rock en seine festival

Paris, France

Aug 24, 2012


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50 Comments on “rock en seine festival”

  • Jerem


    Magnifique concert de Sigur Ros.Merci beaucoup à toute l’équipe pour votre fabuleuse musique.Revenez au plus vite à Paris! Pour ma part c’était la meilleure prestation de rock en seine!! que d’émotions et que du bonheur! Takk.

  • Julien


    Please, come back soon in Paris, it was wonderful but too short ! :)

  • TikkTakk


    Intense…but too short! It was a really amazing moment. Hope you come to Paris soon! 1000 takks guys and girls!!!

  • alline


    please, stop playing in festivals! your concert was amazing but your public deserves more than (only) one hour/shitty-festival-sound etc. come back next year in indoor venue and bring back Kjartan and if possible Amiina!!!

  • laurent


    very intense show, amazing emotions on point track festival. thank you very much for such a wonderful moment.


  • Oscar


    Thank you for such an intense show! You made us travel to another world! According to me this was the best show of the festival so far, it’s such a shame you couldn’t play longer… For this return you deserved the big scene!
    You’re welcome back to Paris, we’re waiting for you again!


  • alina


    great performance, guys, by far the best at the festival. I knew you were good, but this exceeded my expectations and I have no words to describe the way you made me feel. please, come back soon in Paris for a full concert


  • Mélusine


    After years waiting for your return in France (I unfortunately missed the last one) and hours and hours listening your music, it was my first time seeing you on a show : so wonderful but so short ! Amazing. Magic. Simply magic.
    I really hope you’ll come back soon in Paris and regret that Arles and Toulouse are too far for me.
    Thank you so much :)

  • D'haeyer



  • lost in the sea


    I don’t have words to describe what I felt. I will only say wondeful!!!
    but one hour is too short!!!
    plese come back again in Paris. i can’t go to arles or toulouses for your show so please, come back again in Paris for a 2-hour concert!!!

  • Icelander


    This concert was such a blast ! Festival and Varúð blew my mind ! I hope you’ll be coming back to Paris in the close future for a proper show with a good sound and a consistent length !


  • espinozr


    Fantastic concert. It was magical. I have been waiting to see you live for a long time. Unfortunately, the setlist was too short and I think your music should be played indoors. Nevertheless, it was breath taking, hope to see you again soon. Come back to Paris!

  • sante


    Una magia durata solo un ora_ Essendo Italiano vengo a rivedervi a Verona il 2 settembre. Spero di continuar a sognar e di provar forti emozioni che solo voi riuscite a trasmettermi con qualche brano in piu. vi amo.

  • Antoine


    That was amazing.
    Best moment of my life. Popplagio was magical. One hour is too short !
    Come back soon in Paris !


  • Elisa


    Thank you very much.
    I came from Italy to Paris just to see you.
    It was so emotional and unbelivable, that I can’t realize I was there with you.
    10 years ago a very precious friend of mine let me discover your music, and this show was an amazing celebration.
    I will keep it in my heart forever.
    Grazie con tutto il mio cuore.

  • yoandm


    Thanks you so much for this show.
    Your music is really perfect.

  • maud


    Amazing show, probably the best one of the festival! You deserved the main stage though!

  • quentin


    Soooo good… to short.

    I hope to see you soon.

  • Nico


    It was an amazing show… Haunting, touching, and full of that weird energy… My favourite performance of the festival by far, though I’d have wanted it to last longer. Can’t wait to see you again in Toulouse !

  • Pascale


    Maybe the best show of my whole life.. that is. and believe me, I’ve been to many many shows in my life, including yours ! ;-)) Too short, really, but so much intensity. From ebow to poppladgio, tears, fun. Maybe the sound was a little bit too loud (I was at the second row).
    Here are a few pix, I’ll add more tonight ;-)

    Thanks.. see you in Arles !

  • Oooo


    See you in Arles =)

  • Eliot


    One of the most beautiful show i’ve heard, powerful, delicate and subtle !

  • zoya


    The music you create is really beautiful…but alive it was amazingly beautiful… but really too short and too far for Ukrainian fans of you! Please come to Ukraine….this is the country with very thankful audience, you have to feel this ;)

  • herve


    beautiful breathtaking and pure as always with you, but we need a longer show for people who doesn’t live in south of france, i wanna hear olsen olsen and Viðrar vel til loftárása please please !!
    love you guys so much

  • Laurent


    Thank you very much for this moment of pure pleasure. I loved to see you on stage…


  • Stef Psycho


    I only went to Rock en Seine for your gig, and I can say that was really great as usual. The arrangements with violins and brass are really good I think.
    Like other people here, I wish you could play longer, and that you could play more than one song from Valtari. (But I know that was a festival and you certainly had no choice)
    I would like to congratulate Georg for being so patient with that “journalist” from France Inter and her shitty interview (with a shitty translation too:)
    I’m looking forward to see you at Airwaves.
    Sincerly yours, Stephanie

  • Emilie


    10 ans que j’attendais de vous voir et je n’ai pas été déçue!!! Vous etes magiques! j’étais hypnotisée!! Quelle claque!!!

