisted to something epic, let me say, a “holy experience”.
I am very touched, your music can see heal all the things that hurt inside me.
Your music takes my hand,we go deep looking into fears’ eyes, it’s like a ride through the night, sometimes it’s very dark and scary… but there are also stars, fireflies, friendly spirits, and the journey goes on, but I am no longer afraid, explosions of joy and good feelings!
Your music is such a blessing and a gift! it brings me hope, it brings me positive vibes and courage!
and it’s great to see you on stage, you all look beautiful, your energy is wonderful and incredible, you are very talented and, what else can I say! I love you and I am grateful for all the positive, healing music you share, it makes this world more beautiful!
thanks for inspiring us!Hope to see you again!
I wish You all the best and I send You lots and lots of love!
says:I actually felt like “living” the hoppipolla song for the entire concert. There was something under that awesome moon that linked us all and that something was you guys and us.
So long, and thank you for all the bubbles.
says:I met a guy from Iceland few months ago and it’s probably his fault If I was there yesterday.
Need to thank him for this.
It was the best gig I’ve never been to. Soo intense. Soo perfect.
Thanks a lot. Hope you’re coming back to Italy very soon.
Hope I can visit Iceland one day. Such an amazing country!
says:You are the soundtrack of my life…when I work, study, relax, when I am happy and sad. Your show was amazing, your voice angelic, the music playing through my body, my heart pumping at the same rythm.
You played all the song I love and I wish you could have played a few more….Ara Batur, Glosoli, other songs from Valtari….I didn’t want you to stop playing!
A funny note….According to the “kids” next to me, I am one of those ancient people, 40-50sh years old who were crowding the place :-)…as a proud “elderly” person, I have experienced MANY live gigs…..hence the only low note of the concert: the aucustics was sometimes distorting your beautiful voice and music…..
But…..you were magnificent, anyway!!
says:takk… bellissimo…
says:peccato, mi ero allenato col lalalalalala ma purtroppo niente goobledigook… comunque meravigliosi!
says:Thank you so much for this night, the night of instruments, and your voice as an instrument more, I am very happy to see you, it was really incredible!!
says:Just stunning… I trembled for most of the concert! Amazing…
says:Takk krakkar, ógleymanleg nótt…
Kastalinn, fullt tungl,ótrúlega tónlist…
Mér fannst ég fljúga
says:also, I wish you all success and keep on creating this music!
says:We went to the Amiina concert in Bassano del grappa 2 years ago and we felt in love with their music; Yesterday evening a dream came true. We enjoyed every second of the performace. FANTASTIC!!! Thanks for all. We hope to see you again.
says:never experienced a concert like this one, attended several dozens over the years, nothing compares with this one you just gifted us with. The silences you guys put in were prayers, your energy was soul lifting. I thank you and I hope to meet you one day again. Takk.
says:Chills over chills, awesome performance guys. Come back soon!
says:Great emotional concert!!!
Some photos at:
says:There is this thing about you guys and your music that leaves you speechless and peaceful and blissed…once a soul comes across your music and learns to feel it nothing is the same anymore….I just don’t get those who go to concerts and can’t wait to hear any little imperfections just to critizice…..these people just have no heart and no soul, they just can’t connect with their inner being.
It was my second SIGUR ROS concert, you guys change the way i feel about music forever and yesterday was just great. Full Stop.
Thank u
Antonella S.
says:I saw you five times: Venaria Reale (TO), Ferrara, Milan, Paris and Verona. Every single night, a special night in my heart. Takk (five times)
says:How to post some photos? i paste my link right here, so if anyone wants to see some photos about the concert…
Amazing live,
amazing music,
amazing band,
amazing people!
(amazing country, iceland not italy!)
says:I can only say “takk”, guys. An amazing experience, one of the best in my life without any doubt. I think that your poetry can be epitomized by a simple gesture made during the night, when Jonsi launched his violin bow to a girl who asket of it on a sign. The girl didn’t grab the violin bow, but after the concert one member of the staff asked to the girl if she had received the violin bow. When she said no, the guy has gone backstage and brought her another violin bow. A simple gesture, but with a great significance for the girl. You have a high sensibility.
Takk again
PS: Why Kjartan wasn’t there?
says:thank you, thank you very much! was a unique experience, a real magic. I wanted a similar experience for many years, will be unforgettable experience for me, thank you. You guys are great! You are magical! You will always and forever in my heart!
