expo 2000

Hannover, Germany

Aug 30, 2000


2 Comments on “expo 2000”

  • Yule


    Expo 2000 in Hannover.
    The very first time i saw Sigur Ros … by accident!
    I was 15 and the moment, when i heart those unearthly hypnotysing sounds i was instantly in love. After the short concert i had just experienced all i wanted to do was find out who it was and how i can get more if it.
    I was lost and felt home at the same time.
    Thank you Sigur Ros for entering my life that day.
    You have saved me many times since with your beautiful sound landscapes.
    Nine times i have seen you after that day in Hannover. In Iceland, Germany and just last week in Syndey Australia.

    Thank you for making the world a better place!

  • Gennf


    It was also the first time I saw them but it was completely planned. :) Driving to the Expo using the evening ticket and only saw the Icelandic pavilion and the Sigur Rós concert. It was part of the Iceland day and was performed on the plaza stage (tent like stage). Very short concert. Fell in love with the opener Njósnavélin… and everything which followed. One of the best gigs I have ever been. And there where many.

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