    Merci beaucoup!! TAKK

  • Clément


    It was an amazing show. The best show of Rock en Seine’s festival in my opinion. Some beautiful songs !!
    My favorite song : Popplagio. I thought that i will cry during it when I heard firsts notes. And I cried.
    Beautiful emotional songs.

    But one bad point : Your live is short. Very short. So short.

  • I was waiting for this moment since several years.
    After seeing Jonsi’s solo two years ago, I couldn’t imagine that I’ll be able to see Sigur Ros at exactly the same place two years after.
    Your show made me travel in another universe, it was stunning. This was the most intense moment in my life, the one which made you forget everything else. I wasn’t sure if I had to close my eyes, or to leave them opened in order to save all this in my mind.
    It was even hard to appreciate the others shows of the festival after yours.
    Takk for all those emotions.

    You can see some of my pictures here :
    Einmana tré

    PS : Do not worry about the problem with the big screen, we really didn’t need such a trivial thing.

  • aurélie


    I was waiting for a long time to see Sigur Ros in concert, I came to Rock en Seine for them. I saw other groups that night but none got the creative originality of Sigur Ros. The music is transcendent if you compare to the records, the public must be careful, otherwise it can miss the concert … Around me, it was quiet, there was communion with the scene. I had never felt such emotion during a concert. I was dancing in a trance. My friend who accompanied me is completely entered into the concert. It was a discovery for him, a revelation.
    In the end, it was orgasmic.

    Please, come back soon.

  • Joel


    The show was really awesome! It was the first time I saw you live and I was very impressed. The opening and closing songs are excellent choices! I wish you come back for a longer show in Paris soon…
    Take care.

  • Damien


    Thanks so much guys, you just made me cry again

  • Marc


    Thank you for this fabulous concert, the best of my life so far. I have just liked to hear “Svefn-g-englar” which is my favorite song, come back in the nothern France please!

  • Vincent


    Just perfect as usually but too short. I hope to see you again in Paris.

  • Anthony


    First time for me. Love your albums but never got to see you until then. Was so great but so short ! Wanna see you again and hear this amazing music as long as I can. See you soon !

  • Pascal


    Amazing show, the best of the 3 days for me. I dreamt this moment for a long time and then it happened. Hope to see you again once time in my life…in iceland it would be perfect . Thank you.

  • Milstayn Simon


    Wonderfull ! But too short !! Come back to Paris soon, we need you ! Make a brillant return !



  • Antoine


    Riveting as usual. Thanks for the attention you give to sights and sounds, to provide a wonderfully otherworldy show, which must be harder outdoor. Of course, it is frustrating to have so few songs… “Gobbeldigook” would have been great

  • Paul


    Magnifique concert, musique magnifique… *___*
    Vous avez fait rêver tout le monde, a bientot jespere !

  • Estelle & Jean-Martin


    Hi guys! Takk fyrir for this beautiful musical time!
    Did you noticed that we were the only one with our flashlight during the song “varud” because we loved the video?
    We already saw you in 2008 at the Main Square and in Paris… And now we are waiting for a next musical show in Paris (and why not with Rökkurró as a first part ?).
    Alveg frábært!
    See you!

  • Valérie


    Came to Paris just to see you … Months of waiting for a moment so moving, so intense, so powerful, but so incredibly short. I dream of you just see you, outside of festival, Iceland, for example, in a small pub … We were in front, where it seems that you are only there for us. Thank you for the beauty and power of your music. Just regret that the show is not filmed.

  • Ju


    Magnifique !! Mais trop court. C’est pourquoi je serai présent le 11 septembre à Arles !!

    Very Beautiful !! But too short. that’s why I’ll be in Arles on septembre 11 !!

  • benjamin


    Merci à vous pour ce concert. J’en ai eu les larmes aux yeux.
    Heureusement que je vous revois le 12 septembre à Toulouse car le temps passe trop vite en votre compagnie!

  • India :)


    It was Magical! I came all the way to Paris, bunked work for the sole purpose of seeing you guys. It was worth everything!! thank you soo much for the amazing music that is inspirational to soo many like us^^
    Do visit India sometime :)we all love your music and can never get enough of it :)

  • gea


    at first i thought to myself it will be sad to see you in a concert in the day time… but when i saw that the sky was beggining to take different color, from blue to turquoise, from turquoise to pink, from pink to purple, for the purple to dark blue… the stars where coming out… i saw myself laying on the grass, mesmerizing into this deep feeling of lust, hope, joy… it took me far away, where i met the begining of time and it made me feel small and excited to discover sounds and shapes.

    it was a great concert. it was intense. it was forever.

  • Fenwick


    While writing I’m listening Samskeyti… Last time I’ve seen you, it was at Arras for the Main Square Festival several years ago … This time, at Rock en Seine, I cried for the first time of my life in a live concert.

    But like other guys, I felt one hour live was really too short and the band was not fully gathered (where is amiina?)

    Anyway I met people who feel, like me, that your band change our lives for ever. And this is typically the kind of emotion that what you can bring to your fans…

    Thanks and please… Come back!!

  • linda


    soon again fljotlega aftur i paris takk Jonsi

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