Takk .. .
says:There are no words to describe what I felt during this concert. What I know, is that how I felt inside of me will always remain.
thank you.
says:after magic in the park we came to experience magic in the castle! and it was powerful again!
thank you once again for immence power of love you are sharing with all of us :)
looking forward for the magic of month november! north-south connection once again after long time :)
may good energy guide you on your path.
Erica e Nicola
says:Words absolutely can’t express what you made us feel. You are simply splendid, gorgeous, magnificent. During Festival I had goosebumbs all the time and I completely lost the awarness of where I was. We hope to come to see you soon in Iceland.
Thank you for what you are able to express.
says:I’m not a religious person but it seemed a mass, all the people there as irresistibly drawn in by the music to the stage ….
says:I was expecting more songs of the last album but the concert was a total war of sounds, an incredible explosion of emotions. As always, you’re beautifull.
P.S. Viðrar vel til loftárása. Such a beautifull dream :)
Kjartan come back soon , i want to listen to you while you play piano
says:Best gig of my life.
Thank you. You move me deeply.
says:What an explosion of emotions!!! Your concert is always a life experience where joy and tears meet each other. It’s so rare crying for happiness. I feel so lucky! Jonsi’s voice was so clear! Thank you guys! It’s always a huge emotion attending your gigs!!
says:A volte, anche il silenzio è magia.
Sometimes, silence is also magic.
says:Awesome. Simply awesome. You made me cry like no other concert ever did.
You were just perfect! Takk!
says:Photo Verona:
says:Qualcuno di voi sa perché era assente il pianista, Kjartan?
says:YOU are the real essence of beauty, and after have listened to your songs as the soundtrack of my life, i felt complete of being few metres from you.
you are able to trasmit joy and passion, but also spirituality and reflection.
thanks, from heart.
þakka þú
says:Hy guys
was good ice cream tasted in Peschiera del Garda 6 hours before the fantastic show?
Thank you again
says:è stata la più emozionante esperienza della mia vita. semplicemente questo.
Antonio Ve
says:until 22.15 I was a Saeglopur.
Then Heima.
Takk, little angels.
says:I’ve been waiting this day for such a long time. Still I wasn’t ready when it finally arrived. Got my mind blown after 2 minutes as soon as Orri touched the drum and that explosion of sounds and energy flew over and inside us all like a supernova explosion. What happened later on it’s hard to tell but so sweet and powerful to remember.
I was there
Pec Bond
says:Hi guys,
First time i see u in alive concert.What a surprise!
Great performance and a lot of fantastic sensation.Thank you for the fantastic show.
Furthermore u played a lot of my favourite albumm:agaetis byrun, but not my best one:hyartao hamast !
Please come back to the wonderful castle next year and play it , or i will destroy all of my CD. (lol)
says:Played again and again and again…
Fabio Gobbato
says:Sinceramente non ho parole per descrivere quello che siete riusciti a suscitare in me a Villafranca di Verona.
Posso solo ringraziarvi per le emozioni che ogni volta mi date. Takk!
says:Well the impact you had last night in Villafranca was incredible. Two hours of pure catarsi!
Guys we’re waiting for you in another beautiful framework, that is Arena in Verona.
says:nemmeno io so descrivere quello che ho provato, emozioni, felicità.. riuscite a farmi credere che tutto andrà bene
Takk for Hafsol and Vidrar..Non fatemi aspettare altri 4 anni
Arianna Trevisiol
says:(I apologize for my poor English and I hope that someone will understand what I’m trying to say.)
I hope sìgur rós and all the people that come here to express their feelings about the show will forgive me if I use my comment to tell a story that’s not joyous like all that concern such an amazing occasion should be, but I think that’s important to try to understand what happened.
There was a girl just in front of me, under the stage. I was outside the castle at 14:45 to take that place, so I suppose she was there even earlier.
We stood there from 16:00, when the gates were opened, to 22:15 to feel the emotion of seeing the musicians we love come on the stage and of recognizing their familiar expressions.
Just after that moment, the girl that I mentioned before fainted.
