osheaga festival

Montréal, QC, Canada

Aug 3, 2012


14 Comments on “osheaga festival”

  • MrBredal


    Tap…tap…tap…………hello?…………tap…tap…tap…….is this thing on?

  • Jade


    How on earth can anyone possibly use words to describe what happened during this set? Only magic. This show probably saved lives, encouraged people to fall in love, made time stand still.

    Most inspiring of sounds. Thank you.

  • sophia


    this was the highlight of my life, it was my dreamstate, it was beautiful, it was haunting, I wept, freely and unashamedly, and so did many around me. you move us, you move us in a way that makes us want to stand still and take in all of existence, just to breathe in the beauty of music.

    I still can’t believe it

  • Antoine


    What a great moment, even if short (due to the festival format). It is always unbelievable how silent and respectful a crowd can be when you guys perform. Pure communion. The sounds and the great visuals and lightings result in such atmospheres that make the moment simply beautiful. We all stared in awe as we listened. Come back for a full concert whenever you want – I’ll attend.

  • stéphan


    Ce fut un concert fantastique! une expérience musicale immense et bouleversante.La justesse sonore,subtile et complexe nous a amenés très très loin.je ne suis pas encore revenue de ce voyage! merci.

  • Jenn


    It was such a magical moment, everyone loved it. It is for sure one of the best shows of my life and it made me cry. Simply perfect. Come back for a full show soon!

  • René


    Certainly one of the most beautiful moments of my life! A dazzling concert, touching and inspiring. You are simply unique! I will continue to listen to you every day until next time… You are always welcome! Very nice tour to all of you! Merci/Takk.

  • Benjamin Niaulin


    I was amazed, everything is on another level and I am getting goosebumps just remembering the music playing.
    The first thing I did when I got home is buy the album on iTunes.

    Thank you for visiting Montreal, we truly appreciate it..

  • Gerardo


    I waited almost four years to see Sigur Rós in concert, having discovered them only 2 months after their show at the Quai Jacques-Cartier in September 2008. I didn’t realize I was about to see my absolute favourite band perform until a few minutes before the concert. When the technicians were setting up the stage, I saw Jónsi’s legendary guitar. That beautiful brown instrument with the bird decorations that I saw in countless videos was right there in front of me, ready to be played by the man himself. At that moment I realized it was going to be one of the most memorable moments of my life.
    I really liked how they customized the stage with the screens and lights so it would seem like a proper Sigur Rós concert, even if it was one out of many that day.
    Then came the moment when they appeared, quiet and modest as usual. Everybody stopped talking to let them kick-off with Varuð.
    For the rest of the concert, I was just speechless. The only thing that mattered to me was concentrating as much as possible on the performance. I almost cried of joy while having flashbacks of the time I listened to them tirelessly, when I was just a happy, careless teenager. After the show ended with the epic Untitled 8, I stood still for at least five minutes, sad that it ended so quickly but at the same time so happy that it finally happened.
    Thank you Sigur Rós for coming to Montreal, thank you for making my life better. I can only hope that you guys come back soon enough to play a proper show at a venue like the Métropolis or the Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier, and this time with Mr. Kjartan Sveinsson. I hope you do it before your next break. Takk kærlega fyrir.

  • Attila


    Phenomenal, this is Beethoven of our time!

    I was waiting for this concert seems like for ages and finally it happened with a show beyond any expectations – it just blew my mind.

    I was stoned by their music throughout the whole show. Masses of fans were staring like seeing magic out of this world – and yes, it was!

    Their music felt like pure energy emerging from the universe and I know for sure they will live forever in my heart and if I will ever die I want it to happen while listening to them.

    Sigur Ros, Always!


  • steve


    Fantastic show. My wife and I flew from out from Winnipeg to see it. Well worth the trip though I would have preferred seeing a full length show. Hope they come to Winnipeg or Gimli (Canada’s little Icelandic community!)

  • Ian Smith


    I saw mgmt instead of sigur ros at osheaga…although they were good i will regret this decision for the rest of my life, or until i finally get to see them live.

  • Charlie Harding


    Definitely the best show I’ve ever been too. It set a whole new vibe to the festival. Ps I got ORRI’S BRUSH!!!!! Its really fun to drum with :D

    Thank you so much for playing shows again. Its an honour to have you as my favourite band.

  • Gonzalo Bustamante


    Awesome! Touching! Magic! Brilliant!… and short.
    I’ve been waiting for listening a live show of you for so many years in Chile, I knew that in Canada it would be easier. Please go to Chile! THere are many fans waiting for you there.
    I hope you’ll come back soon! If the setlist that day was magic, a longer show including also Svefn-g-englar, I gaer, Glósóli, Viorar vel til loftarasa, flugufrelsarinn or samskeyti would be awesome!
    takk fyrir!

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