it was a good memory. i was starting art school and attended this show with my best friend. it was my first breath of fresh air to set sail on adulthood, independence and responsibility. I remember lots of songs from Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust and feeling somber as we ventured further into the night. either i forgot a jacket or i let my friend use mine. it got colder because fall was approaching colorado and this really distracted me from the show. the music represents pure precedented excitement when everything in my life was really pulling together.
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says:it was a good memory. i was starting art school and attended this show with my best friend. it was my first breath of fresh air to set sail on adulthood, independence and responsibility. I remember lots of songs from Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust and feeling somber as we ventured further into the night. either i forgot a jacket or i let my friend use mine. it got colder because fall was approaching colorado and this really distracted me from the show. the music represents pure precedented excitement when everything in my life was really pulling together.