A few minutes earlier, as people crowded under the stage pushing, I talked to some guys and what they said to me made me thinking: “You can’t expect that everything goes like you wish if you’re under the stage” and “it isn’t true that who arrives first takes the best place. I t is said in order to train you”.
This is false. In such situations some fundamental rules are applied to restrain our selfishness, not to limit our need for freedom. If each one of us gives more importance to the commonweal than to his own weal, no rules would be necessary.
It is such an idea that makes events like this possible.
I don’t want to blame everyone, I just want to pray who watches a show, certainly because he loves the art that music can express: art is a manifestation of human nature and every single person who was around us in that moment has the same inestimable value that sìgur rós have.
There’s no victory in putting everyone’s safety in jeopardy in order to see the musicians we love just like we dreamt. Being under the stage and being excited by the high artistic expression of sìgur rós after a girl fainted, it’s not a dream that comes true, but a lie.
Let this experience remember us that there’s nothing beautiful in realizing our dreams without the knowledge of the fact that our way of thinking directly influences people around us.
Even if we don’t like it, we’re all connected and we need each other’s respect and love to realize our aspirations and our highest dreams.
It’s impossible to feel deep, strong and sublime emotions after a girl’s fainting. Anguish is all we can feel. Can’t we aspire to anything better? Can’t we dream to swing under the moon with fresh night air on our faces and serenity in our hearts because we know that music and art can evoke everyone’s best?
Each one of us can change everything simply changing his way of thinking, and not just in a show, but also in his whole life.
Let art uplifts our spirit and inspire our lives.
says:One week ago, I was probably crying and crying and crying. I’ve grown up with your music, almost 15 years now, every one of your albums was for me the msot beautiful, they made me dream and hope and rejoyce and heal within and expand into states of being I could never imagine. I never made it to any of your concert, I could never afford it, and almost thought it would never happen, after your ETERNAL pause. And this time wasn’t easy either, I’ve spent all my earnings on the festival and train tickets, I couldn’t even afford a hotel room. It took me 12 hours of travel to get to Verona, it was so exhausting, and the organization was so terrible, I don’t even want to talk about it, and so I really wondered, who made me do this, is this really worth it? I got there right before your concert, and made my way to the second row, and waited, with no expectations… and when the very few notes were played, all my doubts disappeared, and I burst into tears… it was the most mellifluous symphony I have ever heard on stage, the energy stroke me a thousand times stronger than when listening to the records, and then I knew, with no doubts, that all the efforts were more than worth it. I couldn’t stop crying for most of the concert, and people around me probably thought it was weird, but I was crying out of joy and relief. I am so happy I finally made it, although sometimes it still feels surreal, it’s almost too beautiful to be true. I felt like I had finally come home, a home within the core of myself. Your perfomance was superlative, and by that I don’t just mean that you are technically very good, but also and especially that I could perceive your spirit very clearly, I could feel the sweetness, the softness, the beauty of your selves and your art cascating over the public, creating with each song a crescendo of synergy that enlivened everyone, and opened my heart in an explosion of joy. This is how I perceive MUSIC and ART, and for all of this, I am immensely grateful to you, I thank each and every one of you for the stupenduous performance, you are indeed beautiful people and greatly talented artists, and wish more than anything to be able to see you again. I don’t want to be selfish, but please, do come back and do bless us with evermore beautiful music.
Ps. Where is Kjartan, please bring him back!!
says:It’s been one of the best experiences of my life! Great show, great people, great location and of course great emotion!
Thank you guys, keep going this way!
Now I’m looking forward for Jesolo and Milan!!!!!!!
Dimitris Nikolopoulos
says:I flew all the way from Athens, Greece, just to see you.
I was in the castle by 16.00.
I got a spot at the front and waited 6 hours for you to come out.
I didn’t drink water all day because I didn’t want to go to the toilet and lose my spot.
I didn’t even sit down between bands because I was afraid the crowd would shift and I’d get a tall guy in front of me.
By the time your encore began, I was dehydrated, I could barely breath and my entire body was trembling with exhaustion.
I don’t regret a thing! :D
says:SEE YOU AGAIN IN JESOLO!!!!!!! WOW! great news
GRAZIE mille
says:To be there, knowing that the day after we had a flight for Reykjavik and 2 weeks to spend in Island, has been unforgettable! Takk for your music, and for having gifted me Island with Heima
says:still lingering on the beauty I happened to experience..